Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Zhmigroder Rebbe zt"l

Oldest of the Sanzer Rov's great grandchildren passed away at 98. He was the son of Reb Sinai of Zhmigrod, the son of Reb Boruch Of Gorlitz, son of the Sanzer Rov, the Divrei Chaim zt"l.


  1. Arent the Halberstams in CH Gorlitzer einiklach? So this is their great uncle?

  2. Actually on Hyde Park somebody claimed that there is a yid in London ,RYankel Halberstam who is also a great granchild

  3. Come on....write something bad about him.

    Like you always do.

  4. There are at least six grandchildren of R' Shayele Tchechoiver hyd(son of the Divrei Chayim) still b'h alive today, and I believe a number of grandchildren of R' Shulem Leizer of Ratzfert hyd (ie at least two siblings of R' Shloime Bobover zya).

    In fact, none of the above are of a particularly great age, all were youngsters during the war, when their Heilige Zaides were murdered.

    This snag is a nephew (by marriage) of one of the above.

  5. I should add that the remarkable span of these four generations, is attributable to the fact that the Divrei Chaim (who was born some time during the 1790's) was blessed with children in his late seventies, so that when the youngest of his children were murdered by the nazis y's, it was incredibly almost 150 years after the Sanzer was born.

  6. London Snag

    am I to believe that a Sanzer Eynikel married a Snag?!

  7. In Boro Park I know a person by the name of Halperin who's mother's mother was a daughter of the Divrei Chaim (his father was Beitcher Ruv who was the son in law of Reb Aron from Beitch who was a son-in-law of the divrei chaim. I met his brother too he lives in Bayit V'gan and was a leader of the Mizrachi in Queens)

  8. HT

    He married into a family of Bobover chassidim.

    I use "snag" on this blog in the limited context favoured by Chabad chassidim, that anyone other yidden, including chassidim of other schools, heist nisht a choossid.

  9. London

    where do they teach you these things, they're outright lies!

    there's עולמישע
    און מתנגדים
    a Chossid of another rebbe would be a PPeylisher. Please correct your name to read London Peylisher.

  10. But what about a Poylisher who is anti-chabad?

    What's he called?

  11. What about a Chbadskir who is anti Paylisher

  12. A "Chabadsker" ( I hate this word!) who is anti Peilisher is called Nachman Sudak.

  13. Yoshe

    I can hear where you're coming from, knowing Reb Nachman and having heard him, but it's not fair to single him out. Especially since he shtams from Peylisher (Breslov). I guess that gives away your location?

  14. Yes you are right, I probably shouldn't have singled him out, but I couldn't help it, remembering how he once said:"It's better not to daven at all, before davening in a peilishe shtibel." something like that you would never have heard from Bobby Vogel a.h., whom you described very accurately.RE: my location.I used to come quite often to London, but don't live there.

  15. R' Yankel Halberstam of London is a son of R' Yechezkel Shraga (SIL of R' Benzion of Bobov) a son of R' Yeshaya of Tchechoiv/Kruka youngest son of Tzanzer Rov.


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