Saturday, February 10, 2007

22 Shvat Flashback

Chof-Beis Shvat, why?


  1. Stam, in regard to the Mishnayos - IIRC, Yeshivas Morristown [in 5749 -the first yartzeit?] made a kovetz Mishnayos al daas atzmam, and showed it to the Rebbe before it went to print.
    The Rebbe wrote on its 'shaar' something to the effect of "Tac"h Tac"h."
    This came without any hora'a to Anash - however, it seems fair to stand in its own right, as the hora'a for אנ"ש. (And, hence, we don't see limud mishnayos for the other Rebbetzins - by קיינער ניט; besides for, the fact that, מיר זיינען דעם רבי'נס קינדער
    (עי' ברכת הבנים תשי"ב, ובכ"מ).

    I don't have [the shaar copy] on me at the moment. If someone could link to it - it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Tzig, nothing new? Not even a link courtesy of Tzemach?

  3. I see. You want Mimi Notik's comments and a pic of the telegram the Rebbetzin sent her father?

  4. I was teasing about that. I meant a neye Torah from you.

  5. A Lubavitcher friend of mine explained to my satisfaction why Chassidim made a big deal about her:

    She willingly and with full awareness gave her husband away to the Chassidim, keeping nothing for herself. Many a rebbetzin has resented the time etc. been concerned for his health etc. So the chassidim respect her as someone but for whom the Rebbe woudln't have been as much of a rebbe as he was.

  6. yehupitz, very true. Modify the last sentence to that wouldn't have had her support and everything that goes with that.

  7. Why do you think the Hungarian perverts made up such vicious lies about her?


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