Saturday, February 17, 2007

"צהר לאור הצפן"

A Glimpse of the hidden light
80th Yahrtzeit
תר"ט- כ"ט שבט תרפ"ז
Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt”l, The Alter of Slabodka

A Publication of Project Growth and Greatness

Read The Article here. Definitely not mainstream Yeshivish. When writing of his talmidim who were later Marbitzei Torah on their own, he includes such notables as the Rosh Yeshivah of RIETS, Skokie and other non-black hat institutions of higher learning. A very impressive resume, indeed, had Reb Nota Hirsh. I just wonder if the fact that he was named Der Alter has anything to do with the legacy he left. Or is it the fact that he didn't sit in shul and learn on his own, but rather was proactive, and spread Torah to many cities.


  1. He did impact yeshivos in many cities. However he didnt run after anyone. The Alter's attitude was, someone who wants to learn, will come to me.The success of this attitude is apparent.

  2. It's apparent, like you say, for those want to learn, not for someone who needs to be convinced that he belongs in a Yeshivah. All he offered really was a gathering of Lomdim and maybe some Teg, those who wish to learn could learn in a local Kloiz too.

  3. Hirshel, you don't really believe that. So why do you say it?

    The fact remains, the rambam says from quality can come quantity. From quantity never comes quality.

  4. Believe what?

    All I said was that he offered Yeshivos for Bochurim to learn, and they were mostly quality Bochurim with a Cheyshek to learn.

  5. From quantity never comes quality.

    Really? What was the line about 10,000 kids entering cheider leading to 1 emerging to heiro'oh?


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