Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Photo of the Day

The previous Skulener Rebbe arriving from behind the Iron Curtain. The others featured in the photo are unknown to me, Maybe one of you can help us out?

Photo courtesy of The Zeirei Forum.


  1. i'm almost sure that the man on the right is R' Yekusiel Weiss.

  2. Gentleman with a tie does have semblance to Skulene rebbe shlit"a.

  3. I am more interested in the women . One rarely sees a frum women even rebbetzin dressed so plainly and zeniusdik these days.
    I know the Skulener rebbe lived in CH for many years , how did the Anash relate to him and why did he relocate to BP ?

  4. I beleive he lived in Williamsburg not Boro Park - On Hooper St

  5. Why the nastiness against the Sekulener?Don't you have any fear of heaven?

  6. I'm sorry anonymous, you must have misunderstood me. I was praising her, that she looks like a simple, Tzniusdike woman, not an elaborate woman, like some other rebbetzins.

    I'm sorry you misunderstood.

  7. According to Rav Krohn's book "Reflections of the Maggid", the Rebbe left Romania in 1959 with the help of Harry Goodman, President of British Agudas Yisroel and Dr Yaakov Griffel (?) and "other activists". He lived in Belgium for a short time then came to the US, living Crown Heights. See pgs 104-110


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