Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sponsor a "Sixth Son" for the Seder

(A Seder in Kremenets)

The Rebbe would always speak of bringing a "fifth son" to the Seder, the son that does not even know That he needs to join one. I think we may have ourselves a "sixth son"; one who knows about the Seder, but doesn't join for reasons we can surely understand. They're just not comfortable there. I asked one of the "chulent" members where he plans to spend the Sedorim, since I knew that he'd want to fulfill those Mitzvos BeHiddur. He told me that he had no place, since he wouldn't be comfortable at home with his parents, nor with any other family member. I asked him if he has a "leader" for the Seder, were he to make a group Chulent/7FC Seder, his answer was "Heshy." Heshy is a Williamsburg kid from a respectable Satmarer family who left for greener pastures. He's the unofficial Rebbe of the group, he'd be the leader. What about a place? He said they'd have a place if they had all the ingredients necessary for a traditional Seder.

So here's the pitch: We'd like to organize a little fundraising drive here; we'd like for our readers to join together and make this Seder happen. All it takes is a few bucks from all of us and these young men and women would have the Seder mit alle Pitchivkes! Think of the Nachas Ruach you'd cause to Hashem to have him see his precious children join together and fulfill his holy will. Think of the joy this seder will bring by having Jews of all stripes - Willy, BP, Crown Heights etc. - join together in perfect harmony singing the praises of Hashem for all the miracles that he did and does, and it would be in your Zechus. So open your wallet just a wee bit and get in touch with Mr. Schonfeld, he'll arrange the rest of the shlepping and setting up so you won't have to. He can be reached at Then after Yom Tov iy"h we'll get a full report of the Chiddushim were said at the Seder. Thank You and G-d bless.


  1. dear tzigele

    nice try of giving back and play the rachmonis game against satmar,meatime yr are soveling dearth against yr own

    let me tell you !!!

    you dont hv to borrow שקצים from satmar

    you can go back 200 years ago when
    ליידער די בן הרב frie out

    and so on all the brother n law
    and many many of "the family shn."
    frie out you can be mekarev their children

    good luck

  2. I'll sponser $200 if you can confirm thtt the funds will go to that use...

  3. The Shoproner Ferd here (aka Mr. CAPS LOCK) is the reason we're still in Golus plain and simple.

    Mekushor: I can only say that Mr. Schonfeld is a trustworthy man. Get in touch with him.

  4. Post Reb Schonfeld's contact info pls.

  5. Tell me why I should sponsor Chilul Shabbos VeYom Tov

  6. For the same reason that you sponsor your own eating, although you are a walking Chillul Hashem.

  7. why is it that all those so called frummies understand their own short comings while being so judgemental on other yiden's shortcomings.

    the hebrew books are filled with literature stating quite the oposite, ve'ohavto le'rayacho komocho, al todin es cha'vercho ad she'tagia limkomo.
    i can go on and on, you guys know this stuff, but when it comes to your own conveniences you choose to ignore it. shame on you.

  8. in the good old days gays had some respect and shame

    todays bums and gays are proud about their shortcomings

    normal people who have sins will not scream about it and with gods help will do tsuva

    this is not the case with the big apple bums.....

  9. They're just not comfortable there

  10. ex choosid, the Previous Rebbe explains this very wall - based on the posuk "Al Kol Peshaim Techase Ahava", further it to say Ahavas Atzmo - self love is the most powerful delusion.

    Maybe Radloh can take a break from atik and arich and translate some of the FRs avodah.

  11. hmmmm:

    the tzemach quotes that in derech mitzvoisecha. to which specific maimor from the FR are you referring.

  12. how did thid become about gays? you self centered anonymous pricks,
    do you know what judaism is about? appearantly not.

    it is so easy for you to go around and judge other for their shortcomings. pesach is coming go clean out the chometz in your hearts.

  13. hmmm said
    "Maybe Radloh can take a break from atik and arich and translate some of the FRs avodah."

    to which exact maimor from the FR are you referring? the TT has in DM about this, based on a short maimor of the AR.

  14. I wasn't referring to a specific Maamor about this in particular, just in general the FRs avodadike Maamorim vs the radloh ones. If I am not mistaken the first place I saw it was the avodadike Maamor in Drushei Chasunah of the FR, but he repeats it in other places.


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