Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tale of the Ten-minute BT

On Purim this year an interesting transformation took place at the Satmar Rebbe's tisch in Kiryas Joel. A young man with long hair originally from KJ, who had lost his way and left Yiddishkeit, showed up at the Tish and was summoned over to the head by the Satmar Rebbe. He spoke to the young man for ten minutes and then asked for a hair clipper. He then proceeded to shave his head in front of the thousands in attendance! The Peyos were already there due to the long hair, so the kid was instantly transformed from what the locals would call a "Goy" to a regular Satmarer Bochur, Tallis Koton, white shirt and all!

Here are the pics courtesy of BeChadrei Charedim




Now I don't know if he woke up the next morning, realized that he was stupid, and shaved the Peyos off as well, nor do I know what happened as far as this week. I'd just like to know if a change like that, drastic as it is, can actually take hold and continue for an extended period of time. Let's remember that he's from that community and has seen it all. He also knows that after Purim come the difficult times, and let's not even talk about the summer. It's not that much fun being a Satmarer Bochur. Purim is fun, yes, but we wait for all that year. This kid obviously has delved deep into today's pop culture world, and has been influenced heavily. I don't think a ten minute talk with a Rebbe, whomever
it may be, and especially a controversial figure like Reb Aron T'baum, will undo all those years of turmoil that this kid has gone through.

Yes, Amnon Yitzchak does it all the time, but he does it with people who are sick of the Israeli secular culture, and are looking for a fresh start. They're also more open to religion and tradition in the first place. This kid has much fun left in him, I doubt he's sick of the pop culture world yet, he can live it up for many more years before he gets tired. Does he make this transformation last? or were we duped by this dude big time?

(The Satmar Rebbe and the BT)


  1. Reminds me a bit of the many pony-tailed chazzer-fressers who within days of be BTed by some Lube, are wearing kapotas, davenning Tanya and can tell you why Rav Shach was such an evil person...

  2. How many hachlotos that we made as teenagers did we actually end up keeping? (e.g. I'll never speak loshon hora again).

    I still think that it was good to strive for those ideals, even though we never lived up to them.

    There is a reason that Yaakov had to plant the arozim from which the briach hatichon was later made.

  3. Yankele

    it reminds me of the current chazzer fressing ex-Satmarers who live in Greenwich Village and live with shkotzim & shikses, but wouldn't chas veshooolem go to the treifene koysel.

    Yankele, you win today's "Greatest Moron" award. hands down.

  4. hirshel? the day is yet young, you might yrt find a bigger moron!

  5. When you start the abuse, it shows that my point hit you hard.

    What I wrote is 100% true, recent chazzer-fressers give their 'views' of Rav Shach.

    As for the Ex-Satmarers, it is a tragedy to see kids from good families go off derech. But there is BH a trend in many eventually coming back. And yes, maybe even via a Lube shliach.

  6. Some morons are tough to top, I think he wins.

    The point here is that the comparison he made was so irrelevant, so wrong, that an award must be handed out.

    How can one compare a BT from a secular home to this one?

  7. tzibaleh, if it has no redeeming humor value, it is completely stupid, and that is hard to top.

  8. Yankele hit a nerve.
    Hey when are we going to see, your Lubab 'fashion designer' and other Lubab bums do this?
    Checkout seven cows to see what horrible sickos the Lubab never tell you about.

  9. Yankele put his foot in his mouth is what he did, he hit no nerves.

    I know this may hard for you to imagine, but the whole point of the post, as can be seen by an eight year old but not by you, was to ask a question about Baalei Tshuvah, namely those that Frei out and then become Frum. The question was can a haircutting ceremony, done after a ten minute talk change a kid for good. You seem to read things into words that simply aren't there. You think the whole point of this thread was to show the world that a Satmarer Yingel Fried out. The world knows it without me. There are plenty of stories in the newspapers and on the internet. The same is true for Lubavitch, Lo Aleinu.

    As far as writers and fashion designers go: The only reason you see nothing in that sector from Satmarer dropouts is because they can neither read nor write! They just drive trucks and hang out in bars. And tell the Village Voice about their se-ual escapades. Besides, there are Satmarer kids in sevenfatcows too.

  10. You managed in your last line to contradict yourself so many times it ain't funny.
    So Satmar bums 'don't know how to read or write' yet 'there are Satmarer on sevenfatcows'??
    Actually in 'AYHELEY TEYREH'your Lubab 'yeshiva' they supposedly teach even less secular studies than Satmar(yeah that 'yeshiva' with the larger than life 8ft tall portrait/icon/tseielm feen rebben in the beis medrash ,they suppopsedly teach none at all)

  11. That's one time, not "so many times." And I said that although they don't know how to read or write, or speak English for that matter, they still manage to clutter the internet with their unintelligible thoughts.

    ?האסט פארשטאנען יואל'יש

  12. I think anybody who checks out sevenfatcows, can see the mess Lubavitch is in, despite their attempts at denial.
    On the one hand we have the meshichist/elokist element, the most powerful movement amongst the youth, and in a couple of years as the youth gets older an outright majority-OR-the sevenfatcows chevra
    a scary bunch of very lost souls.

  13. 1) No one is obsessed with the deceased gentleman from Bnei Brak in Lubavitch. He's gone and forgotten even in his own circles.

    2) sevenfatcow represents a small but loud group of alternative lifestyle freaks who have always been on the fringes of Chabad. Those types were there before Gimmel Tammuz and they'll always be there in their own little world and their own freaky social set. Guess what! The Litvish world and other Chassidim have them too but they don't know how to use the Internet or they're actually hanging around with the more open Chabad and Breslov (in EY) freakos.

  14. Greeney

    I deleted your comment because it was a personal attack against an individual who's nice enough to put his real name down, unlike yourself and I. Next time try being nice.

  15. Besides, I thought Litvaks don't "talk to the dead?" so why are thousands of people going to his Kever?

  16. Tzig:
    Ok, sorry:But honestly do you agree that people need to know their place?

  17. My place in Gehennom will still be cooler than that which a deceased mecharcher riv and baal sinas chinom from a suburb of Tel Aviv now occupies!

  18. Tzig:
    That comment you let through??

  19. Looks like we have found a better recipient for 'moron of the day'

  20. I let through far worse commnets directed at the Rabbeyim of Lubavitch. Comments you wouldn't make about a grobbe goy. I deleted yours because it was a personal attack against a non-anonymous person. That's all.

  21. Yes because he is trying to show you where YOUR place is!

    Hmm..this is my first attempt at snag baiting and I must say I kind of enjoy it, not as a day in day out thing because I actually do believe that real snags (snag does NOT equal Litvak or yeshivish - it means a baal sinas chinom) are a rarity, but I enjoy it kind of the way I enjoy a good cigar a few times a year. And snag baiting online is a LOT cheaper than smoking good cigars!

  22. Just curious, why is a non anonymous attack against a rebbe of thousands of talmidim 'better' than an anonymous attack on a non anonymous poster??

    It happens to be that this comment came out of nowhere.It had no relevance to the thread.

  23. Hey, I thought you had a million$ site, you can't afford a couple of cigars?

  24. Oh, and going back to the original topic - was this Reb Aron? If so, is he back in Monroe and no longer trying to take over Williamsburgh or does he alternate between the 2?

    Whatever Satmar's faults, it would be awful to see it disintegrate. Having one rebbe in KJ and one in Williamsburgh, even if there are dissident shuls in each, is the only way this can be solved.

  25. BH I can afford all the cigars I want, but the aftermath of smoking them too often is a dry mouth, a headache, and an increased chance at yenne maise. The aftermath of snag baiting is a good laugh at the expense of a baal sinos chinom who actually deserves a good potch. And there are better things to spend money on than cigars. Like tzedaka, including publishing real Torah which is the best way to combat the loudmouths, both the Seven Fat Behemas and the handful of real snags out there.

    Rebbe of thousands of talmidim? How about the biggest baal machloikes our generation has ever known, and probably the biggest one since Korach? Even the Vilna Gaon ZTL had a reason for his cherem on Chassidim, and the Chassidim of the time in turn cleaned house. This one was just a Yossi Sarid or Tommy Lapid dressed in black.

  26. How about worse than Hitler?

  27. The Vilnag gaon had no reason for his cherem.Stop quoting snag crud you picked up in Aish/Ohr Tisha bov

  28. What about the "Tolker" chassidim? Even the Alter Rebbe acknowledged that there was a problem in the beginning of Chassidus (klipa always follows kedusha) - and it was the Alter Rebbe who in essence confronted the problem.

  29. This story teaches the obvious lesson that "voz Malach Aharoni ken oifton, ken afilu Malach Michoel nisht oifton."

  30. More likely, this kid wanted to come back and arranged the whole thing with Reb Aharon beforehand.

  31. shaygetz thinks like a true Aharoni!

  32. Tzig, where did you get the other pix from?

  33. Now that you mention it I see that the other photos, IIRC, are from another HydePark forum. I'm just not sure which.

  34. This kid has a very Goyishe face. I would bet a small amount that he's some kind of actor that was paid to do this stunt.

  35. i wondering what's happening with this guy right now? is he still "frum"? or was this only for purim night?

    I guess in escence these are your questions and I'm saying that we can find out and can "partly" answer them, at least for the past week.

  36. For all of you with such important questions, try asking the kid himself on his personal myspace page www.myspace.com/flyerinny

  37. לא הבנתי, הוא חזר בשאלה ואז אחרי התספורת חזר להיות חרדי רגיל?
    (ח. א"י)

  38. לדאבוני לא
    התספורת הי' שעת הכושר, אבל כנראה שלא עזר

    הוא חזר להיות "חוזר בשאלה" אני ראיתי אותו מיד לפני ר"ה במכולת כשהוא נראה חילוני לכל דבר, בלי כיפה וכו' וד"ל


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