Sunday, April 15, 2007

JIB Shmib

It seems like every blogger out there is vying for some kind of JIB award. (That's Jewish and Israeli Blog award.) Those that won in the past are trying for more, and they keep their little award ad from previous years on their site forever. Those that would like to win have every single possible category posted for you to vote on, so there's seemingly a reason to try and win. I just don't see it. Is that why we blog? maybe it's why Harry does it, or DovBear for that matter, but we're in it for another reason: To speak the truth and defend what's dear to us, not for a silly award.

But if you like you can vote for me anyway, I just don't know where to point you to....


  1. I would maybe nominate myself, I just don't know where to go to do it....

    I do think my blog is unique. Thanks for the well-wishes, TA.

  2. Wow kind words between tzemach and anti-tzemach . . . now that's why I blog. Go to their sight
    I'll nominate you thouygh, but only if it makes you feel better.

  3. Those are the Religious and Torah blogs ;-)
    But I say we make an antidisestablishment award for Tzigele

  4. Hey, you street thug!
    Harry and DobBear blog for 'silly awards' and you blog for the truth??
    Halt zech meet enker moshiach sheker!
    You are say farkoifed in you Lubab sheker vechozov, you would not know the truth even if it shtoist you in your big mechila

  5. Even your ex Lubab cows have realized that your 'compassionate act' of (conveniently for your own pocket)arranging for two Australian yolden to pay for a seder was just a missionary tactic.
    Lubavitch is only about their own partisan reasons.Every deed is with a 'cheshbon'



    most of the "cows" are not ex-Lubavitchers, they're Satmarer and Snag dropouts, they're the ones who never met a sincere person in their lives, so they suspect me. I can live with that. The ex-Lubavitchers were all very appreciative, and don't doubt my motives. Besides, I didn't know having a Yid eat Matzoh on Pesach was a "missionary" act......

    I guess it is in your book......

  7. Wow, a tamevat!
    Most of the cows are Satmar?
    Yeah, including the guy with the unmentinal screen name?
    Who are you kidding?

  8. *I meaNT THE UNMENTIONABLE screen name.
    Anyway, it's convenient that the kangaroo yolden donate anonymously, and you get to make a nice 'kidish Lubavitch'
    Yechi hamelech.Now you can become a shaliach in Timbuktu.Also if you don't mind, can you tell the 'shliach lenyonei Boro Park' Rabbi G, that if he grows his beard any longer he''ll trip on it?

  9. to anonymous:
    agreed, everything they do is with a cheshbon: to help all Jews around the world come back to their heritage, and therefore making this world a place that's ready to greet Moshiach tzidkeinu, may it be speedily in our days, MAMOSH!!!!
    P.S. what's the problem w/ wanting Moshiach, and therefore doing things to hasten his coming, u sound like u have s/t against it.

  10. For reference of HT and those who participated in discussion about Skvira before.

    Photos of Reb Luzer Kenig meeting with the Skvirer Rebe:

  11. The unmentionable IS a Lubavitcher!
    Well was at least.He filmed the Ohel episode with Kleim, they know each other from C.H.

  12. everybody was appreciative.

    and most of sevenfatcow/chulent is certainly not chabad.

    hirshel did a beautiful thing and to argue with that is insane.

    who on sevenfatcow has criticized hirshel.

    even shitalphin,a genuine ex-lakewood snag mit ale elye swei-induced pre-dispositions, had only praise for hirshel, whom he in fact met, during one of the sponsored sedorim


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