Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Jakey takes on Vizhnitz

From the Algemeiner

Hard-Hitting questions include:

וויזשניץ באַרימט זיך מיט דעם בעל "אהבת ישראל"; אָבער וואָס וואָלט דער אהבת ישראל געזאָגט וועגן וויזשניץ היינט צו טאָג

?וואָס וועט זיין די צוקונפט פון וויזשניץ

I'm sure he looks inward at Lubavitch and asks the same question, just not in this article. Then again, scrutinizing others is a far easier task than doing it to yourself.


  1. Unfortunately ALL chasidesin, seem to be involved in turf wars.There is no need to enumerate them.Brings out so much stronger what the Divrei Chaim says that chassidus of the Besht was only for a short while, the famous saying of the Satmar Rebbe R'Yoelish-Nishtakcho derech Habaal Shem.
    I've heard that the Mogen Ovos says the same, can anyone verify?

  2. Neither the Divrei Chaim nor the Mogen Avos nor the Satmar Rov made that statement because of the infighting, so that point is not relevant here.

  3. The Magen Avoth writes this bederech melitzah in a hesped on his father Rav Leib Schneersohn of Kopys in his sefer. Bederech melitzah of a great son being maspid his greater father he writes that with the petirah of his father the esek of Chassiduth is gone as the BESHT predicted that its for 150 years. But if you look "ineveynik" its meant as a way of giving kavod to his father.Its hesped not a factual statement.
    After all we know that in Chabad the Maharash, Rashab and Magen avoth continued the esek hachassiduth beshefa gadol.
    Achris davar: today about 150 years later (after the Magen Avos wrote this) we truely can say that Chassiduth basically concluded its mission in 1994.

  4. I thought you believed Chabad concluded it's mission in 1950, or in 1920?

  5. hmmm. I am not a Malach , an Ish Hasadeh or a Messichist.
    The biological end of the family tells us something as Chassidim say there is a horaah from everything, is there not ?

  6. Perhaps the horo'oh is that you need to be the continuation of the family?

  7. hmmm, whatever "ligt zich afn sechel" -- kol chad lefum mocho shelo.
    I am a reasonable person you wish to extrapolate that fine gor gut , but certainly reasonable men can understand what I am saying too. Or is there a need for just one uniform horoah ?

  8. Schneur,
    Which part of Tanye is irelevent since 1994?
    Is learning chasidus not as a mitzva for a chabad chossid as it was in early years, The tzadik concept ended but not the philosophy.

    I would conclude that polishe chasidus died after the last Belzer Rov, he was the last Tzadik with the 24/7 Deviekus as is described in Noam Elimelech, all others were great leaders with chasidic emphasis and warmth but noting else.

  9. Schneur, I am suspicious as to who has been your mentor in identifying horo'os...

  10. So let me understand this , the Schneerson dynasty dies out al pi derech Hateva (in fact in a manner lemaale mi derech hateva) and there are no horaaos to be learnt from that, its business as usual, .
    On the other hand a Chabad tummler meets a rich man in Yehupetz and there many horaaos to be learnt from that !
    According to you there is no longer any need for mentors , after all you guys don't need a rebbe anymore , the same people who would not buy a pair of shoes without writing in to the Rebbe?
    Aderaaba who is the living "mentor" of the World wide Chabad community today Neshama beguf as you say ???


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