Wednesday, November 21, 2007

מלך ביפיו

(The Rebbe around the time of his wedding)


I think that even those of you who may not have the best of feelings towards the Rebbe can understand the emotion that's associated with the the revealing of a picture like this. Imagine for a moment that you had a Zeide who you knew only in his old age, and of whom you never saw a picture of when he was young, I would think you'd have your breath taken away when being a shown a picture of him dressed in his Shabbos finery. Although there are some pictures of the Rebbe in that T'kufah still I was overcome with emotion upon seeing it.


  1. I thought he was never seen without a sefer in his hand?

    Oh well, at least he has his head covered.

  2. Tzig, let's not let in these inapropreate comments for this thread!

  3. farkert!

    it makes these dumb commenters look stupid, as whatever they believed all these years have been debunked many times over. They're just too stupid to realize it....

    They bring up head covering, right? a full untrimmed beard with no head covering? sure, sure. On the other hand; no beard, long hair and no head covering that I can believe! You know who I mean, don't you? There are some Roshei Yeshivos who we have no pictures of from that time, I wonder why......

  4. Who are these pictures coming from?
    Why are they ersht coming to light now?

  5. Tzig, Ich veis nit vegen vemmen du redst.

  6. Dear Friendly,

    From the "Library".....

  7. Awesome picture.

    Why is tzig always on the defense?

  8. maaravah

    it's a Hungarian thing, it can't be helped. Besides, "defense wins games."

  9. Tzig, thanks for the beautiful picture. As usual, I saw it here before I managed to visit COL etc. And my Kfar Chabad will of course not arrive for an eternity.

  10. Guravitzer: Boruch Bo'Echoh LeSholom! I guess the few weeks are up?

    Get back to writing.

  11. >>They're just too stupid to realize it....

    Its a fact that the "Rebbe" did not cover his hair. As one who see the Rebbe for what he is, I do not find this picture any more awe inspiring than a picture of any other man wearing his Shabbos regalia. You have to be emotional about the man in the picture to be moved by it. For better or for worse, you are enamored by him. Those who know better, unfortunately, sympathize.

  12. Hymie:

    Starting out by "its a fact" is always a good way to establish you point.

    Also, the psychobabble is brilliant."You have to be emotional about the man in the picture to be moved by it." Tzig started out by saying "if you had a zayde..." Good vocabulary does not compensate for sheer stupidity.

  13. This is a great pic !

  14. Isn't this the wedding day picture ?

  15. U N

    Ya Nye Yaznayi. It says Tekufas NeSuov nothing more.

  16. PS Posted that before seeing COL - nvm.

  17. Tudode hogyan kell hasonlitani egy igazi magyarhoz magyar tuda's ne'lkuel ? Post some more pictures ...

  18. On it's being labeled as a picture from the Sheva Brochos

  19. U N

    Ön ír Magyar szeret egy igaz Orosz!
    A helyesírás van borzasztó

  20. di elementen have nearly disappeared. Less push to publish.

  21. BH most comments are positive - this hymie is a moron - there are so many eywittnesses who were with the rebbe in europe and they all testify that the rebbe never was seen without a headcovering ( whether a hat or beret ). R yoshe ber told me that personally. the sridey eish told many people including rabbi hollander. even deitch only pointed out to a photo where the rebbe was sitting but never climed the rebbe ever was without a makif.
    on the other hand not one reliable source claimed otherwise.
    this moron hymie is just full of hate. tsig - find me one rov who would give a heter to post words of rechilus which may cause damaage if some innocent guy reads it and thinks that hymie is a mench and knows what he is atlking about.

  22. i think its either from the day of the chasene ( before the chupa ) or sheva brochos

  23. Tzig
    Most of your readers are Nem todom besselni Magyar, so stop with it.
    It would be nice of you to translate the letter of Althouse with a beautiful description of the Rebbes Yom Hanisoin

  24. Interesting picture.
    Tzig, do you know when it became common in Lubavitch for every married guy to wear a Sirtuk/frock?.
    I would guess that this pic was taken in Warsaw.

  25. So does this mean that there is a heter for Lubavitchers to wear a tie with a gartel?
    Ma'ase rav!

  26. I don't know, I always thought the Rebbe wore a black tie, although looking through pictures of him it's not clear.

    Here's one where he appears to be wearing a tie:

  27. If the people who have these pictures continue acting like the de Beers diamond cartel, there will be enough "pirsum rishon's" to last for 80 years of Kinnusim and Chasuna Teshuros

  28. 'I was overcome with emotion after seeing the pic'

    Am I the only one who thinks the Tzig is either trying to prove Lubavitcher 'credentials' (he thinks that a real Lubavitcher would be 'overcome' by seeing this pic)or playing some theatrics.
    Tziggy, I hope you have managed to stabilize your emotional state.
    Berl,Crown Heights is proud of you!

  29. sheychet

    I guess all that heavy metal trash played with your brain, eh?

  30. What a picture! Even I am impressed by it.

  31. Enough with this Magyar shitck,
    Говорите на русском языке!

  32. Начну говорить - уши повянут ...

    Where are the pictures of other counterparty ? There must be quite a few ...

  33. counterparty? you mean the Rebbetzin? those have been out for years. Don't get too excited though....

  34. I've never seen but one. Are there any more ?

  35. I would assume that picture is from the Rebbe's wedding because as far as I understand the Rebbe only wore a sirtuk for the chuppah - and not for the sheva brochos or in general at all, until the freidike rebbe passed away.

  36. The Rebbe wore a Kapote in America on Shabbos and Y"T even before the FR passed away.


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