Wednesday, December 26, 2007

End of an era in Ger

בד"ה - ר' חנינא שיף ע"ה

with the Beis Yisroel - הייד פארק


  1. He wasa Ungarische and an eynikel of der Rebbe Reb Elimelech. Usually rebbes do not use Banshaks as mashbaks. But in Ger a Banshak is not what the others s say it is.
    I believe in the time of the bays israel there was another gabbai by the family name of Bianko or soemthing like that.

  2. Hungarians make the best gabaim. Yossele Ashkenazi kept R. Yoilish from going off the deep end. Had the Lubavitcher Rebbe a Hungarian gabbai, he probably wouldn't have been moshiach and Lubavitch would have been עם היישוב today. Not to mention that he would have taken better care of the Rebbe's health and he would have lived a few years longer.

  3. As far as the Rebbes health,looking at it with 'fleishga eigin" you have a point,although even an Hungarian would have to be super clever to get around the Rebbes akshonus(as we saw in 5738 etc. etc.)As far as Moshiach,that woulda been even tougher as The Rebbe sorts spilled the beans right off the bat by Basi Lgani.

  4. Yossel was Hungarian? since when?

    Please you all, stop talking nonsense. Besides, Binyomin Klein is Hungarian too.

  5. Yossel Ashkenazi is a "Yerushalmi" via Zefas . He had all 3 chesrones of a chasid (of one who can not ever be a chasid). He was a yerushalmi, a gabbe and a cousin of the Satmarer.

  6. Why not surmount the post with a nice pic of the nifter, preferably together with the Bais Yisruel?

  7. לע"ע לא מצאתי
    אבקש את עזרת בכודו בדבר

  8. נישט ממש

    דאס איז נישט די בית ישרא-ל

  9. he was a bil to MB Beck.They are both SIL's of Reb Velvel Eisenbach

  10. Yossel spent enough years in Hungary to become Hungarian. Even if the Rebbe spilled the beans, a Hungarian Gabbai would have put them back in the bag. R. Yoilesh himself would have been much more extreme if not for Yossel.


    The concept of a Satmerer chosid is different than that of a Lubavitcher. The most important part of being a Satmerer is being against zionism, wearing the levush, and acting frum and what they call chassidish. Bittul is not that important.

    Yossel wrote a beautiful introduction to Teshuvas Divrei Yoel. It's a biography of R. Yoilesh and you see what's important to him. It's learning and yerei shomayim. No moifsim of R. Yoilesh there, although great moifsem from Hashem, such as being saved from the Germans ימ"ש.

  11. ailemsher Yid. What I wrote about Ashkenazi is something written by Satmarer chassidim lishvacho of the rebbe's gabbe. It has no shaychus with Lubavitch. The Slonim family in Jslm were as mekusher as other chasidim in Russia, Chatzi Feigin the gabbe of the rayaatz was as mekusher as other chassidm and the Bais Horav was also mekusher in every generation to the Nasi.(ie Reb lavik and his father were loyal followers of the Rashab)
    Mofsim from hashem through His agency on this earth the Zioinst leadership in Rumania.

  12. Schneur,

    Didn't Chatzi Feigin get into arguments with the Rayat"z? (That's what I once heard).

    BTW, Chatzi seems like a good topic for his own post. Tziggele, how about it?

    Your friend, Deutsch, in Larger Than Life, writes that there was tension between the R' Levik and the Rasha"b and that's why the last Rebbe did not learn in Lubavitch. Seems like nonsense to me, but then he's not my friend.

  13. Ailimsher The Boyaner rebbe's eldest son Reb Yisroel Friedman told me his father said machlokes is a bad thing but chilukei deoes is a posative thing. Rabbi Feigin was a chassid who still maintained his indivuality and did not hide this from HIS rebbe.You heard the story from me who heard it from BG as he said " es iz geven mit vemen zum geyen zum tisch" implying that the Rayaatz had CHASSIDM who were not anyhting less than human beings who did not mortgage their brains...
    Shimmy Deutsch is my friend , not my professor , not my teacher , not my rebbe . Friends can disagree , otherwise we would not have a gemore would we then ????

  14. Schneur,

    Thanks for reminding me where I heard it. It's getting a little soft under my yarmulke and I need a reminder every once in a while.

  15. Yossel Ashkenazi, was famous that he left the tisch every week after the Vien Shtelen for sholem bayis reasons, I saw his introduction to the Shut it is full of political lies vs, mofsim, he writes that there were 1000 of teshuves of reb yoel that were lost due to the WW11 , people that are in the know would tell you, that a teshuva took him to 6 to 7weeks to produce with help of his selected talmidie chachomim and also he writes about Reb Moshe some lies.

  16. Surprised we missed this one from Schneur. We also heard from BG his belief that the FR would lie when convenient. זאל ער האבן א לייכטן גיהנם.

  17. There was tension between Reb Levik and the FR. Legend has it that his line of the family had a tradition from the Tzemach Tzedek that "Dor Revii Yoshuvu Heina", and that Reb Levik therefore believed the Nesius should pass to him - I don't know how much of that to believe, and how much of it to just chalk up to very different personalities and Reb Levik being a mekubal in his own right. That is why that reason given for the Rebbe not learning in Lubavitch does not make sense to me, although I have heard that reason given. No one really knows the reason. Reb Levik wasn't the only one of that stature not to send their children to Lubavitch, the Poltaver Rov did not do so either.

  18. RC Schiff was of galitzianer stock IIRC.
    schneur said...

    Yossel Ashkenazi is a "Yerushalmi" via Zefas . He had all 3 chesrones of a chasid (of one who can not ever be a chasid). He was a yerushalmi, a gabbe and a cousin of the Satmarer.

    Wednesday, December 26, 2007 4:03:00 PM


    The SR said that about Yossel's Father, R' Feivish. It should read Eretz Yisroeldike, not Yerushalmi.


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