Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Sight to See

At Reb Yonasan and Bruriah's Wedding -----

(Reb Moshe, Ich Her Vos Ihr Zogt....)

(Ashrei Mi SheAmoloy BaTeyreh.....)

(Rabbeysay, NeVoreych)


  1. Wow, where did you get those pix? Trainers has a website?

  2. Looks like Seagrams is kosher.

    אם הראשונים כמלאכים, but those hats, fuggeddaboudit.

  3. Only now did I notice the Trainer's logo on one of the pix. But no, it's not from the website, I doubt he has one.

  4. מיט וואס פאר א בגד גייט די ראש ישיבה אנגעטאן
    ס'איז זיכער נישט קיין פראק

  5. In those days everything was Kosher; Seagram's, Grey hats etc.


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