Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pat on the back

Things are looking up at Circus Tent these days, Danken G-tt. Traffic is way up for weeks now, seemingly because of the extra effort on my part to post meaningful material, and still keep it somewhat cordial. The Chaim Berlin discussions also helped. I'd go so far as to say that even heated exchanges with the likes of U N and Berl, CH has alot to do with it. I also had help from certain others in the blogging community, links and so on. Also, I see that word has spread about what we do here, and the above graphics - sporadic as they may be - seem to prove that. We now have visitors from many, many countries. I need to thank you all - the readers - for reading and commenting, and also for telling your friends. Without y'all there'd be no Circus Tent. People like to be heard, myself included, and shouting in the wind is tiring. It helps that I have some gratification from writing; it sure beats what I do for a living.

Now, I wish there'd be some way to turn some of this into cash.....


  1. Mazel Tov...

    And don't dream about "cash" for your blog...I am really surprized at you because it was exactly such dreams that ruined and led tzemach atlas''s "mentalblog" down the be a good boy and keep going with your cyber-prattle and don't start getting dollar signs in your eyes or else some other lucky duck will be the beneficiery of Google's FREE blogger service.

    Imagine what you save if you had to pay to put up the infrastructure and host it all yourself. So adank dem Eibishtern far dem.

    Since the CB discussion helped, I will take for myself a good part of the credit for raising the level of the discussion here and for the increased traffic to your blog.

    Tizku lemitzvos.

  2. I Lav Davka meant making cash from the blog...

    You can pat yourself on your big ol' Chaim Berlin back, you were and are a big help in raising the level of conversation here.

    I appreciate it.

  3. Once you toned down on the Chabad complex thing, it got more interesting & tolerable. I find your articles all encompassing now instead of how the entire world is in some convoluted way connected to Chabad.

    I enjoy your writing style.

  4. You fellas ain't seen nothin' yet!

  5. Well, stop the Chabad vs The World, and letts have more history stuff, and surely traffic will increase and H' will be happier. Chabad history is OK, its the hate that is a turn off

  6. Thanks for such great reads day in day out! One request:

    More Yiddishe history. More Rebbes, Roshei yeshiva, Gedolei Oilam, Poshutte Yidden, Tzadikim. More shtetlach. More maaseh's.

    LESS Machlokes.

    The ikkar is the last request, and every other topic is entirely Botel to that aim.

    I think the infinately ridiculous Machlokes sometimes seen flying around this blog and the sheer venom displayed to other Yidden based on inconsequential and long-forgotton events of hundreds of years ago (or less) are a major Chesoron and drag to this blog.

    Otherwise, its absolutely great!

  7. Don't you think it might be time to be working on 2007 taxes, not 2006!

  8. tzig, i tend to agree with the above responders about more heimishe ecumenical posts, history,etc and that lubavitch showvanism is passe, but lubav pride don't give up becasue its based on empirical evidence...lubavitch from a historical perspective and even now is phenominal......and if its history or current event vis a vis chabad, if you write it well and with a clear head certainly post it...don't carried away with ratings..

  9. Lakewood

    It's a fiscal year 2006 Return. Besides, we're not doing 2007's yet, it's too early.

  10. Let Tzig Be Tzig
    Controversy sells and creates ratings.And I hope you can make a buck from it,

  11. what do you mean by "cash"? More Lubavitchers? or less Anti Lub?
    I think that u made some "cash "with Tzemach
    Calm down, don't take it so serious, but IMH it is the best blog in this style

  12. קעש געלט
    גרינע בלעטער

    Thanks for the kind words.

  13. Ah, R' Hirshel, please reconsider. We can pity someone who does it out of love, but when she does it for money everything becomes clear. Besides, what would that say about us, your clients?

  14. Joe

    I didn't mean cash from the blog. I menat in general; if only I could make cash - Parnossoh - from writing....

    One can dream, right?

  15. I agree less machlokas otherwise your a pro


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