Friday, February 15, 2008

"Corporate Sponsors," Bnei Beraq Style

Yated In Hebrew

More of the "I'm a Ben Teyre, Alles Kumt Mir" attitude that we merited in the "Achshir Dore" time we live in, brought to you by your friends at the Yated Ne'eman.


  1. what's the big deal somebody looking to pay to be a sandik. if he's paying he might as well get the child of a ben torah.

  2. You don't get it. If the Sandek looks for the Zchus and pays for it that's OK. But the parents should look for a rich man just so that they could make some money?!

  3. why not?
    win win situation

  4. Do they have to support the kid too?

  5. I think you missed the point... (I posted the same picture on my blog before I saw it here) - the comment is not on the sandekaus(I think) - they are selling the rights to name the baby as well.... that is the unusual aspect of this ad..

  6. in english its known as
    P O V E R T Y

  7. The family is definitely from Kiryath Sefer thats the pinnacle of the Meshugas, these places are starting to look like pre war Poland where the nisoen of poverty brought to shmad millions of boys and girls.

  8. Hirshel

    Its a classic טאטע שיק מיר הויזען story.

    To me its very very sad indeed to see this ad. I seems to me (just to me) that the couple is in deep financial trouble and is willing sacrifice all 'honor' to find support.

    It was very common for rich people to 'buy' sandak'ues [back in a time when people really beleived in that kind of zchus] and also pay for a name.

    I actualy happened to my Zaidy who was at the time extremely poor and a very rich childless man paid him to name my mother, probably for his mother. Yes it was a win/win. He fed his family and my mother got a name.

    So my Zeidy could of told all the kids "we bought a baby and we bought her a nice name too." No plain stork story.


  9. tzig

    You criticized Harry some time ago for 'non-stop' bashing,What do you call this? Non stop bashing!


  10. הנולד במז"ט לזוג בני תורה...

    גם אמא של הילד בן תורה?


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