Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Good Ol' Days

Israeli Radio spends a day in Kfar Chabad 40 years ago.

They say that Chaim Yavin - one of the broadcasters there - was a great grandson of Rav Shlomo Kluger zt"l. Nu, Nu. The Ameratzis of these broadcasters is surprising; not knowing the difference between a Gemoroh and a Sefer Chassidus, and thinking that a Shas is a set of Mishnayos. Then again, they could've been second or third generation frei already.

Part I
Part II


  1. The American bochur interviewed at the beginning of Part I identified himself as Zvi Telsner. Is that OUR very own Dayan Telsner in Melbourne Australia?

  2. Yes, I'm shepping nachas. Finally we have our own world renowned Rov. Things can only get better from now on ;)

  3. The young englishman is quite amusing.


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