Sunday, March 9, 2008

Where Are They Taking Lenin?

From Here

Lenin being taken downstream in Budapest. I guess the Hungarians are sick of having Russians within their midst. Here I thought it was the other way around; that it was "Daloy Hungarians!" Still, despite being taken apart and on a raft the Russian still leads the way, pointing which direction to go...

Tzemach sends regards, and says "Crown Heights."


  1. A great picture -and Tzemach speaking through the Anti-Tzemach . . .
    "Crown Heights" indeed.

  2. wht wasn't tzemach on that boat?? with Lenin?

  3. He is being taken to a park, where they put up all the communist era statues.
    the picture should b from about 1990

  4. The park is in Lithuania -Grutas park . . .

  5. The fat lady has sung, the last act has been played. Turn your attention to the center ring for the final show.

    The circus is going home.

  6. Why do you fake your name to sound more lubavitch by spelling your name Hirshel like an alta chabadtzke, when your name is just an ugly chasidishe Hershel?

  7. Mamesh a shtarke kashe, I'll need time to look that one up.

  8. I always wondered what's up with Tzig, why not something like Tzib?


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