Wednesday, April 16, 2008




  1. תמינה נדירה. היכן נצטלם תמונה זו?

  2. Nice picture. Is that a handkerchief in his breast pocket?

    There's a picture of the Rebbe with Rayatz with the same hat but a longer beard. Was that picture retouched?

  3. Sorry if this question will offend, but did he trim his beard at any stage?

  4. Tzig i want an honest answer do u think the rebbe was a kodosh vitohor his whole life say like r arehle belzer.Or do u think that he shteiged as he got older and looking back he probably would have changed things from his youth if he had another chance?

  5. I have my doubts about the integrity of this picture. The traditional ludicrous doctoring gartel can be seen here:

    The eyes are also different in both pictures etc

    but there is something about the shoulders/body that makes it look unnatural to me (I know he had a huge head/forehead)

  6. He's wearing a tie! ha'yitochein?

  7. Yes. that is a handkerchief.

    You can watch the evolvement of the Rebbe's beard through the pictures of each year. The Rebbe's beard is always even, through 5754. At first it was short, then rolled up (you can tell by the smoothness of the edge whether a beard is rolled (smooth) or trimmed (sharp)), then fully grown and squared off.

  8. thiw week in davr malchus,
    farbrengen 1954 - pesach haoro 8.
    who needed a tikun , what for?

  9. I didn't realize this was a conspiracy theorists' convention. It's fun to watch.

  10. Does anyone see the doctored "Horns" that they covered up?

    That is probably the reason Jewish Rabbis wear hats, to cover the Jewish horns. I think the hat is a fake .....

  11. To Isaac Balbin -

    Re your comment: It is indeed quite similar, but still a different picture.

    See (link below) Berel Levine's estimate, that it was taken in close proximity to the other photo. - Plus, more history and estimates on the last 3 new photos:

  12. BS"D
    Balbin -shoiteh bistu . . . those are two different pictures. One in weekday clothes, the other in bigdei Shabbos.

  13. anon 2.07
    Look at the Rebbes Reshimos and the correspondence with his father from that stage in life, and you will conclude its much deeper kedusha then the holy Reb Arele Belzer ZY"A

  14. thiw week in davr malchus,
    farbrengen 1954 - pesach haoro 8.
    who needed a tikun , what for?

  15. A lot of fotoshop here

    this Pic is not autentic

    there r many similars pics, always at the window. it is like the with the gartel, look at the hands, in the pockets, it is not natural at all

    The Lub Rebbe was born on a Friday April 18, exactly like this year we can also celebrate and take good achloites now

    If something in these pics, you can tell that he LUB is haKOdosh, there is a special radiance like only a Tzaddik can reflect

  16. Sorry guy, usually im not into conspiracies but look at those two pictures:

    1. hat shape and shadows
    2. nose
    3. beard and shadows
    4. collar on the right side

    The head is THE SAME in both pictures

  17. Mottel,

    Thanks for your delightful insult. Was that your education or despite it?

    I guess I should have "guessed" from the Shabbos hat ... not!
    Or, perhaps I should have just known that pictures are always real.

  18. balbin you can see in the picture the rebbe is wearing a sirtuk, what doctored gartel?

    look at the background, windows, blinds, even the sihloette of the hat, i think you lads are off your tree's. go back to roswell

  19. "Tzig i want an honest answer do u think the rebbe was a kodosh vitohor his whole life say like r arehle belzer.Or do u think that he shteiged as he got older and looking back he probably would have changed things from his youth if he had another chance?".

    If you hear the accounts of the people who knew him in his youth, his letter's and conduct at that time, you see that he was (In the words of his mother) a Tzaddik , a Kadosh from the womb, maybe even to a greater extant then R' Ahrele Z"TZVKL ZY"A.


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