Sunday, May 4, 2008

Crying For Klal Yisroel

People speak about Rabbonim and Poskim as being a Rabbon Shel Kol Bnei HaGoloh. They say that the fact that this Rebbe has the most Chassidim, or that this Rov is the greatest Posek is what makes him the leader of the generation. I disagree. This video clip isn't meant to show anybody up, or to pat myself on the back saying how my Rebbe is bigger than yours. It's the point that the Rebbe asks for Klal Yisroel. This is what makes one a LEADER. The fact that he feels a responsibility to all Jews - not just to his adherents - shows that he has at least the ability to lead. One that worries only about Bnei Torah, or Heimishe may be doing a service, but it's not on the farnem of a LEADER.


  1. ah geshmak to listen

    it brings tears to my eyes

    oiy what we are missing today, what our children are missing

    now we are really searching... can you blame anyone for still believing or gd forbid not...

    vayaminu behashem UVEMOISHE AVDOI ....

  2. Amazing
    Is there any way to see the real live footage ?

  3. this was a couple of months before the heart attack?

  4. Tzig,

    You mean the farnem of a "Head" (ROSH Benei Yisrael) Roshei teivos Rebbe, not just "leader"

    Yom Tov Sheini

  5. um, isn't $3.8mil a bit steep for video conversion?

  6. I think that only the Lub REBBE CAN BE Moshaich

  7. pure show buisness
    did not impress me

  8. nobody's trying to impress you. you're probably more impressed by a Tallis Koton to the knees and 6-inch wide peyos.

  9. Wow.
    Validated my own feelings. It's permissible to doubt and to search, and the expectations really are insanely high.
    Despite all that, it does't have to paralyze us.
    That's a liberating thought.

  10. When the Rebbi was farbrenging on the occasion of his 70th birthday Rav Y"B Soloviechik Z"L,as is well known,attended the farbrenging for almost two hours (much to the chagrin of the Rebbi's detractors).A short time later Reb Avrohom Shem-tov paid a visit to Reb Y"B for reasons beyond my ken. As is also well known, both the Rebbi and Reb Y"B had attended university in Berlin at the same time in the 20's and as a result were aquainted with each other.
    Reb Avrohom asked Reb Y"B if he noticed any difference in the Rebbi from his university years to the present day (at that time).Reb Y"B said "I will answer you with a Dvar Torah.When Moshe Rabeinu came down from Har Sinai with the second set of Luchos the possuk tells us "vhenai koran oir ponov".Shtelt zech de kashe why didn't this occur the first time he came down ,after all he had spent 40 days learning Torah mipi Havyah?What occurred during these last fourty days that made him greater then the first time he came down?
    The answer is, that the first time he came down with all the Torah Hashem taught him he was a Rosh Hayisheve,very choshuv but not enough for "Vehinai koran oir Ponov ".The last fourty days that Moshe spent on Har Sinai he had put his head on the line by having the mesiras nefesh for klall yisroel, pleading for the survival of his people.This time he came down as a Rebbi and therefore was zoiche to "Vehenai koran oir ponov"and this" concluded Reb Y"B "is the difference between Berlin and now.In Berlin I knew him as a Talmud Chochom,a Rosh Hayisheve,but now I know him as a bal misiras Nefesh for Klall Yisroel,now I know him as a rebbe".

  11. Thank you for this clip. I am not a chosid of any Rebbe but I have been around more than a few. He was heads above any admor of his generation measured, as you would say, both "b'kamus u b'eichus". This video is a grand piece of evidence of a man with a torn heart, pleading for and at the same time consoling his followers. I will watch and share this sicha often.

  12. Anon
    is their some part of yiddishkiet that impresses you?


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