Sunday, August 10, 2008

Remember תרפ"ט

The Dead and Wounded


  1. Remember Yerushalyim.

  2. Remember who interhitzt the arabs by insisting on a visit shortly before.

  3. Remember, noch tzvei toizend yor...un ramat hagolan

    It took 80 years for R' Yochonon Kohen Godol to show the pegam in his neshama, R"L.

    A very nice drasha from R' Waxman, the other week, on the gadlos of RYKG and his downfall.

    Being crowned Gadol doesn't preclude one from corruption

  4. Chevron Yahrzeit - 18 Menachem Av

  5. um, remember the churban bais hamikdash

  6. My grandfather was there. Saved by an arab through a Nes. Others in Chevron claimed it was Eliyahou HaNavi who saved him.


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