Thursday, December 11, 2008

14 Kislev - 80 years

See Here


  1. its reversed, the coat is really buttoned left over right, he kept his right hand in his pocket.. nice pic

  2. Question why does lubavitch celebrate the wedding anniversary of the rebbe zatazl? Do they celebrate all previous rebbeim's wedding anniversary's? No other chassidus does this, what is the purpose, please explain.

  3. Because it's the event that created the connection between the Rebbe and the chasidim.

  4. millhouse, can you explain that statement?

  5. A comment the Rebbe made on his 25th wedding anniversary answers "wondering"'s question. I don't recall the exact words, so perhaps someone can cite them.

  6. Wondering
    the same reason that Chasidim chap fish and kugel

  7. Shmuel Groinem
    Maybe the beard is also a photo shop add on? whats you thoughts on that?

  8. efsher takeh.
    the tie certainly is.

  9. To yehupitz --

    In a unique sicha (said as "shadchanus gelt" per se, for the family of R' Elye Chaim Althoiz z"l, who requested it for the 25th year), the Rebbe spoke about various minhagim at his chasuna, and the significance of various points.

    The Rebbe's expression was:

    דאָס איז דער טאָג וואָס מ'האָט מיר פאַרבונדן מיט אַייך און אַייך מיט מיר, און צוזאַמען וועלן מיר אויסמאַטערן די גאולה האמיתית והשלימה

    (זה היום שבו קישרו אותי עמכם, ואתכם עמי, וביחד נתייגע ונביא את הגאולה האמיתית והשלימה).

    See it here (Quote on 2nd to last page):

  10. Some misc. points..

    * The Kfar Chabad says it's from the tekufah around the Rebbe's chasuna (late 1928 [5689]).

    * Also, the concept of wearing "yemin al semol" which is mentioned in Chassidus (that the chasadim should overcome the gevuros) - was only mentioned re the outer garments (coat, jacket) but not the shirt.

    I don't recollect where this is said exactly. If someone can place it - Thanks in advance!

  11. Can you fill us in about the hock thats going on in Lakewood. I hear its getting really heated over there.

  12. I wish I knew. Maybe somebody from the Ir HaTeyreh can fill us in?

  13. Tzigstien,This is Berel Reporting live from lakewood.
    The matzav is yom tov in the vochin here (as there is no school on Y.T.).
    There are meidlach draing zach in the gasen the whole week with nothing to do. And all anyone is talking about is the major politics. It seems that no one knows what they are talking about, and everyone is just guessing. Theres supposed to be a big asifa at 9:30 tonight, its expected to get wild. Reb matisyahu is going to be there and reb shmuel kamenetsky too. Check this out.
    In other Lakewood news. the book "identifying chabad" has been selling like hot cakes around town and in BMG. Its actualy very interesting. Did you ever read it Hershel?

  14. Anon 7;49

    The issue of wearing Yemin al Semoil is a very strong Galiczaner Chasidim thing, since it was a major issue by Reb Mendel Rimanover. the Belzer Alim Letrufa had a nice Likut on that subject going on for a couple of weeks. Maybe in there you can find some kind of differentiation between interior clothing and exterior clothing,
    I remember years ago the Rebbe mentioned it in a sicha I was amazed since I always looked at it as some Galiczianer Chanyokis Inyan, Maybe 1 of the readers can find the sicha.

  15. While not an actual chassid, I know that every time I've davened in 770 right before davening starts all the bachurim switch their jacket buttons. Is there a source of this minhag existing only for davening? Also, why don't I ever see married people doing it?

  16. IIRC the Rebbe told someone at dollars that wearing right over left is a segulah for parnasa

  17. Identifying Chabad? I've seen it online. Nothing new, more of the same naarishe taynes.

  18. TZIG, you read it on line? if yes, where? if no, how do you know its the "same naarishe taynes"?

  19. look it up, I read it somewhere online. How do I know? because there are no new ones.

  20. I know that every time I've davened in 770 right before davening starts all the bachurim switch their jacket buttons. Is there a source of this minhag existing only for davening? Also, why don't I ever see married people doing it?

    I am very glad to be able to answer your question.

    Firstly, because our wives tell us off for looking funny.
    Secondly, because we're lucky to get to shul in time for shmone esreh, what with kids and all, and we certainly don't have time to be messing around with buttons.
    Thirdly (and kol hakovod to you for being so chassidish you never noticed this) women's clothing is already worn right-over-left, so we can be yotze with our wives.
    Fourthly and finally, did you ever look how the buttons on a capote go?

  21. Mazel Tov - Lakewood girls school reopens

    Money quote:

    In an obvious reference to Orthodox blogs and news websites, the Mashgiach added that in contrast, "modern technologies" that were used as a vehicle to discuss the crisis had been harmful, and contributed to an atmosphere of mockery of the community's leaders.

  22. To Modeh B'Miktas 9:59 --

    I just wanted to point out, there's an anecdote in "Dem Rebbin's Kinder" (I believe from a yechidus), where the Rebbe tells a bochur it's being an "iber-Chocham" to don his [single-breasted] jacket button insdie out. But rather he should tell his mother to sew him another one behind it, to be m'kayem "rechts oif links".

    I imagine it was m'tzad looking more presentable. Presently, most bochurim do same.

    I myself had an experience (while wearing it as above), as bochur, when I was once talking to a friend, from litvishe circles. In the conversation, he looks down at my jacket, and says puzzled, How is your button closed, it looks suspended in mid-air..!
    I explained him there's another on the other side, and the whle concept. It was news to him, to say the least.

  23. you didnt read Identifying Chabad on line. cus its not there.
    Tzig, you are a lier.

  24. lier? what's that?

    I did read it, maybe not the whole thing, but it was there.

  25. Bochurim looking presentable???

    Have u seen how our schlogs look walk down the street with their shirt tails hanging over their pants?

    Anyone knowwhy?


    find the truth you have been seeking!

  27. a) it's grade gohr a shtarke lav davka to say that the picture is reversed, or that anything but the eyes were photoshopped.

    b) The reason Chassidim celebrate the Rebbe's anniversary, is as the Rebbe stated, because the Rebbe's ikar Rebbishe yichus is through marriage.

    Re the other Rebbeim, Shabbos Tezei 5748 the Rebbe said the following regarding the Rebbe Rayatz:

    ביום ועש"ק י"ג אלול שנת תרנ"ז (כקביעות שנה זו) התקיימה חתונת כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו - "הנשיא הוא הכל", שכל עניני נשיאות של הנשיא שייכים לכל הדור, ועל אחת כמה וכמה ענין עיקרי ביותר בחיי הנשיא - ענין הנישואין.

    והרי נישואין הוא ענין של שמחה, עד לשלימות השמחה, כמודגש בברכת נישואין: "שמח תשמח רעים האהובים כשמחך יצירך בגן עדן מקדם".

    ויש להוסיף, שבחתונת כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו (בי"ג אלול) התחיל כ"ק אדמו"ר (מהורש"ב) נ"ע באמירת המשך המאמרים הידוע בשם "שמח תשמח", שבו נתבאר בארוכה ובפרטיות תוכן הענין דשמחה, דשמחת נשואין, וביאור גודל מעלת השמחה שפורצת כל הגדרים וכו'.

    ו"הימים האלה נזכרים ונעשים" - שבכל שנה ושנה בי"ג אלול חוזר ונשפע ענין השמחה דנישואי כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו על-דרך פעם הראשונה, ואדרבה - באופן ד"מעלין בקודש", ובהדגשה יתירה כשהקביעות היא כבפעם הראשונה, שי"ג אלול חל ביום ועש"ק (ששלימותו ביום הש"ק, כנ"ל).

    c) the Rebbe and his Chassidim are makpid on Yemin al Smol. This is practical b'ikar during Davening, when the Jacket is closed, m'tzad Hikon Likras. The Rebbe encouraged Bachurim to take the time (Nittel nacht, v'hadome) to sew a button under the right lapel so as to increase presentability.

    d) the works and musings of the Baal Identifying Chabad are to be found on a website by that name. As a footnote, I'll mention that it contains some of the most misguided information I've ever seen.

    e) re Bachurim's dress, m'chad gisa the Rebbeim were makpid that the Bachurim in Tomchei T'mimim shouldn't neglect their hygiene etc. and that they should be dressed adequately, but l'idach, there is also an inyan of being hecher fun velt, and not chalila being untertenig to the fashions of the day.

    Additionally, an untucked shirt insures that the Tzitzis don't get creased and become nifchas m'ka'shiur.

  28. I'm amazed at the chutzpa of people who come along with terutzim for their weird behavior. Did the Rebbe wear his shirt untucked? Well, then. Look like a slob, but please don't blame it on Chassidus.

  29. Thanks for the terutzim. Once a chabad bachur told me that bachurim wear their shirts untucked as a siman that they are not complete and proper people until they are married. I told him that it was because they were trying to get away with it while they can and he should stop trying to pull the litvak's leg.

  30. Anon@12:29 -

    "The reason Chassidim celebrate the Rebbe's anniversary, is as the Rebbe stated, because the Rebbe's ikar Rebbishe yichus is through marriage."

    When did the Rebbe say this?

    The Rebbe had a fine yichus on his own accord before he was ever married.
    He is five generations ben-achar-ben from the Tzemach Tzedek.
    That said, I'm sure you can figure out the rest of his yichus....

  31. He had a fine yichus, but that, even together with all his qualities, would not have made him rebbe. He became rebbe because of the two sons-in-law he was clearly mishichmo ulemaaloh, but had he not been a son-in-law he wouldn't have been in the running. His maalos would have been the same, but he'd have been seen as just one of the pleitim of '46, a derheiberner mentch, a mashpia, a rosh yeshiveh, but not a rebbe. And in Lubavitch there's only one rebbe, so it would have remained like that.

    Boruch Hashem that the shidduch was made, and thus when the time came he was in the right place for his maalos to be recognised.

  32. its meduyak to say that in lubavitch their is only one rebbe, now, that is. the first year after the rayatz died their where TWO rebbes. ask someone who was actually there. secondly in chabad their were a number of rebbes in the geiza...chabad but not lubavitch

  33. a) whether the Rebbe wore his shirt tucked or not is not of much relevance to Bachurim, or anyone else. I think that's very plain to see.

    b) I'd say that anyone who advances the incomplete-till-marriage theory is either pulling your leg, or is genuinely out of things.

    c) the Rebbe's claim to the 'Nesius' was due to his marriage, thus his wedding day connected him with his Chassidim, who together are engaged in bringing the Geula Ha'amitis.

    d) obviously al pi sod ha'inyanim there is an intermediate period between two Rebbes. this is obviously irrelevant now.

    e) any given Chassid, "Chabad" or otherwise, can only accept the existence of one Rebbe at a time.

  34. I could only imagine that the Rebbe wore his shirt tucked in. The reason is very practical: when one wears suspenders, the shirt cannot be worn untucked.

  35. I see a great untapped marketing opportunity for meshichists: yellow suspenders.


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