Sunday, March 22, 2009

ס'שרייבט זאך ניט

It seems like you have time for everything else but writing for the blog.

It seems like you can't conjugate a sentence when it comes to the blog.

It seems like you've had enough, like nobody cares anyway and like there's no point in sitting here and moderating comments that you don't agree with half the time.

It seems like nobody cares, since nobody asked you why you haven't been writing. OK, I take that back, two people asked me.

But still, I know I'll be back soon with my energy and confidence restored.


  1. it's ok, take your time!

  2. I figured you were too busy helping your wife clean for Pesach

  3. Just so like Tsemach.. IS the "anti-tsemach" blog

  4. What right do we have to make demands on you? We appreciate it when you write, and miss it when you don't.

  5. just so u know here in lkwd theres a big oilum who reads and is nehneh greatly from ur blog

  6. a worker went to his boss and said, my wife is workin like a ferd preparing for pesach, she really needs my help next monday, can i take the day off? no way sais the boos, i need you here.
    thank you the worker replys, i knew i could count on you.

    yom tov erlich sais why is someone who works called a narbitter? because s'iz bitter as m'iz a naar..

  7. Tzig, we really love you and we didn't want to put any pressure on you. Especially since you are so fragile like Tzemach.


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