Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Asking Nicely

You listen to the Rebbe speak and you're overcome with love. You're somewhat surprised that the Rebbe needs to ask - no, beg - that people go out on shlichus, but you realize that it was revolutionary, and most people were not up to the task. And all this at a Purim farbrengen, no less!


  1. why did they cut out all the embarassing parts?....

  2. I assume this clip was not made by Meshichst, because it is cheasy and the juxstaposition of the two world leaders is degrading.

    Are shluchim analogous to the Peace Courps?

    US Government Guide: Peace Corps

    "Congress also set three goals for the agency that have remained the mission of the Peace Corps to this day:.., to help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served, and to help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans"

    Try substituting the word 'Lubavitchers' in place of the word 'Americans'

    "On 1 March 1961, he temporarily established the Peace Corps.. and appointed his brother-in-law, R. Sargent Shriver Jr., to act as the Corps' first director"

    Notice: no mention of the other brother-in-law

    "volunteers.. and once on location.. but refrain from involvement in the host nation's domestic politics."

    I never knew that

    "This activity, Kennedy believed, would supplement the efforts of the Alliance for Progress to direct revolutionary ferment into channels consistent with American strategic interests."

    what strategic interests?

    "The gender ratio of volunteers,.. became skewed toward males, as young men sought to avoid the draft by joining the Peace Corps"

    yeshivas had drafts?

    "Throughout its existence, the Peace Corps has weathered charges of cultural imperialism and persistent questioning of its self-proclaimed altruism"


    "Critics have often suggested that it was in fact a front for the Central Intelligence Agency."

    And I thought the snags were nasty

  3. Hirshel,
    Off topic.
    Did you know R'Yaakov Leiner, Radziner from 54st?
    I'm in shock.Just read YeshivaWorld.Massive heart attack this morning and the levaya took place already.Only just 47.Was good friend with Homnik and roomate in Lakewood, I believe.
    Really scary

  4. Did not know him, but heard alot about him from a good friend of his. I also hear Rav Yeruchem Olshin was maspid really nicely, almost like a chossid!

  5. Tzig
    you mean RYO sounded unprepared?
    Nebach, it wasn't a kuntz this time

  6. no, I mean with the greatest respect for the niftar and his heilige zeides.

  7. RYO grew up in the neighborhood of the Radziner in BP. So he probaly knew the old Rebbe.

  8. Tzig,
    Sorry to nitpick, what did you mean by :"Rav Yeruchem Olshin was maspid really nicely, almost like a chossid!".

    Did you mean that R'Yeruchom was maspid like a chosid: i.e someone from a chasidic backround would have?If that's pshat, (and without having a whole flare up, cuz the inyan of hesped by chasidim came up on your blog and there were fireworks)I thought chasidim are not maspid (they get around that "by telling stories" which is basically the same thing with a different name.Whatever)
    Obviously,I'm taking license to considering "chasidim" as follows of Chabad (In Lubavitch, they are the only real "chasidim".Others are Peylishe,Eylemishe etc and you are a Lubavitcher therefore...)
    If you meant that R'Yeruchom was maspid as a chosid/follower of Rabbi Leiner z'l?Well,I do believe that it was the other way around.Rabbi Leiner was R'Yeruchoms talmid(though, harbeh lomadeti merabosai "Umitalmidei yoiser mekulom".Still that would than make Lubavicher chasidim actually The Rebbes,no?.Veulay, chasidim are makpid to call themselves "chasidim" and not "talmidim" so as not to insinuate chas vesholom that they can teach their rebbe anything.It could also be that they are very careful about being truthful....).

    If, as you later explained that because he showed "the greatest respect for the niftar and his heiligeh zeides"
    I don't get it Were you taught that non chasidim have no respect for choshuveh yidden?Would it be expected that Rabbi Olshin would not show the greatest respect unless he was maspid "like a chossid"
    Man, you have me totally mixed up!

  9. "I also hear Rav Yeruchem Olshin was maspid really nicely, almost like a chossid!"

    Whopping OXYMORON!

  10. 20.000 shluchim (with families)? Doesn't sound right. Unless they count our Tzig too...

  11. i m so mekaneh the shluchim.

    such words give them koichois to go on with there shlichus forever under all natzavim, and brake all menios veikuvim.

    dank g' for the rebe

    alle sonim zoln platzn boruch ha'

  12. "I thought chasidim are not maspid (they get around that "by telling stories" which is basically the same thing with a different name.Whatever)"

    Shmilu: hespedim are not about telling stories. Only recently, the amatures who can't give a real hesped, have resorted to maysalach at a levayah (shloshim has a different geder)
    Rule of thumb: the more stories interjected, the lower the quality of the whole hesped. V'dal

  13. ich vill tzuleigen

    One can see the yeridas hadores. When Maran gave hespedim he didn't have to resort to stories. That famous 'Teyreh, Teyre chogeres sak' by R' Moshe's levaya would have been diluted if he would have said a story. However, when people were maspid Maran, they resorted to stories. (could be, subliminally, dus aleyn shows the void)
    V'oyd: One maspid (not at the levaya) started quoting pnimius and how Maran was the Moshe Rabeynu of the dor. Talk about confusion and cognative dissonance

  14. ich vill tzuleigen

    One can see the yeridas hadores. When Maran gave hespedim he didn't have to resort to stories. That famous 'Teyreh, Teyre chogeres sak' by R' Moshe's levaya would have been diluted if he would have said a story. However, when people were maspid Maran, they resorted to stories. (could be, subliminally, dus aleyn shows the void)
    V'oyd: One maspid (not at the levaya) started quoting pnimius and how Maran was the Moshe Rabeynu of the dor. Talk about confusion and cognative dissonance


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