Wednesday, July 29, 2009

טוב לצדיק טוב לשכנו

Whe somebody tells you that only through Chassidus can you reach the highest levels of Avodas Hashem, he doesn't mean to belittle you or the people who also follow the non-Chassidic path. He's not trying to degrade you. But he IS trying to show that only through Limud Toras HaChassidus can one reach the level where he sees the greatness of a Yiddishe Neshoma, and acts on that premise. He then sees how Torah learned in the light of Chassidus lifts one up higher and higher. The Chassidus you learn gives you a new geshmak in all of your learning and in your whole life. Where he sees that G-d never gives up on that Neshoma, like the Rebbe said here, and that he expects you to help him return those wayward souls. If this sicha, said as a siyum on Mesechta Sukkah does not show that to you, then nothing will.

!ווי גוט איז אונז אז מיר האבען אזא רבי'ן


  1. ווי גוט איז אונז אז מיר האבען אזא רבי'ן

    So you are a Shlitanik.
    Thought so.

    Either you don't learn chsides or you were "zoicheh" that it should be poison.
    You have no middos
    You are an empty person
    You are not even a bad guy.A bad guy is someone with a big neshoma who can go either way.You are a chameleon who fits in with the group he has chosen and tries to prove loyalty.
    Stam a colorless yukel trying to prove loyalty by "defending".Pretty pathetic if someone like you is a defender of the "faith"

  2. Tzig-
    I'd ignore the dysfunctional 'anonymous' specimens who seem to surface whenever some light shines...
    Fortunate indeed is a generation that can learn practical ahvas-yisroel from such a leader. If not for the incredible example of chabadskers living these teachings everywhere, you'd have to think the rebbe was dreaming.
    Ashrei chelko.

  3. This anonymous 6:19 is a slug.

    I was going too ask why you post his vile filth.

    I know you do it so we can see for ourselves some of the feedback you have to put up with. But it's poshut painful to read that kind of rishus. So Tzig, please do us a favor in the future and use your moderation power to block him.

  4. Tzig,

    I just don't see where you are coming from. It is belittling to suggest that one can become great only through Chassidus. The remarks the Rebbe made to support Foyleh's absured comment concerning the Chazon Ish, after the latter's petriah, is hateful and extremely unbalanced. There is nothing wrong with the rebbe articulating his way, but to impose that on other with at least as equally trenchant positions rooted in the mesorah is not forgivable. And it is charitable to call his comment "bellitling."

  5. Yehupitz,
    You closed down your blog because you could not handle comments.
    Don't tell Tzig how to run his blog

  6. Yehupetz,
    Actually what you call "Tof" is really "Tov" "תי"ו"

  7. ווי גוט איז אונז אז מיר האבען אזא רבי'ן

    Why the present tense?

  8. י גוט איז אונז אז מיר האבען אזא" רבי'ן"

    Why the present tense?"

    Rashi zokt,Der Rabam zokt etc.Zechusai yogen aleinu,zol zein ah meilitz yoisher etc etc.Why the present tense?

  9. I asked tzig for a favor. He is free to ignore my request.

  10. When you hear the deep ahavas yisroel you start crying again the possuk in Eicho, Ki Rochok Mimani Menachem Maishif Nafshi

  11. If Hasidics are so wise, why is every other one obese, a smoker, and sarcastic to boot?

  12. Tzig,

    It is insulting. You may lack the sensitivity to appreciate it, but it is profoundly insulting to suggest that your way is the only way. And, sadly, this was one of the Rebbe's central messages to his flock.

    No one cares if he felt it was right, but its disgusting to suggest, as he did, that everyone else is jealous or somehow deficient for not learning chassidus.

  13. this sicha was written up in this week sha tova in hebrew very interesting parshas vaeira 5770


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