Monday, July 6, 2009

Keep on Keepin' on

It seems easy, replacing a man. You get a guy that looks like him, sings like him, dances like him, flips he tallis like him, and we're done. We have ourselves a bonafide memaleh makom. Just ask the Bobowers, they love RSH's son because he does that same "walking on air" routine that his father did at the weddings. He waves around the Lulav and Esrog the same way, and his peyos are just so, just like they were by his father. And he has the same last name too. That's often what they care about. If he didn't do it just so they'd complain that he was "meshane fin di tatte's deyrech..." But hey, who am I to complain about them? I imagine the same would be true in Lubavitch too if there was a replacement. On the other hand, maybe not. The Rebbe did things his own way, despite being a very big chossid of the FR, his predecessor. People often were taken aback by some of the changes, but they quickly learned to accept them, because they saw and realized who the Rebbe was.

And now that phenomenon has spread to the Chassidei Carlebach of the West Side. The board of Directors, or whoever is in charge there, decided that they too need to replace Reb Shlome'le in all aspects, so they got two people to fill his hippie shoes. They got former Lubavitcher Naftoli Citron to fill the Rabbi role at the Carlebach Shul by lecturing and teaching, and they got Yehuda Green, Shlomo wannabe extraordinaire, to do the singing and davening routine. The end result is that the two together make you feel like you had Shlomo up there like in the good old days. And in case Green's singing and dancing is not enough during Selichos they have Citron right up there next to him to complement the look. Put the two of them together, close your eyes, and you can take yourself 15+ years back to the times when Shlomo did the preaching from the Bimah. I'll tell you the truth it surprises me to see that there. I thought this was a speciqal connection, a connection to a man, not to a vest and a guitar...

Now, maybe there are many that were mekushar to him personally and they haven't come back since, but I would think that those people who do come back to the shul to hear Citron & Green would need more than just a similar-looking guy or guys up there to fill the void left by SC. Those that were influenced by him and shlepped out of the muck by him needed him to do it for them. It wasn't the fact that he was teaching Izhbitza or telling stories of Moishele the holy Gannif. Anybody can teach or tell stories - not like him, yes, but still. What made it special was who was telling the story or teaching the vort from Reb Tzadok HaCohen. They believed that he truly believed the Torah and the story, and believed in what he was telling them and teaching to them. No vest or length of hair or banging on the bimah just like that can replace that. You can wear a shtreymel, and keep your hair short, and accomplish just the same if you keep it real. The point is some things are just irreplacable. Case closed. You hear me, Green?


  1. I don't know if Citron falls into the geder of former Lubavitcher

  2. I want to comment on what you say here: "I thought this was a special connection, a connection to a man, not to a vest and a guitar..."

    See, your comment is so dor hashvi'i Chabad like.Just so you understand:Carlebach passed away in October '94, so it is almost 15 years.Most people get over a loss in such a long time (this is where Lubavitch has take quite a bit of a detour from the norm)Most people realize that Carlebach had a uniqueness that will not be filled but are not stuck in a "yechi Carlebach" stage.
    Secondly, I think the vast percentage of Carlebach fans were there for his music and not for the "feel good toirehs", so yeah, Yehuda Green is better than the original, many of the people in the Youtube video were to young to have known Carlebach anyway

  3. No Sender, this is the difference between a nas hador v'manhig yisroel and a rav, gutter yid, or charismatic figure . . .

  4. why the hate? you spoil a good post with a snide last line.


  5. Most of the current day Carlbach chevrah are too young to have really been influenced by the man. Their connection is to his music, mostly through recordings but also from hanging around with those that were influenced personally by SC. Green seems to be a fine celebrity impersonator and as such can provide many Later Day Carlbachians with exactly what they are looking for.

  6. citron's gradfather was eli cham carlebach, shlomo's brother. his great gradfather, eli chaim's father in law was Reb Levik's brother, ie the Rebbe's first cousin.

  7. Eyeopine

    you're mistaken. Eli Chaim's shver - Reb Zalman Schneerson- was a first cousin to Reb Levik, the Rebbe's FATHER. Their fathers were brothers. His father was Reb Mendel Schneerson, brother of the Rebbe's zeide Reb Baruch Schneur (of Reshimos RaBaSH)

  8. kol bo'eha lo yeshuvun. no such thing as a former lubab. unless the rebbe himself dissed them, like SC...

  9. I've got a question, and I hope you won't take offense at it. If the Rebbe was nasi hador, doesn't that mean of that dor and now that he's gone there is another nasi?

    nonmouse, Deutsch?

  10. Very inspiring article. It was the Rebbe's personality-his leadership skills and ability to inspire- that is irreplaceable. Lehavdil, why the Satmar Rebbe left a void.

    Shlomo also affected people by his persona.

    You see that a persona that surrounds a person can even perpetuate posthumously.

    Shlomo lamented the fact that after people were brought in the fold and became more right wing, they, sometimes, would forget who brought them there in the first place. He was hurt, but he created an environment were people can look elsewhere for growth. He was full of love and he 'noshed' from all groups. He did not inundate them with 'us against them' and other odious rhetoric. He also did not tell them stories how he was persecuted, for centuries, by the other groups.

    Shlomo was able to take the inspiration that he got from R' Ahron and said 'R' Ahron wasn't a Rebbe, but he was a thousand steps deeper than were the Rebbe's ended'. He would go to Lakewood occasionally and stare silently at R' Ahron's chair. That must have been the Chabad influence that affected his Lithunainan leanings.

  11. Another strikingly similarity that they had was, it is not well know, but Shlomo once made s guitar that he coined the mashiach guitar, cuz that guitar would be used to greet mashiach. many people participated in the creation of the guitar. While others questioned his sanity, he was not perturbed.Those who were worthy, were able to contribute.

    Also, when they built the shul in Moshav Modiim, Shlomo was consulted with all the exact details. He told them that the building must be built in a certain fashion, for very deep reasons, in order that it can bring Mashiach soon and they would be able to take the guitar that was made in that building, and greet mashiach.

    Some say that that guitar has the status of a nevad- but what do they know,

  12. Shlome made a fabrengen after Gimel Tamuz, I heard the tape, it had beautiful stories,what struck me strange, is that he tells a story about the Zaslaver chazon was called up to heaven to daven for the Besht, then he chuckled maybe the Rebbe needs a chazan up there too? and I have to go, I dont remember exactly the words. it didnt take too long after that and he died prematurely.

  13. "No Sender, this is the difference between a nas hador v'manhig yisroel and a rav, gutter yid, or charismatic figure . . ."

    I'm not sure what you are trying to say.Are you trying to say that the Rebbe, who was Nasi Hador is someone who's passing should not be accepted?

    I think if that's what you mean, than it's going against the gemura that says that "Yiftach bedoro kiShmuel bedoro" meaning every generation gets a LIVE leader who is accorded respect, even if he does not have the great stature of a different Nasi Hador
    (also, you probably realize that most Jews did not exactly have input into the Nasi nomination.I think that 15 years after it's high time that the suffix Zatsa''l be added when the The Rebbe is mentioned and the Nosi Hador appelation be accordingly dropped.Even if Chabad has some kind of explanation for a Nosi Hador who is not beolom hamaseh, other Orthodox Jews see it as very strange.The Halacha is that one should not do something perceived as strange by other Orthodox Jews.So, since these titles are not that important,I mean,I don't think anybody will see that the Rebbes is disrespected if he "only" gets the traditional Zecher Tsadik Levrocho etc, there is nothing to gain by bombastic non applicable titles)

  14. "The Halacha is that one should not do something perceived as strange by other Orthodox Jews"

    That doesn't apply to snags. Freyer yidden, maybe, but not to snags

  15. "I don't know if Citron falls into the geder of former Lubavitcher"

    He still is Lubavitch or that he never was?
    I believe he is a product of Lubavitcher yeshivas and was a shliach with the requisite Kappoteh before he ascended to rabbi of the Carlebach shul.Today he does not dress that way.Of course that does not have to mean he is NOT Lubavitch, but I think that most people would view him as not an "official" member of Lubavitch anymore.I say that knowing that there are no "official" Lubavitch membership cards.

  16. For a time I had some Lubavitcher leanings.I had a relationship with a wonderful shliach R'Avramel Levitansky ob'm of Santa Monica. Getting to know Lubavitch closer made me move on to mainstream Orthodoxy.A lot of it had to do with Lubavitch feeling that they are the chosen of the Chosen People, which left out so many aspects of the Orthodox world.The deal breaker was the inability to handle the Rebbes passing in a rational and sane way.I was turned off before this led to the Meshichist movement but I felt that this is what Lubavitch may turn into.

  17. sender avrum said...
    "I don't know if Citron falls into the geder of former Lubavitcher"

    Naftoli Citron spent some years learning in a community kollel in Bal Harbor, FL under SB Lipsker. I don't think that qualifies him as a shliach. Today he spends 2 days a week totally involved in learning and the other days giving shiurim, community work, etc. The perception of most of his friends is that the hair deal is similiar to a lubab wearing a humberg bec. the shul requires it and he was pushed into this carlebach rabbi position due to family issues.

    BTW, he is continuing his GF R' Elichaim's research into various chassidus groups and has visited rebbelach in BP & Willy to understand why they don't follow the shitas and hashkosfos of their ancestors that they claim lineage from

  18. -Sender: My words refer to the continued attachment and relationship with the Rebbe - not to discuss what happened on gimmel tamuz (a yom histalkus-hilula) and the titles to write after the Rebbe's name (ziy"a).
    Perhaps in your hagshama you are unable to differentiate between the peula of a tzadik's histalkus and someone else passing away.
    Moshol l'ma hadavar domeh:
    Is one to no longer feel a tenua of hiskashrus and a benkshaft for a departed loved one r"l?

    As to looking strange to orher Orthodox Jews: who sets the standards? Yerushalmis and Teimanim dress rather uniquely.
    R' Baruch Ber had no qualms saying Zal Gezunt zayn on his rebbe R' Chaim long after his ptira . . . I know of talmidim of Litvisher Yeshivos who would mentally re-enact yechidus with their Rosh Yeshiva . . .

    Re:Citron: I don't know him well, and would not describe his general modus operandi as that of a 'card carrying' Lubavitcher - but I do not think he has removed himself from the group as a whole . . .

  19. Mottel,
    By resorting to name calling you undermine your cause, and I quote:"Perhaps in your hagshama"???
    Where did I say btw, "there is no difference" but since you touched on it,do you know the difference?.It says that "misas tzadikim mechaperes"
    The greater the tzadik the more atonement for the generation there is, presumably.The reason a tzadiks passing is an atonement is presumably because it is seen as a sacrifice , a korban of am yisroel to Hashem, just as a regular korban chatos atones for an individuals sin.Accordingly, there has to an acceptance of the death to be a korban, so whitewashing the petira won't acomplish much, will it?

    Btw, thanks for telling us that you don't EVEN,know R'Citron "well"(probably doubtful if you know him at all!)YET, you unabashedly say "mevines" about him.Classic Dor Hashvi'i move!

    Lastly, let's not get silly with your last joke..."R' Baruch Ber had no qualms saying Zal Gezunt zayn on his rebbe R' Chaim long after his ptira " You know this, how??
    Tell me my young friend, what does Lubavitch get from promoting the Rebbe as "alive"?What's in it for the Rebbe, what's in it for Lubavitch, what's in it for Yiddishkait? All that's acomplished is a bizayon for all those mentioned.

  20. About R' Benzion of Bobov shlite.....he is a talmid chuchem and means erlich.....but that is not enough......

    For those on the 'inner circle' R' Shlomo could mix it with the best in terms of toras hanistar, avoda and it was the fact that you knew that there was such depth there that you did not need to go to Chabad, Klausenburg etc.....

    The problem non-chabadskers have is that there was so much pr and hype that people on the outside didn't know to differentiate between that and the man. Example is that people who never learnt a sicha or met the Lubavitcher Rebbe had an impression of him which is being passed on.....because they wanted to believe..not because they were convinced. Once they got inside chabad, many true seekers moved on....other than those looking for a spiritual feelgood experience....which chabad calls "chagas", yet have become themselves.

    How many stories do we hear about nisim of the Rebbe....isnt that "peylishe mayses" ?

    Unfortunately with present day rebbes you can never know how much depth there is behind the hype and many people go to a Rebbe becaues he makes them feel good or gives them a sense of belonging rather than a true and appropriate derech in avodas hashem.

    Could you imagine a shliach telling a BT who is really into learning to go to Lakewood so he could maximise his learning in nigle and to leave chabad because it is not for him. or that it cannot offer him the best learning experience ?????

  21. -Sender: I meant Hagshama in not taking the inyonim in their full eidelkeit . . . take that as you will, I for one did not mean it as an attack upon your person (despite you aggressive tone).
    For misas tzadikim ayun b'Tanya Igeres Hakodesh, simon 28 (and while you're at it, to better understand the histalkus talk, see 27).

    I am originally from Los Angeles, and know the Citron family very well. Noftoli has come to visit his parents, and thus I have come in contact with him. My knowledge of his character comes from comments said by his family, and my own personal experiences around him. I don't know him well, I've never claimed as such (despite your ridicules attack upon the veracity of what I've written), but I do feel I've seen enough to take him entirely out of the pale of Lubavitch, as defined by my understanding.

    The quote from R' Baruch Ber is dedrukt in sefarim hakadoshim. I don't recall the mara makom off hand, but if other commenters can't pull it up right away, I'll have it for you soon.

    Lastly, you end in "peace" yet your words are belligerent - let's hope we can actually have it.

  22. The problem with todays Rebbes is that you want to feel that they hava a 'direct line' to shomayim and when you give a kvitel that you leave with a feeling of hecherkeit...not just getting a commonsense answer you could get from a clever bal habos or guy who sat in kollel for twenty years......

    Are not many long time learners just as qualified as many rebbes to 'fit the job'. Is the only difference the fact that one has a coloured bekishe or that everyone wants him to wave his hands so they feel they came to a good show and got their money's worth.

    How can we tell the difference ?????

  23. Talking about doing things like the predecessor, I once heard ...

    they asked the "sfas emes" why does he do things different than the "zaide". to which he answered "i do it the same way. ער האט געטאן ווי ער האט פארשטאנען און איך טו ווי איך פארשטיי.

  24. Unfortunately today's rebbes are too scared to act on convictions or have none...

    There is little or no innovation such as the change in Belz from farfrumte todes ahron types to fancy Bobov wannabes with fancy beis medresh, sheitels which were user in Belz and lots of singing to bring in those not interested in learning or taking on chimres in haluche....probably more geared to increasing their numbers than in mehalchim in avoda....

    We don't see a Satmar rebbe saying hey these guys are more into the politics...lets cut the shabes protests because it makes frayer yidden hate shabes and be machalel shabes on purpose....orand focus on the main things like kvod shomayim

    They don't say ....not everyone is suited to learning gemora all day ....lets focus on a yeshiva that teaches davening half a day ....

    Times are changing and the Rebbes are increasingly out of touch .....

  25. "The quote from R' Baruch Ber is dedrukt in sefarim hakadoshim. I don't recall the mara makom off hand, but if other commenters can't pull it up right away, I'll have it for you soon."

    you are hallucinating. The closest you will get is R' Burech Ber asking for a benkel to be brought, cuz he saw the Rebbe greeting him, right before his histalkus.

    Look at his seforim, I don't know if they have them which ever planet you are on, you wouldn't understand the pnimiyus of what he says- so why bother, he refers to the Rebbe every time as zechusoy yagen aleynu. unlike the kehot ommission every time- duh.

  26. -Snag Jr (I'm assuming that Jr. shows on your level of maturity): If your mind was not so perversely perverted and blinded with hate that you bothered even opening a sefer printed by Kehos, let alone learn one, you'd see on the Sha'ar Blatt that it says
    "כ"ק אדמו"ר זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע"


  27. "-Sender: My words refer to the continued attachment and relationship with the Rebbe - not to discuss what happened on gimmel tamuz (a yom histalkus-hilula) and the titles to write after the Rebbe's name (ziy"a).
    Perhaps in your hagshama you are unable to differentiate between the peula of a tzadik's histalkus and someone else passing away."

    stupid evasive tactis- kinda link the Russian winter being the best defense- you are missing the point.

    when you look at the Carlebach chevrah stroking their guitar and making havdala just like him, etc- part of you looks at them as meshugoyim, yet, they can make the same arguments you make- but no- they are different, they are obsessive, right?

    at least, a good chunck of them were involved with him on a day to day basis, they didn't just meet with him every who knows when, in many ways they were much closer to him than you were to Leader. Many of them, were the lowest of the low and he showed them the deepest of the deep, he took them from the gutter and made them Shomer Shabbos with a appreciation of Yidishkeit, in their own way. but when they can't get over his death, still part of you ridicules them, right?
    fech, you two-faced meshichist that is maktin the erech of Chasidus by thinking that you actually understand it. Feh, you don't have an ounce of bittul in your farshtupte neshama- you are condescending and would rather be 'right' (from your pov) in an argument than show a fellow yid the beauty of your form of Yidishket. you preach love, but so much hate is spewed on the snags and like Hoover, you guys spend too much time making secret files of info on your enemies. little to you realize that the averge snag never thinks twice about you guys- not anymore than we think about ahron lichtenstien- but you guys crave some form of recognition by the snags, therefore you have a need to bash them and fill up your files, you are so transparent and you hate yidden I don't know if you are mizerah yisroel, such achzureyos in your diseased souls... you are making me sick

    Carlebach, on the other hand, was a true Lakewood talmid and he exhuded love to everybody

  28. -Snag Jr (I'm assuming that Jr. shows on your level of maturity): If your mind was not so perversely perverted and blinded with hate that you bothered even opening a sefer printed by Kehos, let alone learn one, you'd see on the Sha'ar Blatt that it says
    "כ"ק אדמו"ר זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע"


    you got me- there is no blatant omission problem of not mentioning zy'a regarding Leader. haha

    Anser the R' Burech Ber tayna- you Leader Kup

    funny how you use the word 'sefer'. I doubt it is mitamey the yodayim

  29. "you bothered even opening a sefer printed by Kehos, let alone learn one, you'd see on the Sha'ar Blatt that it says
    "כ"ק אדמו"ר זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע"
    There are certain unauthorised publications,most of them published by Meshichistin, that bear the Kehos symbol,even though it is copyrighted, and do not have the above appellation.
    However your assertion that Snag jr.never opened a Kehos publication ,the real ones, is most likely true.

  30. check your spelling. you meant to type 'a' instead of 'o' in Moron. right?

  31. -Snag JR: From you inane and asinine ranting and raving in the manner of any great conspiracy theory touting lunatic it is clear that you need help. I wish you the best my friend.

    -Anon: you're right that such sfarim hachitzonim exist . . . But they are not books published by Kehos, snd thus do not fall into the Snaglet's attack.

    -Snag JR: the fact that you are unable to respond to my statement and thus must result to 'Pithy' remarks 'correcting' my spelling only bolsters my claim that you have no clue what you're talking about.

  32. Snag jr
    Your constant usage of the term "Leader" to describe the Rebbe is sarcastic and derogatory in tone,which I'm sure you mean it to be.As a result most readers on this blog,who are Lubavitchers, don't even attempt to try to decipher your rozen drozen type posts.If you want your rambling posts to be read and understood,hack nisht kein tchainik and enough with the nastiness,especially against the Rebbe ZY"A.

  33. "Snag jr
    Your constant usage of the term "Leader" to describe the Rebbe is sarcastic and derogatory in tone,"

    You are famous for using terms which are far worse about leaders that you did not like.
    Question:How can you demand respect when you don't give it??
    You actually used some of the ugliest terms ever seen on the blog.
    Practice what you preach.

  34. "Arthur,
    You are famous for using terms which are far worse about leaders that you did not like.
    Question:How can you demand respect when you don't give it??
    You actually used some of the ugliest terms ever seen on the blog.
    Practice what you preach."
    First That happened quite a while ago and a lot has happened in between.Second even though it's a cliché ridden term but it still holds true, "two wrongs don't make a right".Second I'm a "Lubab" and according to the "snags" including "Snag jr" We "Lubabs" are always spouting hatred so why would you expect me to be different? But for you Snags to do so? Chas vechollila.Your always supposedly spouting peons of "love".Lastly I was not "demanding" respect for myself. I was "demanding" it for the "Rebbe".
    As for being "famous" for using far worse about "leaders".lets not over do it. It was one so called "leader" but in any case,"famous"?Well gee wiz.
    The interesting thing is that you snags are constantly spouting vile and obscene descriptions of the Rebbe and his Chassidim on this blog and all over the internet without batting an eye lash but if one of your "gedolim" is maligned,Der Aibishter zol ois hitten, so don't speak to me about "ugly terms".I would say that you "oihavvei Yisroel", G-d's gift to humanity, "practice what you preach".

  35. I don't know R. Citron westside, but I do know his father, a unique brand of a paradym for a lubavitcher chosid, so smart and intelectually honest, so honest in sharing his opinion...He has a shul located essentially in Hollywood, but the real hollywood is in the Bobover Bais medrash. I davened there hashona Rabo (morning) not knowing what I was getting myself into. It lasted for ever, I thought I was going to pass out after the forth hour...but it was truly a beautiful production with a great baal tefila/chazan, an informal choir of 50 that hummed falsetto endings to tefillas, and Bentzion with his effervecent lulav and floating hakofas,a tremendous dramatic sight that even Las Vegas show coordinators couldn't coreograph. it was great for what it was. so whats the problem?

  36. so whats wrong with the carelbach shul tziggy? Green is singing, not doing anything outrageous. R. Citron is an interesting person who is giving to his crowd with the most rabbonis that a carlbachian can take (never mind that he became one of them, mamash man) seems all very authentic to me....they are living in the now....just to you it seems that now is a cheap copy of the past....does it need to be?

  37. Nu Mottel,
    We are patiently awaiting the mekor of your RBB bubeh mayseh...

  38. Hirshel
    Do you think my reply to Shlomo's allegation was to strong?Is that why you haven't posted it ?Your giving me a inferiority complex.

  39. "Perhaps in your hagshama you are unable to differentiate between the peula of a tzadik's histalkus and someone else passing away."

    Mottel, your infatuation with fancy photos and cameras does not indicate migushemkeit, aderabe- it shows more that you are into the tziyur than the choymer. You are trully a special photagrapher. You make us all proud

    remeber that the main point of the taynis is the teshuva. don't miss the oporunity. Lights out

  40. I believe that the Bobovers mitzva tantz with the bow on the left side of his goden caftan and his hands streched with love,is Broadway at its best, so dramatic and romantic, Obviously I am not thinking for a second the the holy Rebbe is only dancing for the holy shechina with hands streched for his overflow of Ahavas Hashem.

  41. As a current regular attendee of the Carlebach shul, I just want clarify.
    Slichos is not indicative of what happens 99% of the time at the Shul, it is viewed by many regulars as a very special night but also a bit of a 'show' for the many people that show up at our Shul just once a year and want a taste of "Shlomo's Famous Slichos".
    As for R' Naftali, in the six years at the Shul, you can count on your fingers how often he quotes Shlomo or uses "Shlomo" lingo or style, it's very rare...As the Rabbis like to say, don't judge the bottle by its hair!
    Naftali's main contribution to the Shul is the many learning programs that he brings to the Shul, he is constantly learning and rarely teaches something that he already said, it's always something new he just learned, he's very much into new and future, bringing a very new energy to the Shul. His teachings are mostly based in a wide range of Chassidus, including lots of Chabad, and Zohar with a good dose of Gemara.
    As for calling him an ex- Lubavitcher, I would suggest you come visit him on the Upper West Side and get to know him and his family personally, you might change your mind on that one.

  42. Snag JR: The FR writes in a letter to Mendel Horenstein, his eidim, about the power of the koach hatziyur and how art (in the case of the letter, paintings by Raphael) is very powerful in avodas hashem etc.
    Your tone is very condescending.

  43. What does he need the long hair for????

  44. Mottel

    He didn't mean you should prance around the world with your camera taking photos. duh- don't blaim Rebbes for your obsession with with taking pictures, come on- show some respect- you kal

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. -Snag JR: You, my friend are the kal da'as. You have shown a constant immaturity - unable to address the issues at hand, but instead turnng to childish attacks on my character.

    The vitriol and rancor you spew here has effectively closed the conversation here.

    Let me ask you: While prancing around the world, I've put tefillin on thousands of yidden ka"h - dozens upon dozens of them (well over a hundred) b'geder karkafta d'la manach tefillin.
    Without exception I've used my camera to take a picture of them in being m'kayim a mitzvah, and used it as means to stay in contact with them over the years.

    What Zchus do you have for yourself, cretin?

  47. I don't photograph my mitzvaes, you remind me of what avrum yehoashua says that a build is an amerikaner hasugu into ruchniyus.

    you can't answer any of your taynus- not how you were moytzey laaz on R' Burech Ber and not how your photo obsession has nothing to do with anything the Rebbe's fil wrote.

    I hope that the people you were mikareve are not limited by the klee keppledikeh pichisus of the guy who was mikarev them

    you have no chashivus for tzayt and in your brain, you have a somewhat foreign value of , 'if I do a lot of good that will outweigh other things' that is not a Torah value and it leads to a pechisus in understanding chete and how to use your time.


  48. "How many stories do we hear about nisim of the Rebbe....isnt that 'peylishe mayses' ?"

    The Previous Rebbe ZY"A stated very clearly in a letter and was quoted as saying such by The Rebbe ZY"A
    that so called "peylishe mayses"
    do have a proper place in avodas Hashem as mofsim and the like are a gilui Elokus. It is true however that they were never stressed as much in the CHABAD path as much as they were in CHAGAS.
    It is a more recent thing that people are more into the Rebbishe stories and I assume that that is likely because they are easier to give over to the not yet initiated and/or since the histalkus it is basically impossible to have "personal experiences" mayseh b'poal with The Rebbe so for the sake of hiskashrus people feel need to substitute maysehs upon maysehs.

  49. for the record

    build = amerikaner hasugah of NITZCHIYUS


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