Monday, November 23, 2009

Dear Mum - 5

Or Leyom Vav Nitzovim-Vayelech4 September '53

Dear Parents Amv"sh

This must be about the sixth letter I have written since my arrival. I hope you do not expect me to continue at this rate. It is only in the first few weeks that one has so much to write. At the present moment I am not thinking of changing to another Yeshivah. Since my arrival I have seen many and spoken to several people. The fact remains that a Yeshivah with every maaleh does not exist. The Chazon Ish said there was no reason why I should not learn here and even the Gerer Rebbe did not raise any objections. He has in fact several Chasidim with the full attachments learning here. The food, though different here from England, is quite reasonable. At the moment I am managing without the milk since it contains avkas cholev [milk powder] as the Chazon Ish is only matir in case of illness L"O.. ... In the Mir [Yeshivah], as I had previously heard, the crowd is more heimish but as they are mostly married the attendance  is poor and
there is difficulty in obtaining a chaver. Here I have made provisional arrangements to learn Zevochim with a good bochur next zman. Yesterday I went to see the Tchebiner Rov [R' DovBerish Weidenfeld]. He asked me where I came from and my name. When I said Manchester and Reich he immediately asked me if my name was Elozor! It is either Ruach Hakodesh or another possibility I can think of. I asked him a few shaalos all of which he answered immediately. He then asked me if I knew a few of his Talmidim, e.g. R' Avrohom Rand [my Rebbe in Staines Yeshivah], and abruptly wished me KV"T, which doubtlessly meant that the interview was at an end.

The Yeshivah here has an exceptionally large library which is only open a few hours a day and quite a few people come in to use it. Amongst them is one regular whom if I had not seen and heard myself I could never have believed. He is not a big Lamdan but is reputed to be the biggest Boki in all of Eretz Yisroel, in fact in the world. Without the slightest trace of guzma, I have seen it myself. You can ask him how many machlokes R' Yochanan and Resh Lokish there are in Yerushalmi Maasros and he will give you the answer without the slightest hesitation. The same applies to all Bavli and Yerushalmi, all the Rishonim and all the popular Achronim such as the Nosay Kelim of the Shulchan Aruch and the Nesivos, Ktzos, Tumim, Minchas Chinuch, Or Someach etc. For fun I asked him to tell me all the Machlokes of the Tshuvos Chemdas Shlomo and R’ Akiva Eger. I had to listen for a quarter of an hour whilst he reckoned them out. This is not an exaggeration; it is unbelievable until one sees it. As he does nothing but learn and has no official position he is a pauper. Such Yieden one meets in Yerusholayim!

The weather here is bothering me far less than I expected. As long as one does not walk about in the heat it is quite comfortable. The Beis Hamedrash is large, high and airy, in fact far more suitable for learning than its Gateshead counterpart. How pleasant it is always to see blue skies while at night there is such a clear heaven and bright stars. On Shabbos here it is so pleasing to see in the Meah Shearim district (which is near the Yeshivah) all the children with Shtraamlech and long peyos. The town really is far quieter with only taxis and a few private cars. Some districts are chained off to ensure no vehicular traffic passes through and in the others when a car does go through the children and a lot of people shout Shabbos! Shabbos! It was for such an offense that R’Amram Blau (the uncle of the one who was in Manchester), who is one of the leaders of the Neturai Karta, was imprisoned for three months. He refused to sign a good conduct promise. The Chazon Ish went to visit him in jail and was only admitted the second time. All this was proclaimed on the posters which are plastered here every few days. There is a poster issued by the Government headed "The truth about military service for women" (in Ivrit) set out in question and answer form. The Edah Hacharedis answered with a similar poster with the same questions, but different answers. Well I must finish now........

Binchem Elozor


  1. Brilliant! If he had a blog he'd be in my favorites. Great writer & that's w/o trying. I'd love to see real writings from this fellow(as they say in the UK)


  2. Anyone have any ideas who this wonderous Baki was?

  3. The alte yid by the shtender looks like R' Aryeh Levin. Any idea who it is?

  4. I think the Chazon Ish heter on Cholov Akum is Lekatchila not Bdieved as Riech writes in the letter that it is for the sick only

  5. Any way I can find those two posters? should be interesting.

  6. Only getting better!
    Though these posts will not illicit the same amount of comments as the ones about MYRCB v’kedomeh, they are from the best you’ve ever put up.

  7. what is r Aryeh learning? it's not a gmoro or mishnaos

  8. Vosizneias again attacking Chabad!
    Time to boycott, he is getting out of hand

  9. all the chabad sites reported the boycott ochet. not worth nothing to get angry from.

  10. VIN likes to show his credentials by selling out his own brethren, look the way he reports on the din torah of the 2 bobover rebbes, ruthless and no respect for no side.

  11. looks like r aryeh is learning tayreh ayr

  12. Getting off topic, but the RCA ban speaks more about the RCA than the meshechistim. I have no sympathy for the meshechistim but I do see it as an attack on Lubavitch.

  13. stolin, do you have a rare affinity to them by some chance?
    or are you waiting for after shiva?

  14. you might call it a love/hate relationship

    Many in Stolin have the same with Lubavitch

  15. it seems you have that type of relationship with many types most lubabs its just hate hate hate

    i got to give credit for being better

  16. russsishe

  17. Wasn't the RCA the organization that didn't want to leave the roundtable with Reform and Conservative Movements in the earlier days ?, I remember that this was the official Reason of Reb Aron Kotler went out strongly against Rav Soliviechig Of Boston /YU
    So is torah min hashomaim a lesser problem then Meshichisim? it is the Kosher Chazer Fissel as they used to say in der alter reminds of Eisav dilemma , Aba Hiech Massrin salt and hay


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