Thursday, December 24, 2009

יעצט איז ניתל - ביטע נישט לערנען תורה

......בכדי לא להוסיף חיות

The 6th and 7th Lubavitcher Rabbeyim playing chess. Lav Davka it was nittel.

"מה שנוהגים לא ללמוד בניתל, שמעתי מאאמו"ר (אדמו"ר מהרש"ב נ"ע) הטעם, שהוא כדי שלא להוסיף חיות
פעם אמר אאמו"ר: די מתמידים וואס די אכט שעה איז נוגע בנפש, האב איך ניט האלט. והוא רק עד חצות לילה"
מדברי כ"ק אדמו"ר מהריי"צ נ"ע

Harsh words from a man who loved every Yid and who loved to learn Torah no less than a Mesivta bachur in a small New Jersey town Mesivta.


  1. Ha,ha
    You silly Lubavitchers with your nonsense.
    Maybe all the craziness that is happening in Lubavitch came about because someone learned on Nitel??
    So funny and sad to see the videos posted on FailedMessiah about THE MESHICHISTS STILL GOING FOR KOIS SHEL BROCHA

  2. פאר'ן מינאמאלע פרייז פון $100 צו קופת העיר, וועט א מנין תלמידי חכמים שפילן שאך פאר אייערטוועגן היינט נאכט...


    an intelligent question/comment!

    I think the Rebbe let the FR win.

  4. 1) I have never seen Nitel written with a "sof" - every sefer I have that refers to Nitel spells it with a "tes".
    2) I am surprised that you consider Dec. 25 as Nitel - the general Chasidishe minhag (and I would assume Lubavitch as well as it comes from an Orthodox country) is to consider January 6 (which is 12/25 on the Julian calendar) as nitel.

  5. "an intelligent question/comment!"

    Shows more about your intelligence or lack thereof,Hirshel

  6. Sakmoirim zennen noiheg January, memelah Lubavitch has to do 25

  7. Simcha,
    in Belz they hold Nitel tonite today too.
    is Chabad legitimate now in your eyes because Belz does it too?

  8. Dannny
    "Maybe all the craziness that is happening in Lubavitch came about because someone learned on Nitel?? "
    I am not sure about the source of the craziness, but from you chutzpah I concluded that for sure you were conceived on Nitel Nacht the Lubavicher date or the Sakmarer date

  9. Tzig, if I recall the FR figured out the Rebbe was letting him win, and wasn't to happy about it.

  10. i wonder if rabbi tropper learns on nittel

  11. I think the Belzer nittel is January

  12. Re the date AND the spelling, see letter printed in likutei sichos back of vol. 15 or 20

  13. Something strange with the Rebbe's arm. Is this picture real?

  14. As the story goes When the FR chapped that the Rebbe purposefully made a blunder in order that the Shver should win, he said "ven men shpilt darf man shpilen mit a emes"

    Chassidim applied the Lesson to the Illusion Vs Reality paradigm. Although the world is a "Shpil" ubber ven men shpilt darf men shpillen mit an Emes.

  15. puchinyu

    intelligent=to the point, on topic.

    tudot, Bacsi'?

  16. Can someone PLEEEASE explain this to me?:

    “Orthodox Rabbi Yosef Blau (Yeshiva) speaks out against Homophobia, supports gay victims!”

    Panel about homosexuality draws hundreds


  17. I have a stupid question to ask. One really has to play chess more often than just on nittel night to know how to play chess. Doesn't this imply that they played chess more often?

    I would be surprised if the Satmarer Rov knew how to play chess.

  18. Er zogt lav davka

    Chabad vs. chagas. Di Divrei Yoel hatt andere hobbies ;)

    Di Ganze sugye is written up all over mit alle shittas also mp3 shiurim from Shapiro and Leiman etc. Makes the Slate rebbe look like am haaretz. Missed beste vort.

  19. Nittle-Roshei Teivios
    Yidden Toren Nisht Lernen (Natah GAvriel)

  20. By the way Tzig, sometimes you just write things אבי צו שרייבען.

    "Harsh words from a man who loved every Yid"

    The words are not so harsh. He doesn't hold from masmidim who cant hold themselves back from learning 8 hours. Not a big deal.

    Then you said "from a man who loved every Yid". Not to detract C'V from the greatness of the Rasha"b but was this his outstanding trait? Did he stress this midah especially? He did the will of Hashem whether it entailed loving a Jew or not loving a Jew. If you would have mentioned it about the last Rebbe, it would have made more sense.

  21. Any chance that the Yated will print pics of some Rebbie ripping toilet paper? Or at least standing dressed in a red bekishe watching his elves ripping TP?

  22. הירשעלע
    דער בילד איז ניט פון ניטל. דאס איז געווען א צייט ווען דער פריערדיקער רבי האט זיך געדארפט אפרוען. זע אין ספר ימי בראשית דא ובהמשך ביאור ההוראה בעבודת ה' ממשחק השאח.

    בנוגע צו דער צייט פון ניטל, דער רבי האלט אז דאס גייט לפי ווען די היגע גויים פראוון זייער חגא (און זיל בתר טעמא אז דאס איז מוסיף חיות ובפשטות איז דאס ווען זיי פראוון און די קליפה איז בתוקף) ובמילא אין רוסלאנד איז טאקע אין יאנואר אבער דא איז דאס אין דעצעמבער.

  23. Am Alimisher,
    in the time when holy of holiest the baal Veyoel Moshe was talking his small talk (I wouldn"t say chas vesholem Loshen hora and Rechilos since I am not Meharher on the holy of the holiest)with the talis on the Plietza on 500 Bedford on a daily basis, the Chabad Rebiyem were going thru the chess manuvers, Kapish?????

  24. An Ailimisher,
    The Rebbe Reshabs Ahavas Yisroel was not 1 iota less the the Rebbes, the gadlus of a Yidishe Neshoma in his Mamorin are the source and the essence for the Rebbes ahavas yisroel, he was in a different era that he had to used a certain approach, he Rebbe used a different approach by the choik Miu Yehidi, then his standard hanhogas haklal, learn his mamorin on Nishmas Yisroel then we will talk.

  25. minhag chabad is to do nittel according to the local holiday, that is january 25 in most of the world, and in january in russia and ukraine

  26. They canceled my kid's mishmor on thu nite, with no explanation...could this be the reason?

    a blissfully ignorant baltimoron

  27. I do not mean to demean or criticize anyone who has the minhag not to learn but in my family we always did and to me it 'schmecks' of a"z to recognize the holiday at all.

    Ah freilechen nittle to all who celebrate it.

  28. Even calling the day "nittel" is a schmeck A"Z, no? The very word is derived from the Latin for "birth" (natale). Call it "happy Winter Soltice" or somesuch. At least that's what I do in a Heimishe context. Full disclosure: for the folks at work I have to use the proper English name.

  29. Even if R' Yosef Yitzchak had defeated R' Menachem Mendel, no Lubavitcher would admit to it.

  30. זקני היה נפגש עמו מדי יום ביומו לאחר התפלה ב'שטיבלאך' של מאה שערים. השנים היו מתמודדים בפומבי לעיני כולם בבקיאות ובסברות התורה, כל אחד היה מקשה לשני בסוגיא ששוחחו, והיו "זורקים" לעיני כולם את בקיאותם הגדולה. היה פעם מקרה שזקני לא נזכר היכן המקור של חז"ל, ואז התבטא ר' שמואל: "ר' חיים איך שכחתם מדרש רות"?, זקני ענה לו "נכון אבל מה הוא הפשט במדרש?" ור' שמואל לא ידע, ואז אמר זקני את הפשט, כשהוא מצטט את הפסוק באיוב (פרק כ"ח) ובחיוך 'הבין דרכה ו?הוא ידע את מקומה', ידע את מקומה זה אתה ר' שמואל אבל הבין את דרכה זה אני!

    full of YESH!!!! fech

  31. Anon
    I seems you have some dibuk please contact Batzri ASAP

  32. In Slabodka and other Yeshivahs, chess was highly though off.

  33. Vayoel Moshe knowing chess
    Several years ago a picture of several of the Vishnitzer rebbaim playing chess was published.
    May I expressa though of apikorsus against the modern day hashkafisten, Jews even the greatest needed to rest from study and the smart ones played chess instead of politics.

  34. see Rav Wolfson's article in Today's Hamodia where he quotes that the Belzer Rebbe would not open the sefer of a Rov who learned on Nittel for c"v the some of the chiddushim were made on Nittel.


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