Thursday, April 29, 2010

גדול זכותו של ר' פנחס

There's so much to be said about the one man crusade that is Reb Pinny Lipschutz ,zg"z. First it was the newspaper editorials that would not let up in the fight to have justice done for a fellow Yid. Then there was the pidyon shvuyim fund, where hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised by him - and the money continues to pour in - from Yidden who you would think could care less about a Lubavitcher and his troubles. (The SMR fiasco has changed lots of status quos.) Now, it's putting himself on the line, speaking to the people directly, telling them what he's seen, the facts in the case, and how they can help. For now we'll leave it at that, and hopefully speak more about it next week, be"h. For now watch the clip of his speech in Lakewood - with Roshei Yeshiva in attendance - and appreciate some of what he's doing.

Zol der eybershter eich bentshen, Reb Pinchos, bekhol mili de'meytav!


  1. Yesh Kona Olomoi Beshou Achas

  2. perhaps this will somewhat attone for his Pine River Village hatchet job (although he still must ask mechillah from the yungaleit that he attacked unprovoked)

  3. Dovy
    please don"t air your private dirty laundry here.I have no idea what you are talking about, but go to a din torah

  4. Pinny has risen to this challenge and shown hes for real, not just senstaniolist editorials to sell papers but action and results and no sleep. kol hakovod.

  5. Hirshel,
    I respect you for acknowledging R'Lipshutz.I know that after being indoctrinated for over a decade in how evil the Snags are it took a massive effort from you to actually say thank you to the person who has spearheaded to campaign for SMRubashikn, firstly with a large amount of money and secondly as a rallying cry for the rest of the world.

  6. what type of people did he get money from? what's the real reason people get mushy about this? I am not sure. We are missing most of the story; this don't make sense even if Bashkin was a Skuluner chossid or even a Yekke from WH.

  7. father in heaven, looks like we're ready for moshiach.

  8. Hirshel
    you are very lucky the Chochem Hador of BPP respets you

  9. Why oh why does it take a snag like Pinny to spearhead the campaign for SMR. Where are the brothers? Where are the hundreds of various groups and committees that dot the landscape of CH and other erstwhile Lubavitch strongholds. Where is Gutnik? Where are the wealthy and influential Anash?
    Shame on you all.

  10. just watched the speech in lkwd. what a great drasha just beautiful. Next we have to get him 2 come spk by a farbrengin

  11. voice of hell
    From a professional anti semite like you, who would never listen to any chabad askan, even his blood would flow like water and nobody would care, But since R'Pinny Lipshutz took it upon himself it became a universal Jewish issue. I see it now on the comments on all Jewish news sites.Its lag beomer today stop for a day with your anti semitisim.Its like not eating Pas Akum on Aseres Yemie Teshuva, you stop for a few days and you go back to your hobbies as Jew hating tomorrow morning

  12. Don't you think strange and unusual behavior deserves investigation. If Rav Yoel Kahan suddenly started speaking about the need to support Lakewood with large donations, would you not think something is strange?
    Frankly don"t you see some form of disconnect in RPL attitude with Rubashkin.Okay you are welcome to be "don lekaf zechus". But after years of follwoing the frum world I am very suspicious and wonder what the price was ?

  13. Twistelton-TwisteltonMonday, May 03, 2010 1:15:00 PM


    What are you going to do when the snag remaines a snag, and does or says a snaggy thing? What will you say then.

  14. what will I say? that depends. If by "remains a snag" you mean that he'll daven without a gartel, then it's no business of mine.

  15. “what will I say? that depends. If by "remains a snag" you mean that he'll daven without a gartel, then it's no business of mine”

    What I mean is that PL still believes in every word Rav Sach said. And is anti Chabad in the same manner that many snags are. Of course on a personal level he was quite impressed with MSR. And obviously feels that he is being singled out for who he is, which is an attack on us all. But don’t expect to see PL at your local Farbrengen in Monsey.

  16. Twistelton

    I'm not so sure you're correct, but even if you are we can agree to disagree. I don't expect him to do anything, but please don't try and belittle what he's accomplished

  17. " we can agree to disagree"

    Just the point I was trying to drive home to you!!!!! That not agreeing with Chabad dosen't make some one a 'hater' etc

  18. Give Pinny all the credit but I'm sure he has an extra geshnmack sticking it to Lubavitch. He basically says "I reject everything you stand for but I'll show you that I'll do pidyon shevuyim even for you guys. Take that you Lubabs."

  19. Ailmesher, when even doing a toiveh is looked at as a scheme.... de aibeshter zol helfen


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