Sunday, July 25, 2010

בוהוש'ער יארצייט

Today is 18 years since the passing of Reb Yitzchok of Buhush-Shpikov. We attach a picture of him as a young man in The Ukraine.


  1. Af aza yid iz vert a brocheh tzu machen. Zol der Bal Hayortzeit aynreisen veltn far Clal Yisroel.

  2. Oy Vie! Did the current Buhushe Rebbe have his genes altered?

  3. Hirshel
    What a picture,
    did the Romanishe Rebbes also wear this Sirtuk Style? can Shneur plz.give us some klorkiet in the subject?

  4. I think Romania was only later.

    BeChol Oyfen I think that the Rizhiner wore such clothing, meaning two buttons and a slit.

  5. What was so special about him?

  6. I defer to "Russian chusid" for a final answer.
    On one hand they were originally Russian, and lived there until mid 19th century on the other hand they all lived in Galicia or in Galicia dominated areas like Moldavia or Bukowina so I tend to think they did not dress in Litvishe style.
    I think the Bhusher was from the only Ruzhiner family that still lived in the Ukraine until 1918 , but I doubt the Twerskys wore a surdut(Prince Albert).
    So what does Russian Chusid say ?

  7. How about what khazal say...

    רבי אומר, אל תסתכל בקנקן, אלא במה שיש בו: יש קנקן חדש, מלא ישן; וישן, אפילו חדש אין בו

  8. Hey, Shneur, you new i would join in. :)

    I am actually in EY right now and was by his tsion on the yurtseit. (bh without any rebbes being there)

    What he is wearing, is a closed silk surtuk- it does not have a cut on the back. I use to go a thing a thing like that, untill Hartshtein stopped making it custom for me, and any body else.
    making it was a disaster.

    Kapotes like these were worn in der vochen by practicly all Ukaranian/Romanisher Rebbes (inkclueding the Skverer Rebbe Zal and the Kopishnitser). There are 2 people i know of , who goes it today- Monastricher Rebbe from Yerushalaim (great history scholor and talmid chuchem, by the way)and his son.

    Bohusher's Zal's father became a eidim in Shpikov, so Bohusher and his brother were born there.

    Zchisom yugen uleyni!

  9. Does it have 2 buttons in the waist line in the back ? And what did people call it ?

  10. Russian Chosid
    "inkclueding the Skverer Rebbe Zal" do u mean by that Reb YY of New square? U think that he wore this kind of wardrobe in Belz? the belzer style hat that he wore at the end of his life was not the same hat that he wore in Europe, it was more like Shochet the karliner rebbe, I guess RYY changed to attract the old belzers of the Hungarian bend, I guess the iron lady Trana advised him on that.

  11. The Boayaner Rebbe has a white bekishe with colored flowers which was worn on special occassions by the Rhuziner....

    Exactly like todays geblimte bekishes only made from different material...

    I have pictures from when worn in Miron on Lag Bomer by the great uncle of the present Boyaner Rebbe many decades ago...

  12. How about an article on the picture of the "Liozner" showing his museum to a cheder class, wearing no hat and jacket, (not even a vest) and with no tzitzis showing at all. This is a Rebbe?! Or did he give up his aspirations to be a Rebbe?


    Also what's your take on the recent article about Rav Amram Blau

  13. Shenur, it does.


    Trana made him change it in USA for the reasons you mentioned. In Belz, however, he did go like that- and also strokes- do not forget that in Belz there is no strokes, but he went them anyway.

    By the ay, when he cam to America, Boyaner Rebbe zal was asked" who will take care of Skverer Rebbe?" His answer was" Dem Ungarisher Yiden" :)

  14. what are strokes anyway?

  15. Russian Chosid
    why does Skwerer Rebiem wear strokes and not Rachmistrivk? R U sure that Skwer wear Strokes?

    Trana got the Uncle the Belzer Rov to stop building belzer Shtieblech in Willi, CH, and BP, until they left to Rockland county, his being a Belzer Einikel helped him a lot with the H ungarian Jews.

  16. Who cares what he wore?! I have loved few people in my life as much as I loved the previous Buhusher Rebbe zt"l, and his memory brings tears to my eyes. May his holy neshama have an aliya...

  17. Anon
    "Who cares what he wore"
    I am happy that there are still some people out their that don"t care about the wardrobe, but unfortunately too many people are still in the dark and their life rotates around this nonsense d..k

  18. The Liozner is as big a Tzaddik as the other gutte yidn in B.P. he distributes hundreds of food packages every week in B.P. and C.H. You think a hungry child cares whether he wears a vest?


    Now tell us the history of the REZHEVULKA!!!
    How HOT is it in EY when you wear it???

  20. anonymus,(last one)

    Mister DS,None of your .... bussiness :)

    anon (prev):
    Russian Chosid
    why does Skwerer Rebiem wear strokes and not Rachmistrivk? R U sure that Skwer wear Strokes?

    All Chernobiler kinder ven colirte bekeshes with strokes. Skverer changed to the plain black one in Belz, and Rachmastrivker changed in EY.

    REALLY IT IS ALL HISTIRY AND CHITSOINIUS. After you understand that, you can talk about it. :)

  21. Great that we are worried about how many buttons on a sirtuk....

    What about child molesters ?

    In Boro Park and Williamsburg there are about five different people facing multiple charges....

    Each of their victims is at risk of becoming an offender meaning the number of child molesters is growing exponentially....

    Why can't anything be done to ostracise them and make it clear they will be thrown out of their matter how much yiches or money their family has....

    We must put something in place to respectfully get these people away from teaching positions and jobs where they have acess to kids....

    Making excuses no longer works and we are making korbunes of our kids.....

    There are countless unreported cases because it is the victim that is punished in our society not the purpotrator....

    There was a documnetary on the internet where a gerrer melamed in Bnei Berak admitted (not knowing he was being filmed by secret camera) to molesting kids and it was the victim who was thrown out of the community for being involved in the documentary...the melamed admitted on film to molesting and kept his least he didn't walk in the street with his wife .....

  22. Our 'system' has no way of dealing with the fact that some of these molesters have until caught been thought of as yirei shomayim, talmidei chacumim and some yachsanim.....

    Does this show that learning your kishkes our and cutting yourself off from the outside world has not helped people deal with problems that are psychological and often chemically related....

    If these people are sick....their family and friends should ensure they receive medical attention....before they cause harm....

    In many cases the blame lies with those who know they are a problem but don't deal with it....

    The Rebbes should limit the 'kedishe takunes' to those are capable of withstanding them....

    B.M.L. was a 'known' problem for thirty years and despite having yiches, .....was it that he watched movies as a he wasn't allowed...what thing can we identify outside the community to shift blame to prove it wasn't us?

    I know lets go to Manhattan to blame the tzionim......

    It is amazing that with such a warm community the real issues never get deat with...bikur cholim here.....yurtzit tish shtramel and real jewelery to keep our ingerleit and vablach busy so they don't ever worry about the real issues in the community......


  23. Anon,
    Liozhner Chosid
    What makes Shimi Detsch a rebbe more then all Balie Tzedoke voChesed in the whole universe, Should the old Hershkowitz become a rebbe because he started the concept of Tomchie Shabbos, Should Sender Rappaport become a rebbe because he started Masbia? should Hershele Weber become a Rebbe because he started Hatzola? let him go on with his chesed anf hashem will grant his schar, but why is he wearing on Shabbos that silly cap? does a crying child care?

  24. Anon
    Can I know exactly what you are alarming over here, did someone ever say that this insulated community will never produce some individuals with sick impulses? is your solution that the whole concept of Kedusha should be flushed? does the big promiscuous world have less problem per capita? Does the world become a safer world by taking away all moral barriers, with in the face lite porn on the streets?
    there is a problem and it has to be dealt with, and in a closed society it takes a while till they adapt to new procedures, but why all the hollering against the charadie society?

  25. Russia Chosid
    "All Chernobiler kinder ven colirte bekeshes with strokes"
    I remember the holy Rebbe of Tolne/Boston wore only a black bekiche.I used to go listen to his Shalash Seudas torah.

  26. The Tolna Rebbe of Boston was no real Rebbe...he didn't wear a straymel and his kids are kalte litvakes.....

    How was he a Rebbe ?
    He is no raye....

  27. No problem with kedishe and insulating community....

    Can't say whatever we do is perfect and

    I know people who think anyone with a shtramel is haylig and anyone in Lakewood is a shaygatz even where the guy wearing a shtraimel can't read aleph beis...

    Its not just a few individuals doing the wrong can count hundreds if not thousands of shtramel yidden in different casinos, buying drugs or znis every single week.....just in New York.....

    Something is not working as it should....

    Between people who can't learn property, can't support themselves and others simply deeply depressed the majority are failures not successes...

    You must deal with the internal problems as well .....

    The average bal habos in Engelwood or Teanek can learn just as well despite not being years in Kollel and uses his time in Tora and Tefila well because he values time...

    When in Kollel but not a major learner it teaches you that it doesn't matter if you are learning or walking around the street (as long as your wife or shver supporting you doesn't find out).

    People don't develop a sense of pride or self worth.....and the rising divorce rate when wives who work their kishkes out to support this tachshit.....

  28. It is astounding how a conversation on any unrelated topic on any Jewish blog eventually degenerates into a discussion on child molestation.

    I think some people get their "jollies" by talking about the topic.

  29. I am the one who brought up the topic on the Liozner and his dress.

    I have no problem with the Liozner calling himself Rebbe. Rebbe's are a dime a dozen in Boro Park.

    My problem with the Liozna is his lack of self-respect.

    He wears a hopelessly outdated "shtreimel," that although once worn by Rebbes, today no Rebbe would be caught dead in. The "shtreimel" he wears is now called a Kolpek and is used only by unmarried Rebbishe eineklach.

    Furthermore, his dress is contradictory. If he is returning to the levush of the Frierdiker Rebbe by wearing that outdated "shtreimel," he should wear a bekitche, not a "prince albert" kapote.

    He should also wear his tzitzis over his shirt, a vest, and a tie, as the Frierdiker Rebbe did.

    But then there's the funny stuff... No Rebbe (including the last Lubavitcher Rebbe, and surely the Frierdiker Rebbe) would be seen in public without a rekel/kapote/bekitche/ribson or at the very, very least a vest.

    And not even tzitzis out?! What the heck! It's like he's not only clueless, but he's looking to make a fool out of himself.

    (Not to mention that his shabbos Kapote looks like it spent the week on the floor.)

    So I say either start carrying yourself like a Rebbe, or stop making yourself look foolish and just call yourself a Rabbi, not a Rebbe.

    I do think this should be an actual article.

  30. To Anyone concerned: The Living Torah Museum has been visited by thousands of Yidden,heimishe and others. It has educated countless people on the world of Hazal as well as the era of Bayis Rishon. Oneg Shabbos distributes hundreds of packages to needy families. gedolei Yisroel of all hugim have spent hours in the museum looking and studying artifacts and exhibits. If you cannot fargin then I'm sorry. Finally I cannot resolve the issue of whether a hungry child in Crown Heights cares about hats and vests. I don't know.

  31. Anonymous
    Your comments on Shimmy Deutsch make no sense and betray a personal dislike of Deutsch. In 1951 I can see you writing concerning a certain rebbe wearing a fedora, or a suit jacket. a rebbe who went to college ...
    Forget about Deutsch. He is no longer a rebbe and hence does not act like one and as the Lubavitcher rebbe told Yankev Katz "its a free country" in the US you can wear whatever hat you like as long as you did not steal it...
    By the way is it Esquire or GQ that say not to wear a kolpek with a tie ? How about a red tie ? And which Chassidic fashion guide tells the well dressed rebbe not to wear a kolpeck.Probably the same magazine and fashion maven that in 1950 said a successful rebbe needs to wear an up brim hat ...
    Who is bothered by SD wearing a kolpeck, how many people's life are hurt by that fashion statement

  32. Addendum to my last comment: When I said no Rebbe would be caught dead in a Kolpel, I was referring to the use of the Kolpek on Shabbos. There are some Rebbes who wear the Kolpek as a weekday "special event" hat.

  33. Anon
    "To Anyone concerned: The Living Torah Museum has been visited by thousands of Yidden,heimishe and others. It has educated countless people on the world of Hazal as well as the era of Bayis Rishon. Oneg Shabbos distributes hundreds of packages to needy families. gedolei Yisroel of all hugim have spent hours in the museum looking and studying artifacts and exhibits. If you cannot fargin then I'm sorry. Finally I cannot resolve the issue of whether a hungry child in Crown Heights cares about hats and vests. I don't know.

    Wednesday, July 28, 2010 6:49:00 AM"

    Paid for by Friends of Shimi Deutsch LTD.
    Shimi Deutsch Controller

    Shimi Deutsch VP of Public Relations

  34. Schneur
    Why are you harassing a person that volunteered free advice for a Rebbe wannabe, in a culture that is foreign for him. You should beg for his full fledge mechila, since his intentions were benevolent .

  35. schneur
    "In 1951 I can see you writing concerning a certain rebbe wearing a fedora, or a suit jacket. a rebbe who went to college ..."
    If Al Gore would have invented INTERNET in that era, and existing by then,I would offer that advice then too, since I am a nice guy.

  36. Mazel tov to Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch on the election by an overwhelming majority of his close confidant and brother-in-law to the vaad hakohol of C.H. Actually this piece of news is hilarious in light of the exchange on this blog.

  37. Schneur
    since you are obsessed with the relationship of the 7th Chabad Rebbe and His BIL Rav Gurarie, can you please illuminate us readers on the fallout of your Rebbe the 8th Chabad Rebbe, Shimi Deutsch and his BIL rav Pikarski, they were building together the Chabad empire and fought together the CH Idol worshipers. And the BIL left the Rebbe to daven in the Shul affiliated with the CH worshiping cult, As the mouthpiece for Shimi Deutsch please enlighten us, can you get to the son to talk, as u got Barry to talk.

  38. I can't believe people are misconstruing my comments.

    I don't have a problem with the Liozner being a Rebbe. I also appreciate his chassodim (kindnesses), and his museum.

    I just think that his current inconsistencies with the "norm" of what a Rebbe is, makes him look foolish.

    Yes, there is no guide as to how to be a Rebbe, but there are certain things that are taken for-granted.

    You know how the ba'al teshuva that becomes Satmar or Bobov or similar, always has something off. There's nothing wrong with their behavior, it's just the nuances you had to grow up with are missing.

    It's like the Liozner is the flaming "ba'al teshuva" of Rebbes, and although he may not see himself as "off," everyone else in Boro Park does.

    I assume either the Liozner or someone close to him reads these blogs, based on the heavy defense of him here, which is why I commented here, hoping he might get the message.

    As I said before, if he's not interested in behaving like a normal rebbe, perhaps he should give up the Kolpek, and just call himself a Rabbi, at which point no one will look twice at what he does, and people will only focus on his chassodim and wonderful museums.

    As per the comment about the Lubavitcher Rebbe having not conformed to the norms, that is true regarding his hat and kapote, but he behaved in a very dignified manner. I don't recall ever seeing him in public as Rebbe without his kapote and hat (or tallis).

    Also the Lubavitcher Rebbe was an extraordinary personality that was able to pull off such a break from the "norm." I don't think anyone other than the pro-Liozner troll would make a claim that the Liozner comes anywhere near the Lubavitcher Rebbe's greatness, in any category.

  39. Addendum -- also the Lubavitcher Rebbe's dress was consistent with that of some Litvisher/Russian Rosh Yeshivas and Rabbonim.

    The Liozner's dress is consistent with nothing, and no one.

  40. Concerning the relationship between Rabbi S.Deutsch and his brother-in-law, please see The journal of Advanced Hassidic Research and Analysis for a full treatment of this issue, Vol.5 No.3 It is available,I think on line.

  41. After a search on google, I find no evidence of a "journal of Advanced Hassidic Research and Analysis."

    Can you double check the title?

  42. tzig, did you notice that the hamodia just printed the picture of rak zt"l on datcha with (maybe) rav shach-the picture that you posted in Nov. of '09-and are asking if anyone has info on it. Guess you're really ahead of the game!
    your friend,

  43. tzig, did you notice that the hamodia just printed the picture of rak zt"l on datcha with (maybe) rav shach-the picture that you posted in Nov. of '09-and are asking if anyone has info on it. Guess you're really ahead of the game!
    your friend,

  44. Journal of Advanced Hassidic Research and Analysis changed its name a few years ago I checked on WorldCat its now called in transliteation I think something like this Beiss Mashiach Its supposed to be bilingual and a refereed journal. I doubt many academic libraries carry such a journal probably aimed at the specialists in the field.I am also interested in what special book stores carry it. Perhaps Imre Shefer in Williamsburg ?

  45. Anonymous . "The baal teshuva of rebbes" - Oy vey ! -- Niva velo yada mah ...
    I can think of another world class rebbe whose background prior to assuming his Admores lends himself to that title more than Deutsch.

  46. Anonymous.
    As far as the relationship between Shimmy and Piekarski see Volume 6 of "Bedidei have Uvda" And I urge you to do it NOW und mit a shturem

  47. Anonymous - Obsessed with relationship between Rebbe and Rashag. In fact I WAS obsessed with that. After years of conversation with Rachal, Rashbag , Chana Gourary and a few others I think I know the "truth" about the relationship. So I can worry about other things. How's the pizza in Basil ? I heard sevice was bad but the food excellent!

  48. Schneur
    Available at???
    the Torah zoo?

  49. Schneur
    I called Laufer of Imre Shefer, he said that he is too busy fighting the Chometz Gomer Arizona Wheat, and has no time for something else, But the Torah Zoo has it, it is on a shelf between the red hefer and moshiachs donkey,
    can you please get me the contact person?

  50. Schneour,
    What do u think about the new biography by professors Heilman and Friedman?


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