Saturday, July 24, 2010

Not me.

There was no datche for the Tzig, it was a post created based on the picture I found on the 'net. I was talking about THAT goat, not me, I thought you guys figured that out. I need to be more careful when I write here. I was amused by all the e-mails and IMs asking me where I'm on datche and how it's going. HaLevai I could do that; work doesn't for allow for datche now, especially not far away. By the way, you can now be notified through either Facebook or Twitter when there are updates to the blog, which happen pretty often these days, vacation not withstanding.


  1. Where can I get hold of the letters between the(Lubavitcher) Rebbe and the Toldos Ahron Rebbe regarding davening with hislavos vis-a-vis emphasising learning Lubavitcher seforim before daveninin?

    When did they have a "fallout"?

    Bchllal, Toldos Ahron has respect for the (Lubavitcher) Rebbe, despite the ideological differences. It would make an interesting study. Maybe write something about it.

    (You can even put in a few words of zilzul of the high tzniyus standards that they have - just to be consistent)

    החותם בדמעה

  2. R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi explains, based on Hasidus, why it is not necessary to blow the shofer on Shabbos. Theoreticaly, if the Rebbe would decide that that reason doesn't apply in our times, and we must blow the shofer on Shabbos, would all the Lubavitcher hasids listen to him or would they ignore him?

  3. If anyone can upload or find a link to the letters it would be appreciated by the masses....

    The current Toldos Ahron Rebbe used to learn chassidus with R' Yoel Kahn.....

  4. Anon,
    Minie Koilech Mibechi
    please wipe your tears its after Shabbos Nachmi,
    there was never a fallout between the Rebbe and the TA Rebbe, it all depended on the pressure of goons that resided in the 11211 Zip code, He was reliant on Satmar funds for his existence since he had a policy not to take the official Govet funds.
    The discussion was at one of his visits to the Rebbe, its printed in Toras Menachem at length,maybe their are letters too,His son Reb Dovid was many times in 770 and learned Chassidus by Reb Yoel,Reb Mendel Vechter and farbrenged a lot with the legendary Reb Moshe Weber,

  5. The Yechidus with the TA Rebbe zt"l, From 5721 (PDF format):


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