Tuesday, September 7, 2010

what alotta "shmiras eynayim" talk קען אויפטאן...

See the story on HaAretz.com

I'm not here to poke fun at Breslovers. Chas Vechoolilleh. I was just "inspired" by the most recent conversation in the piece about Rebbe Ella Lopian. Somehow that took a weird turn and ended up in a weird place. Seeing this soon after MADE me put it up


  1. "vehoyiso meshugo" is not a tzivuy

  2. vihuyisa meshuga is an "asay"

  3. shame on you for copying from the haaretz

  4. Taking "lahtzneey" to a new level.

  5. the whole Uman pilgrimage is a farce invented by Reb Nossen and we will suffer forever, why can't we take Reb Nachmans body to Biet Shemesh or to Tosh and not put so many Kedoshei elyon in Shmiras Einiem dilemmas.

  6. It's better than the skinny dipping pictures from Uman that were circulating a couple of years ago.

  7. Yes this is real, but only a tiny minority


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