Friday, November 12, 2010

פילאדעלפיע, תר"צ

"האלט שטארק גאט'ס ב"ה מתנה , די הייליקע תורה"

The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, HaRav Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, Ztvkllh"h, At the train station in Philadelphia, Pa. One of his many stops on his trip to the US, Elul 5690 to Tamuz 5630. The picture was released for the first time this week by the good people at Speaking of Philly; which is a product of BMG - it seems like BMG will have no part of anybody working there at all. Not even a young man selling danishes for a few dollars a day to feed his family. "Raus!" they said. Nor Teyreh, no BaaliBatim here! Apparently that caused quite a ruckus at BMG, with some agreeing that he be banished because he charged too much, and others appalled at his expulsion. Either way this doesn't look good for the ivory tower at Lakewood, with its multi, multi, multi million dollar buildings.


  1. Was it just a lousy photographer or is someone cropped out of the picture?

  2. It's important that you post this pic because you claim that he inspired you to become Lubavitch

  3. I don't think they cropped anybody out, but we can find out.

  4. You claim he inspired you, yet you knew nuttin' about him or any other of the rebbeim.

  5. "I don't think they cropped anybody out, but we can find out."
    I though you claimed you did not work for their p.r dep

  6. Based on your being a young BP rotzer, who had never even heard of Lub, till they started giving out bribes at the Lag lag ba'omer "parad"
    You never even met the hayntigeh.

  7. I don't work for them, but I know people who do. I have friends. This isn't GM or GE, Lubavitch is still a Mom and Pop operation that anybody can have access to. sheesh!
    Listen here, people, this meshigas about me working for their PR Dept. has to stop. I don't. I work for a non-Lubavitcher company far from Lubavitch. That's all I'll say on the matter. I do not work in the writing field, I work in finance.

  8. You never even met the hayntigeh.

    "Met?" no. We never met at Kahan's grocery. But I was by the Rebbe by farbrengens, Shabbosim, Yomim Tovim, dollars, Kos Shel Brocho, stam vochi'dige davenen. what else? Is that enough?

    enough with the lies and the misinformation, people!

  9. So let me understand (geb mir tzi farsheyen)
    You sell this nonsensical Lubab kool-aid (not this pic, but in genearl)AND you don't even get paid?
    Oy vaiy!
    You can't be that dumb.(I hope..)

  10. Do mesivtas have off on Fridays these days? It seems like they do.

  11. "But I was by the Rebbe by farbrengens, Shabbosim, Yomim Tovim, dollars, Kos Shel Brocho, stam vochi'dige davenen. what else? Is that enough?"

    I thought you did NOT belong to the Lubavitchers who still get "kois shel berocho" even today.You know the good folks from

  12. Ummm.
    I though you "worked" in finance.
    Either you have an easy boss.
    Or you work in the finance arm of Lubavitch inc

  13. I get it
    You just "volunteer" your kool-aid services.

    Listen, if people suspect you actually work for Lubavitch, doesn't that tell you a bot about how objective and non partisan you are?

    For me the giveaway is the extreme hate you have for people you never knew."Vaboylniker" etc.
    Either you do work for the p.r or you really are a serious kool-aid case

  14. I don't feel like getting into a personal conflict here.
    So don't take it as a personal insult

  15. it's a labor of love, my friend.
    I knew the Vaboylniker. I was the recipient of his hate. Just remember that, since you weren't around at that time yet.

  16. Please don't prove your being kool-aider.
    The Vaboylniker was 100% right.
    He was not talking about every Lubavitcher but a visit to proves his uncanny insight.
    Unfortunate that Lubavitch didnot stop the train before it went off the tracks.
    I really ask you not to prove to me that the story with the young boy who gave up his father to Russian authorities for father Stalin is not applicable to Jews who get sucked in so badly that they lose touch with reality

  17. How do you explain the Boreinu phenomenon?
    Or do you just "black it out"?
    How do you explain the guys who don't keep fast days, anymore?

    And, actually how do you explain the Moshichist garbage???

    You think thatbynot posting this you black it out??

    Do you think the Vaboylniker had a problem with the Kalmanson brothers??
    100%% not.In fact in earlier years he had close Lubavitcher talmidim

  18. I explain it the same way I explain how Reform came out of Toras Germany and Haskoloh and Zionism/Socialism out of Toras Lita.

    Think into that for a second, and don't give me the standard foolish one liners.

  19. We probably need to have this discussion when the market is not moving as fast.
    I"ve got to take care of business here.No offense meant

  20. The quote behind the picture is:
    האלט שטארק גאט-ס ב"ה מתנה , די הייליקע תורה.

    It was published along with a 70 year history of Chabad in America for the Kinus.

  21. it seems like the pressure from BMG was too great for Matzav to bear. They removed the story.

  22. There is good and bad in Lakewood, like in any group. The problems occur when people think one group is homogeneously good/the best/perfect/the only way. That's when you know the brain is out of order.
    I used to learn with a Rosh Kollel in Lakewood. My brain was out of order for quite some time then. I see through it now, though, very very clearly. I don't write them all off, anymore than I write off Chabad because of their lunatic fringe.

    Than again, I don't "belong". I like to pick the good from diverse groups. They all have some good. It's okay for a loner, but doesn't work for most. Granted.

  23. I dont see the article on Matzav, give us the story in short, plz

  24. ht,
    the story is still up on the great hershel hershkowitz's blog.

  25. Dudes, i'm begging all of you:
    Before you write something, think a little
    i used to love to peruse this blog for interesting historical facts, it was right up my alley
    i'm not saying what affiliation I am, but this is getting ridiculous, it's got to stop, you people are ruining this blog
    for all of you rashkabaha"gim who come on here talking about meshichistin v'chu, stop and think something along these lines: although i would like to respectfully ask Mr. tzig Esq. about the crazier elements in Lubavitch, perhaps it has been discussed already,being a lubavitcher blog and all, and the fact that it's been around for several years
    hmm... perhaps i shouldn't start shrying about yo yos in China when the post is about the origins of bobov
    seriously, guys, you're ruining my outlet. isn't there anywhere else you can vent your frustrations, or to anyone else?
    Ch'bin nisht kin groise darshin, just asking you with poshite verte, to please have a little rachmanus on a poshite yid

  26. Rumor is as dort is gevessen der elterer eydem .in di bild
    A pretty shtarke svora

  27. Why are you attacking Philly, without any real information, while at the same time it turns out that one of "your" guys father of shluchim and shluchos is a crook, and you have nothing to say about it??

    The answer is simple
    You are a m-e-n-i-v-e-l!
    The truth about your guys will come out,starting with this pic where the Rasha"g has been snipped out.
    Same as the pic where the Rebbe got his kappel stuck back on, though the pic was taken without.

    You are a m-e-n-i-v-e-l!

  28. A guy taking potshots against a yeshiva deserves to be exposed.
    Enough already

  29. "Speaking of Philly; which is a product of BMG - it seems like BMG will have no part of anybody working there at all. Not even a young man selling danishes for a few dollars a day to feed his family. "Raus!" they said. Nor Teyreh, no BaaliBatim here!"

    Not sure who you are blaming:Phily or Lakewood or both.
    Also not sure what it has to do with the pic.

    Hatzad hashoveh is that you are a noxious hater!
    What a snake.
    Pinny Lipshitz also from Philly, raises more than a million$$$ for a Lubavitcher (while Lubavitchers sat on their rear ends)

  30. @Anonymus Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:39:00 PM: What you see in the picture is the photographer´s flash light. This not a Stalin like manipulation!

  31. wow! talk about a stretch!
    I made a joke about the FR and Reb Elya and all of a sudden I don't appreciate Pinny Lipschlutz's Herculean efforts on behalf of SMR?


  32. Has the Rashag been snipped out of this picture? I wish we could find out what R' Schneur would say about this.

  33. Itche Mier,
    dont you know uet, that he was snipped out, Its a fact if you think different then you are intoxicated from Kool Aid.
    Did you hear that the Koolaid drinkers were Mefane the Reshag to Munkach? it is a fact, just the Lubavich Pr Koolaid drinkers are denying it.
    Btw, what brand Kool Aid does Rotschild sell at NPGS in Lakewood?

  34. Reb Itchiemayer:
    Whether it is this picture or other pictures where the Rashag AH
    has been "cosmetically eliminated" the question remains: Why can't the Rashag be recognized for his dedication and mesiras nefesh on behalf of the the Frayerdiker RebbeZTL? Was he not machnia himself for some40 years at the farbreingenishen of the Rebbe ZTL? How viscious do chassidishe yidn have to be? You can't fargin him his rightful place in Habad history?

  35. In Days of Chabad published by Kehos there are three entries regarding Rashag: page 49 on his birth (with beayutiful photo), page 138 on his passing, and page 194 on his marriage (with nice young foto).

    So hert ayf hakken ayn tchainik!

  36. To Mr. anonymous mitn tchainik:
    I do not have a copy of Days of Chabad but I'll accept your version that he's mentioned three times.Having said that you would have to be a complete fool to be unaware of the very lukewarm attitude that many Hassidim have towards the Rashag AH.In many cases it's downright disdain and hostility. To them it's a zero sum game: a nice word about the Rashag takes away something from the Rebbe ZTL.This has been going on for as long as I can remember. I will concede that sometimes the political winds were more conciliatory towards the Rashag and sometimes they weren't.
    The picture issue can be cleared up right away. Just publish the complete picture. Maybe it's just an american Jew "awn a hitel" standing to the Maharyatz's side. Somehow, I doubt it.

  37. So HT and others, wasn't the Rashag, ZT"L devoted to the Rebbe, even going against his family in the library trial? Did he not do many wonderful things in the world of Lubavitch? Assuming the answer is yes, why does he get shortchanged his due?
    If the answers to these questions are not in the affirmative, then someone please explain. The only reason I can think of that he would be cropped out of the historical artifacts and modern history of Lubavitch would be that the devotees of the seventh Grand Rabbi are insecure. However, I do find that difficult to understand.
    When was the book "Days of Chabad" published. While merely three mentions might not be enough, at least there is some recognition.

  38. Klainer A.
    You were never in your life involved in a chasidisher hoif, after the Rebbe dies and Vezorach Hashemesh, the old family becomes a drag on the new hoif.What the reshag got after his FR, is bechesed agaist what other rebishe kinder had to suffer from the new regime.

  39. Kohn

    If you have something to say, say it yourself, don't copy comments from elsewhere

    and if Schneur wants to say something he knows the URL of this blog very well...


  40. Sorry,I hadn't realized that you were aware of the discussion there.
    Anyway, it seems like the picture is indeed cropped and Maya Katz's book seems to be a very interesting read.
    As you yourself put it, referring to people unsympathetic to Chabad as having a tough week, because of all the positive media coverage of the Kinnus:Now it seems that for all those hagiographers and people still running scared of R'SH"G and other issues Chabad has sought to cover up are going to have quite a tough time in the near future.The barn doors are open

  41. Kohn

    the jury is still out on that one

    we'll wait and see what actually happened here

  42. Anonymous 9:57.
    You're right. Except the "onshtel"in Lubavitch was that it was different. VD'L.

  43. Klainer,
    after all the cut and paste jobs, he was treated fairly good , much better then a Blgrayer rov in Belz or Semihayer Rov in Satmar

  44. Kohn,
    Dont you worry, Chabad survived the Reshhag Chabad survived Maya, Chabad survived the smear job of so called professors Friedman and Hielman,

  45. Anonymous Tuesday, November 16, 2010 12:03:00 PM: Have you read Heilman´s and Friedman´s book?

  46. yes yes yes I read it, the problem is this 2 arrogant partners havent read anything.

  47. I have also read the book. It seems to me that the problem is not that "this 2 arrogant partners havent read anything". The problem is that they have read and tells us of things that some people think belittle the last Rebbe. In fact they tell us about a charismatic, intelligent and very learned Rebbe. But they do not explain how he became so learned, although he apparently did not study at a yeshiva. And that seems to be troubling to some.

  48. Anonymous . The kashe is can Lubavitz survive its friends and self apointed new leadership. And what is Lubavitz ?


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