Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Different Paths (Part II - addendum)

(You MUST read Part I first!!)

From HebrewBooks


  1. so there are different paths to serve hashem , and you decided to join a group that holds that their path is supreme

  2. anon, so there are different paths to Hashem each claiming to be supreme. Happy now?

  3. The Nefesh Chaya once gave a drosha in yerushalayim advocating agricultural work for the masses instead of chaluka and faced quite a wave of condemnation.

  4. "The Nefesh Chaya once gave a drosha in yerushalayim advocating agricultural work for the masses instead of chaluka and faced quite a wave of condemnation."

    Rav Akiva Yosef Schlesinger (the Leve Hivrey) had similar ideas. Which is part of why he was marginilized in Yerusalayim (other reason was his attacks on the Kollel system and KOLLEL ADMINISTRATORS).

  5. I am suprised at how FEW comments this post got. I guess Chabad vs. The world is more intresting. Donsen't speak to highly for the readers of this blog.


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