Sunday, December 12, 2010

שו"ת ציונים וסייעתם

מבחן שחולק במסיבת חנוכה ע"י ארגון "מגודלים בנעוריהם" בעי"ת בית שמש, ארה"ק ת"ו

Maybe somebody will be kind enough to send me page 1 as well as page 3 that has the answer key for the second half...


  1. It doesn't look like any pages are missing, you just have to match the answers to the questions

  2. the tshuves are from 1 to 11
    the shayles from 11 to 20

    looks like something's missing to me...

  3. Maybe something else is missing, but the 11 answers on the bottom of this page correspond to the 11 questions on top; they're just scrambled and need to be matched (match 1 to טו; match 2 to יב etc.).

  4. הירשעלע
    דאס איז צו באלעקן די פינגער. אן אמתער ובדחי רבנן

  5. HT, look closer, it's a matching question and answer. you need to spend more time in RBS

  6. If the Minchas Elozor would have seen this, יש לומר he would have become a ציוני just not to be associated with these people.

  7. Can someone brighter than me give all the answers in a post?

  8. Sara
    are you on the address,
    Are u Lost?

  9. It's simple. Look at each question and think: What would John Hagee put?


Please think before you write!
Thanks for taking the time to comment
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ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

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