Thursday, February 3, 2011

טאלנער - פנ"מ וויקיליקס באמבע

יומני טאלנא
If you're having trouble seeing it on the page click on "יומני טאלנא" above.

רי"ם = Reb Yitzchok Menachem Weinberg, today's Tolner Rebbe of Bayit Vegan,

ס.ט. = Saba Tolner, his zeide, the old Tolner Rebbe, Reb Yochonon Twersky,

הב"י = is the Bais Yisrool, of course, Reb Yisroel Alter,

ל"ש = the Lev Simcha, Reb Simcha Bunim Alter,

הגרפ"מ = is the Gaon Reb Pinches Menachem, before he was Rebbe, (after which he was known as the אד"ש, and after his passing as the Pnei Menachem,) which was after 7 Tammuz, 5752, when his brother the Lev Simcha passed away.

מו' ד. ח = Moreini Reb Doniel Chaim, son of the Pnei Menachem

Reb Shaul is the Rosh Yeshiva of Sfas Emes in yerushalayim and a son of the Pnei Menachem,

Reb Aryeh was the Pnei Menachem's son who passed away some 20 years ago after being hiot by a bus. He was a son in law of Rav Menashe Klein.

Other Roshei Teivosen are Shamoshim and Gaboyim. I'll tru and answer more R"T question in the comments if you have any. No guarantees, though.


  1. Can you maybe tell us where to look I cant sit here reading 500 pages of text

  2. It ain't Wikileaks
    It’s Wikiunintelligiblebadwriting.

  3. farvos shveigst du veggen der ikkul?

  4. What Gevezener wrote on Belz, is mild to the explosive stuff thats here.

    Poor Belzer, keeps on getting bashed by evetyone.

  5. "He was a son in law of Rav Menashe

    WAS iirc,no?

  6. "I said WAS"

    Chuchem Baatchi,
    I meant was, before he was..

  7. because there's no ikkul post to comment on?

  8. At the time of his passing iirc he was no longer eydem,no?

  9. no.
    they were married when he died. Happily, I might add.

    You may be confusing him with a son that was a SIL by Reb Don Modzizter and divorced.

  10. Ok,
    Yishar koach, my mistake.

  11. Who did she remarry?
    I remember nebach the accident.He was hit by a bus crossing Malchei Yisroel in Geula

  12. What does he do,Weinberg that is?
    Ruv? Business?

  13. Hershel as someone who has read every post since you have begun your blog,I must tell you ive enjoyed this past weeks posts more then ever. And noe this tolna wikileaks wow.Just a couple of questions, 1-who is the author of these papers?the heintige tolna rebbe?2-Where in the world did you get ahold of them from?

  14. tzig what do you make of the story in ois gimmel was R Shach telling the Bais Y. "ich hub gornisht mit zei" that I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST THEM?WHAT GIVES?

  15. For all those asking, the sons of the Pnei Menachem, zatazl, dont "buy" any of these fairy tales of the Tolner Rebbe. As they are preparing a book on the biog. of the Pnei Menachem, they need TWO sources to each story, and if its a story from Tolner sources, they need THREE sources.
    So all those licking their fingers with glee, take it all in perspective.

  16. Talking about authenticity, who is willing to count how many time HARIM writes about himself that the Rebbe says he is such a great guy etc.
    אויב עפעס, דאס מאכט נאר קאליע פאר די רעביסטאוווע פין טאלנא...
    ווי וועט עהר קענען אריין גיין צום בעלזער יעצט? נאך אזא מעשה...

  17. די טאלנער קען לעבן אזוי אויך, אהן אריינגיין צום בעלזער

  18. BPER
    that story was still in the early years,

  19. נו נו
    but he is the last one to go round gives 'deaois' to other people what to do with chinuch etc.
    especially after all this is out in public. look at the way he speaks about other Rebbes.
    טול קורה וכו
    this is like the story, iirc, of the Rebbe Reb Binem, about the shiker who thought he was a galech. same with this Tolner, he thinks, if all Rebbes are *&^%$#, well then he too can be a Rebbe
    אוי לאותה בושה!!!

  20. Yochanan
    the Tolner is not interested in Rebisteve building, he likes to have his ends meet

  21. He has been talking lately of opening a yeshiva.
    another way to make $$, but now all the taanos he has on other mosdos, he will suddenly see its not such a picnic. easier to complain from outside...

  22. Rabbi Tzig
    Talking of wikileaks, did you get the clip of the g-son of the Sereter Rebbe, dobbing in the chassidim who arent so loyal to his g-father?
    It is amazing. but so low....

  23. He is the son-in-law of Mendele Hager of Viznitz BB
    Load it up. the olam here will be AMAZED!!1

  24. Whats happening now in Seret Viznitz?
    I was under the impression that in BB it was fights, but Seret as well?

  25. Amazing stuff and ניכרין דברי אמת

    However, I started from the beginning and I have already found on page 10 a BABE MASSEH, Its a story how the Tecbiner Rov came with his father the Kocov Miyakov to Ger, and the Imrei Emes zl introduced to his guests, his youngest son the Penei Menacem

    There is one technical problem with this story. The Kocov Miyakov was niftar in 1894, The Pnei Menachem was born 35 years later!! How did the Tolner get messed up on such a simple discrepancy????

  26. Yochenen
    what is all this Krectzen about? why cant he give you now ideas of chinuch,
    I don't get your frustration

  27. Yochanan
    Get off his back,he had all the rights to shmooz with a kluger yid and write it down

  28. We didn't get an answer. Does anyone know who actually wrote, typed and published this?

  29. הירשל די ביזט געגאנגען א ווייטען וועג פון פארטיידיגען חב”ד ביז אנגרייפען אלע פוילישע/אונגארישע חסידים

    בד”א די ערשטע מעשה דארט פון סאטמער רב אז ער האט הושענא רבה אינדערפרי אויפן וועג צום דאווענען מיט די ד' מינים אין די הענט געזאגט א שטילע תפילה אז די הויזן זאלן עם נישט אראף פאלען איז א משוגענע פאלשע מעשה

  30. קיינער גרייפט נישט אהן

    פארוואס מוז מען זאגן אז יענער מעשה איז פאלש?

  31. im too busy devouring this load of masis too comment, thanks hirshel

  32. HT,
    Can you answer yossel gutnicks's ? without giving away sources.
    Who wrote this? IMHO, this makes the tolner look like the kindergarden kid who enjoys throwing sand at the other kids building sand castles.

  33. Anon 10.06

    Hershel has nothing to do with this, he's not protecting anyone. This was on Hydepark.

  34. can someone direct which pages has connection lubavitch or the Rebbe?

  35. ayen bechadrey charedim where they are mefakfek in the veracity of these diaries (claim forged by enemies of PM).

  36. And now a new thread on beChadrei claiming that there is an edited version (minus the Belz-Machnovkeh bits) out

  37. Can you give the link to the
    chadrey charedim discussions?

  38. Amazing ! and then you will have a comment blasting David Asaf and othes for his books and articles. Sheyn geredt kamah peamim that as long as Asaf would not mention Luabvitch , you would praise him too ! If I did not know better , I'd say you were another incarnation of Panim Chadashoth and the zaddik Chaim Saulsohn. Maybe the Divre Yoel was correct after all, Chassiduth is finished .Back to the Super Bowl Belz Vs, Ger, with the color by Tzig and Bok.

  39. Lex

    פון וואנעט ווייסטו צו זאגען פון סופער באולס אד"ג

  40. Lex
    "Sheyn geredt kamah peamim that as long as Asaf would not mention Luabvitch"
    Sheyn geredt Kamah Peomim, if Eliach in the Hagoan would write only against chabad and its rebbes, all chasidim would be fine, and it would not be considered a Machloke against chasidim, as chabad blood is Hefker Lakol, as the Belzer wrote in a letter and repeated it in his Shtiedige Torah in Mem Tes , that certain elements want to make it (degel hatorah) as a refreshed chasidic misnagdic war, chas vesholem.... Bla Bla
    But when the Hagoan was printed with arguments against Rebbe Reb Elimelech and Bardichever Ruv. it became a full fledge anti chasidic war,the Belzers started a agressive war against him , eventough it is from the same school of Maran and Rav Kanievski.

  41. Jnetuser:

    send me your email and I'll send you a PDF of the file

  42. I think the PM sons are just trying to appease evryone. I think this is authentic. What does everyone think?

  43. Nothing to talk about if it was not true the PM Kinder would shveig

  44. What's does the Tolner himself have to say about these? Did he acknowledge their authenticity? did he address it at all?

  45. Now Tolner, aka "HaRim", written a letter against it

    My gut feeling, without reading the whole langeh megilla leaks,so i did not see any of the lubab stories, is that the lubob pressure made him write the letter.nobody else gives a flying fig,the lubob though, have an elephants memory and Tolner has been kissing up to them

  46. The Litzonos, Loshan Hara and Bizuy Talmidei Chachomim B'Itztila Drabonon that I find here is mind boggling. I grew up in a Chassidishe/Galitzyana home but spent 25 years of my life watching the Lubavitcher Rebbe Zt"l, learning his Torahs in over 140 volumes, reading his letters (14,000 of them published in 30 volumes) and seeing transcripts of his talks with Admorim, Roshei Yeshiva etc including the Pnei Menachem and the Belzer. Never have I seen or heard even a Shemetz of what is attributed to these Admorim (ger, Belz etc.) from trhe Lubavitcher Rebbe Zt"l.
    I simply do not believe that these Gedolim spewed with so much Sinas Yisroel as these 500 pages lead one to believe.
    If it is true, it is no wonder that after a Churban/Holocaust that wiped out a third of Klal Yisroel Moshiach has not yet arrived to be Goel Klal Yisroel.
    It is no wonder that the Lubavitcher Rebbe spent so much time with Harav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L who was an Ohev Yusroel and never spoke such words of Zilzul on anyone.

  47. חיפשתי בפורום זה נפלא, ומצא אותו . עכשיו אני משתמש הרגיל שלך.rnתודה על הממשל של הפורום הזה .


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