Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What You Can Do At The DMV

Now, you too can waste precious time better used to learn Torah, spend time with family or make money and plan the personalized license plate you know you'll never get because you're too cheap, or simply don't have the cash! Just remember, many of your dream plates are already taken or are not allowed by the DMV... I chose to display here many of the topics that we discuss here on the tent, whether very recently or in general. I know, I know, I could've done hundreds of different things too, but I don't have that much time. Send us in your suggestions, pictures, that is, and we might just publish them! I actually saved some more plates, and maybe I'll add some later, who knows?

The Author of the Tolner Wikileaks as he was - and is known in Ger, even after becoming Rebbe, and especially now that he's embarrassed them for all eternity.

Der Rebbe di Baysrool, Beis Yisroel, as it's pronounced in Ger

Last of the Kopusters... And where Lubavitch got lots of Chassidim from.

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave


A Yeshivaman, one who toils in Torah despite all the hardships...

What we should be doing, but are too busy to...

It's not really alive, is it?

I should get a set..

Chai-Yat Kislev, anyone?

The man which the world was created for

Srool or Mendel, which one do you like? Or are you Monsey?

Don't know where that came from - maybe Wiki put that in my mind too

What we all need to do more of

A shtarke guy who learns in Kolel, for the time being, anyway

The Shchunah where it all happens

The day that it all began


The one we love

The Tumene Tziyonim - fechie.

An old time talmid of Reb Aron - or a wannabe from Lakewood.

מה זרעו בחיים אף הוא בחיים

A great book about a great Chossid

What could've been...

כל השביעין חביבין - and now we know in Ger too!

That "tekufeh" was way too short

Not to be confused with Spinka 56, or maybe it's the amount of Spinka Rebbes?

The Yeshivah on the hill, and on the rocks, as well....

The one you know you love and need more of...

"אולי כרמב"ן"

One person's fantasy...

Just Because...

A happy day - or "El Naqba," depending where you stand on the issue...

Ch'sidish can mean lots of things...

Imagine if that would happen...

No, there are no letters missing here - that's the word

His whole being is "anti"

None here.


  1. Hirshel-Today there is medication available. You don't have to suffer...

  2. No Litvak? IIRC the Alter Rebbe was THE Litvak...

  3. 38 examples of chasidishe license plates is normal?Ihr zolt hobn a refueh sheleimeh in gichn.[counting them almost made me mesugeh.]

  4. What is the explanation of the אולי כרמב"ן

  5. ShygtZaros is 10 letters. The max is 8 letters/numbers

  6. Chitzpeh, you left out Ungvar.

    Z KEDOSH, the license plate of the roish kul.

  7. if the RH"K has it then I can't order it, which means I can't display it here...

  8. KRIDMOOR (a retired rebbe who doesn't even seem to be around for Peerim this year)


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