Monday, March 7, 2011

נישט קיין היימישע בלוט מעג מען צאפן

We spoke about VIN and how they're hanging on for dear life. I was tolds by people who claim to be in the know that it's no coincidence that the tone has changed recently, especially as far as comments are concerned, and we saw how they've stopped reporting on scandals in the frum community, both political and otherwise, ahem. Or at least so we thought. Then there was an arrest in the frum community last week, and there it was, on VosIzNeias, with all the details! Then they removed the names, but they left the family name in one place for anybody to see and do a quick search in Google News.... So what happened? Did they have a change of heart, are they back to their old, semi-evil ways (initials or no names, but obviously a frum person) now that they see that readership is down, since the content is not as excting as it used to be? But then I realized! Despite the fact that these are frum people, even Torah'dikke Mishpoches, they're not Hymish. The kids probably don't speak Yiddish, the women drive, the kids play basketball in their driveways, and the all-important shtreimel doesn't adorn the farchup'te head of the father. Oy Lanu. But most of all these people don't have bands of terrorists calling and harassing Rabbonim about the evils of the day, and they don't harass Mosdos who advertise with sites such as VIN. So they're fair game. Their blood isn't red.

שעמן זאלט איר זיך


  1. I don't know about the politics of VIN ,but do you know what these people are accused of ?They swindled Monsey Jews of millions of dollars. It started with stealing from the US government and now its stealing from other Jews.

    Lets stop worrying about the alleged criminals,lets worry about the innocent victims who lost so much money , and lets hear a sharp condemnation from a rosh yeshiva like Rabbi A. Schechter, or rabbi Kotler or Rabbi Perlow of theft. No ifs buts and maybes. An unconditional condemnation of theft.

  2. Archie
    that is not Hirshels point,
    his point is, that Halbonas Punim is only for a Hiemishe Punim

  3. You are one hundred percent right

  4. Hirshel I had the same thought exactly. And as a chossidlite my feeling is that it's a damn shame.

  5. I find myself agreeing with you probably for the first time ever.
    I"ve been around since you opened and even before from the Tzemach mentalblog

  6. but it is not a damn shame when they shame all frumme yidden. All of you thrive and enjoy seeing them being shamed and many a times defamed.

  7. anon 7:28 speak for yourself. I could not stand that site from the day it opened and I am pretty sure Tzig has felt the same way all along

  8. But did you speak out? Did Tzig speak out (when they defamed people and their families for years)?

  9. why don't you ask Rabbi Scherman why was it was OK to advertise with them while they were killing families for generations? why did it take a ban from Rabbonim and mostly potential revenue loss and boycott to make AS stop advertising with them????????

    do that b4 you ask where the Tzig was...

  10. You are right, I should ask Rabbi Sherman why he advertised while they were killing families. And the same goes for Tzivos Hashem and Moshiach times, especially as to the irony that this is an organization that should teach kids about a soldier in Hashem's army. How can you ask someone to be solider to fight the yetzer hara while you advertise in a place the has the yetzer horah full force?

    But that said it would be commendable for tzig and frumme bloggers to commend the ban to comments and defamation news.

  11. Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger speaks out against the paper-bomb of Kol Korehs. His reasoning, which is valid on its own, is that the stature of Rabbonim in the eyes of the public is debased by all this activity. What is left unsaid, however, is that not a few of the K'Ks in recent years have effectively supported a "Droit de seigneur" among connected members of various communities. That, to my amhartzusdike eyes, is a far greater kilkul.

  12. VIN is a trash bin. I hope they sink and never recover. The damage they've done to people is inestimable and they'd happily continue down that road if they weren't hurting. May such reshaim only meet failure in every aspect of their miserable lives!
    It didn't take a ban for me to stop going there. I left long ago.


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