Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ט"ז סיון תשט"ז

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Classic Rav Gifter, even way back then.


  1. This kinnus was attacking the RCA and their participation in Synagogue Council.

  2. I thought my yiddish was good, but I can't understand too much of this without really straining myself!

  3. Most of our Gedoilim while they were steeped in Torah and avodah but had they not been frum they might've been ordinary men.While every time I heard R Gifted speak I walked away thinking that if he would've been a got he would've been a world class statesman. Wow what a keli

  4. does anyone know when this was said and where?? I would like to get a copy. Is there a way to download this from somewhere?
    I need a date and place and then I can already get it

  5. Hirshel - who is introducing the Rosh Hayeshiva?

  6. It is a clear and very well delivered in his style and his special Yidish

    Thanks for the link!!!!

  7. (No audio)

    Is this the high school one? (Where he spoke imprompto?) Where the guest speaker espoused Chabad values and he had to be moycheh?


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