Monday, February 28, 2011


Funny thing is he has plenty of שפחות...


  1. What about the ad next to it:

    הרוצה בעולם שמו

    If he wants his name out there in the world, shouldn't he tell us what it is?

    Doesn't anyone proof these things?

  2. I happen to know who it is. You can be sure he doesnt have a "shifcha".....

  3. Wake me when you have some Belzer or Lubavitzer news.

  4. not nice to be mefarsem, but
    כבר היה מעשה אצל הרבי מלובלין שכתב א' קוויטעל עם טעות זה
    והרבי קרא אותו כמו שכתוב

    im in no way insinuating anything from the typo

  5. Theres also the Chasidisha Maisa with the Am Horatz who said Mevoroch Hanoshim instead of Hashonim and was mvatel a harsh gezaira against the Jewish women.

  6. Chaim Moshe Feldmans wife is the one who brought the $$$(or pounds) as she is a daughter of the Berger family.No chashash that she is or was anyones "shifcha".
    I believe you had a pic of his barmitva where he merited that the Chazon Ish attend because he liked Chaim Moshes father .

  7. Grainom
    are you hinting something, on chaim moshe's neshoma?

  8. I believe he is the shver of the Sadigerer Rov in London (The Rebbe's son)

  9. Hershel, you are a fitly anti Semite you wouldn't have exposed this typo on anyone who is slightly associated with your cult

  10. Isn't he the peacemaker in vishnitz who got R' Yisrulche back with this father after 15 yrs of golus?
    If it's the same guy, he also reunited R' Mottel & R' Moishe after 10 yrs of war


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