Tuesday, May 31, 2011

הנגיד ר' בערל ווייס ז"ל

ר' בערל - וועלכע איז היינט אוועק - דערציילט זיינע זכרונות

אמאל זענען געווען 2 ברידער, משה מיט בערל. ווייס. די ברידער - פון קאסאני אויס - זענען נאך די מלחמה אנגעקומען קיין לאס אנדזשעלעס. משה איז געבליבן אין גלילות אונגארן, און איז געווען א חסיד מובהק (?) פון סאקמער רב זצ"ל. דאכט זיך אז די גרויסע שוהל אין קרית יואל האט ער געבויעט. דער רב האט ער שטארק מקרב געווען. בערל האט צום ערשטען מאל זיך באגעגנט מיט א איד וועלכע האט געהייסן ר' שמואל דוד רייטשיק. בערל האט נאך אזאנס נישט געזעהן. בערל האט אמאל דערציילט וועגן א מופת וואס ר' שמואל דוד האט געטוהן נאך אין תש"ט, גלייך נאכ'ן אנקומען אין ל"א. פאר אים וואלט אפשר גענוג געווען ר' שמואל דוד נאך אזא מופת, אבער ר' שמואל דוד האט אים געלאזט וויסן אז אין ניו יארק איז דא א רבי, און אז צו אים מוז מען פארן. בערל האט אין זיין לעבן שוין געזעהן רבי''ס מיט רבנים, אבער אזאנס ווי דער ליובאוויטשער רבי'ן האט ער נישט געזעהן. כאטש פון קאסאני ביז ליובאוויטש איז גאר א ווייטע מהלך, אסאך אסאך ווייטער ווי פון קאסאני ביז סאקמער, איז בערל שוין פארבליבן אין ליובאוויטש. אמת, טאקע אז אויף די מלוה מלכה זמירות האט ער נישט מוותר געוועזן, אבער דאס הארץ איז געווען ביים רבי'ן און אין דעם רבינ'ס ענינים. זיין צדקה בלב ובנפש ובגוף איז אידוע לכל. אפילו אין שווערערע צייטן - ווען ער האט נישט געהאט וואס צו געבן - האט ער אויך געגעבן. און אז ער האט נישט געקענט האט עס אים וויי געטוהן. פשוט בגשמיות וויי געטוהן אז ער קען נישט העלפן אידן און לומדי תורה. אלע קאלעקטערס און קבצנים און רביס און ראשעשיבעס זענען ביי אים איינגעשטאנען און האבן פון אים געניסט מכל טוב רוחני וגשמי. ר' בערל וועט אונז פעלן.



  1. thanks for putting this quite intresting clip, in those days being satmer and lubavitch was not a clash, only until later in 1978 with in entebbee. yet is satmer pre WW2 we know a lot of belz chassidim whould go to satmer, and so right after the war they would go to the last belz ra r` aron and so as well to the r` yoel. in belz of today how big the belz chassidus is not one belz would go to another rebbi, they are set up like that from birth.
    in contrast to this in bobov the holy rebbi of bobov with his love to every single yid would go to every rebbi and so every rebbi would visit him, he was true sample of ahavas yisroel. bobov was and is the emblem of achdus.
    similar like this weiss who went to lubavitch and satmer.

  2. Moshe wiess was a certified satmer chosid, selichos didn't start until he showed up, even if he was late...

    Beryl weiss was a staunch lubavicher who gave the rebbe blank checks to fill in !

  3. bobov chusid
    lets put you lunacy aside,
    but the split between Satmar and Belz happened when the sakmar ruv had his scream out by Belzer ruv regarding the participation in the elections.Until then, Belzer chasidim looked at the Sakmar Ruv as one of their own.

  4. anon, I thing our own bobover is more belz than bobov, how can he write about bobov ahavas yisroel, without knowing where he stands 45 or 48 these two are foes.
    he's not touching the belz satmer bechiras fight, just explaining in his unique way why berl weiss went to lubavitch and satmer. but the bobov part is sbsored.

  5. Bobov Chusid
    I don't know what reb shlomele was standing for.
    But thats for sure, that you will never see a Bobover Chusid by a other Rebbe(lately the Mevakshim are choked by the void,do go to Reb Mottel Silver eventough they are risking on sacrificing their job in Bobov) or being involved in some selfless chesed organization. It is a very nice Kehila(meaning that everyone looks very nice in the single breasted suits) but extremely selfish,as the chasidic torah on Veis Hachasida, why it is a non kosher animal veda"l

  6. Oberlander Ferd: I see from your link az me ken kaifen a greiser Oberlandishe ferd bei eich in Canada. Zogt mir,me ken hodeven a ferdele in Boro Park tzu s'volt beser geven in di ofene felder arum Monroe?Vu keift ir di hober tzu kormen di ferd? Bei Goldstein in grocery store on Lee Ave.?Entfert vos gicher.

  7. http://grainom.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post.html

  8. Tzig you forgot to mention a third brother who changed his name but also settled in Los Angeles.

    Not an Oberlander- neither am I an Oberlander but I find your words very unkind about an undeniably HUGE Ba'al Tzedaka when it's less than 72 hours since his petirah! He may have been proud of his good deeds but he had great deeds to be proud of.

    While a Lubavitcher Khusid he was "umpartei'ish" and loved and supported yidden from the widest variety of kreizen. Amazingly EVEN those with open hostility to Chabad.

    הלוואי אויף אונז אלע געזאגט זיינע זכותים און זיין בענקל אין ליכטיג'ן גן עדן. כמוהו ירבו נותני צדקה בישראל. תנצב"ה

  9. i have very fond memories of his praving yortzaiten on a almost daily basis when i was in cheder. and who can ever forget that he was the KING of melava malka... a gutte yid gevein

  10. what acdus or ahavas yisroel are you syko bobov talking about, do you know the politics bobov had with klusenburg, stitcheen, munkatch .the bobov rebbi never allowed his chassidim go to lubavitch while living in crown heights, r' shlomeh taught that a 48 is not to think of stepping in to 45 or vv, this was his achdus, it was a ballon waiting to bust. I heared a 1982 melaveh malka tape of r' shlomo its frighting, the bobov chassidim live in a big denial, ben zion of today banned any of his chassidim to daven shabbos somewhere else.
    the "ahavas yisroel" in bobov is fiiled with so much more hatred than in satmer, open your eyes.

  11. >I heared a 1982 melaveh malka tape of r' shlomo its frighting,

    really? what frightened you? Please share

  12. Reb Berel would never let forget that without Rabbi Raichik, their would be no Yiddiskiet in LA, nisht ich nisht mien brider

  13. Reb Berel would never let forget that without Rabbi Raichik, their would be no Yiddiskiet in LA, nisht ich nisht mien brider

    sorrry, neither he nor rabbi raichik ever would have made such a statement or thought so! (not meant in any way to denigrate their respective tremendous contributions to yiddishkeit in la. its just the generaslization thats overblown)

    im sure r' yanki will soon chime in to affirm...

  14. grainom,
    which Chader did he light the Yurtziet candles?

  15. The cheder of los angeles used to be adjacent to the chasidisher kollel where he davened shachris every day

    Reb Berel would never let forget that without Rabbi Raichik, their would be no Yiddiskiet in LA, nisht ich nisht mien brider

    sorrry, neither he nor rabbi raichik ever would have made such a statement or thought so! (not meant in any way to denigrate their respective tremendous contributions to yiddishkeit in la. its just the generaslization thats overblown)"

    This is yanki chiming in. He made that statement many times. My father would never say such a thing, but I heard it from berel m'pi kodshoi many times. "Ven nisht far dan taten, volt man breeder moishe ingantzen farfalen gevoren".

    My father and moishe arrived together in LA literally on the same plane. Moishe who was 13 yrs older than berel, connected to him and wanted to set him up in a shul and a rabbisteve. He didn't understand why my father insisted that he's only a chosid of the Rebbe. My father nudged moishe into reconnecting with his krule/satmar roots, understanding that this could keep him frum to some extent.

    It's important to place this in context. This was 4-5 yrs after the war, they were all orphans surviving the biggest makah klal yisroel had in 2000 yrs. Their average age was 20-25. They had no reason to believe in anything and no one to look up to, esp in LA. So staying frum was a major challenge, and my father's presence helped many of these people overcome the nisyoinos of LA. I heard from women who later wore sheitels and bulletproof stockings that they were petrified to wear sleeveless shirts on ah hot day in case they would meet my father on the street. He wouldn't rebuke them G-d forbid, he would just say good morning with a smile.

  17. Yankee/on Purpose
    I heard it from a close friend that did hear my statement from Reb Berel many times, and I stand behind it,
    He added that Reb Berel used to say Cholev Yisroel, Pas Yisroel, Rabbi Raichik pushed for etc. etc

  18. I stand corrected. If berel said it, so be it.

    With regard to cholov yisroel its kiday to mention that berel and moshe CREATED cholov yisroel in LA with literal mesiras nefesh, peddling it from door to door and begging people to buy... Even the greatest talmidei chachomin in town at the time, some of whom were noite to chsidus weren't makpid on cholov yisroel

  19. Holy hunchback,

    " Even the greatest talmidei chachomin in town at the time, some of whom were noite to chsidus weren't makpid on cholov yisroel"

    Many rabbonim hold that cholov "stam" is muttar in America.That's what R'Moshe Feinstein ruled.I"m not being mezalzel in hakpodo on cholov yisroel, but it's no different than Chodosh.Sorry scratch that.Chodosh is ossur according to most rishoinim even in chutz lo'oretz.Mideoraysa according to many including the Shulchan Oruch.Cholov Akum is ossur mederabbonon.

  20. I don't know what R'Berel Weiss said or thought about what would have been in Los- Angeles.I mean this supposed statement: "Reb Berel would never let forget that without Rabbi Raichik, their would be no Yiddiskiet in LA, nisht ich nisht mien brider".
    The reality is that "lo almon yisruel" Without R'Berel or R'Moshe there would have surely been yiddishkait.Yankees father ,Rav Raichik was a ehrliche ,baal mesiras nefesh yid, but again let's not get bombastic.There would have been Yiddishkait with or without them.

  21. nachman, nachma, nach, na...

    dont be stupid enough to denigrate the tremendous accomplishments of the shluchey drachamei that nurtured yiddishkeit with blood sweat and tears

  22. mitzrayim and the destroyers of both botei mikdash complained to hashem that he would have destroyed it regardless of them so why should they get punished....
    ע' בדא"ח

  23. Nachman
    Did you hear of a possek Reb Yoel Sirkuss? he wrote a sefer Beis Chodesh on the tur,
    He writes that Klal Yisroel eats chodesh and he writes a long discourse for the heter. Cholev Akum was and is prohibited by Klal Yisroel.

  24. Yiddishkeit existed in 1920. There was a home-grown Rabbi by 1946.

  25. ReaLA said...

    Yiddishkeit existed in 1920. There was a home-grown Rabbi by 1946.

    He probably wouldn't want any mention here ...


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