Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm glad it wasn't me.

It seems every website in the WORLD picked up the story about the photo shopped picture from די צייטונג. One guy stole it, and sent to the Failed Messiah, who of course ran it like it was his discovery. Well, almost. The Jerusalem Post and DovBear picked up on it, as did Matzav. The JP - I know - reads my blog, so I was sure that they had taken it from me. Soon it was all over the place. Websites with readership in the MILLIONS have been running the story. Boy, was I surprised to see that they all credited FM! At first I was somewhat hurt and made it known that it was taken from my blog. But then I was made to realize that it's good that the "credit" was given to me since who needs the "credit" that makes all frum Jews look like the Taliban and worse. I know they took it from me because they all have the same picture, taken with a cellphone camera, and they all have the first name of the paper cut off, so FM made the mistake of calling it "Der Tzeitung," instead of what it should be called - Di Tzeitung. I'm glad I'm not associated with the Riff-Raff that runs those sites. (Not Matzav, the other two.)

.גם זו לטובה


  1. Interesting, that is the same FM who gets all hot-under-the-collar whenever someone lifts a piece of his work. Can dish it but cannot take it.

  2. Hirshel
    this Hilary mushroomed in to the hottest news article in the whole world, from Germany to
    It has millions of hits

  3. Hillary Clinton reads your blog, so she knows you started it.

    She started reading this website after she met the Skverer rebbe.

  4. The reason we need FM is because no one,including you ,take on the pseudo-hassidic bureaucrats and their Russian, American,and home grown tarfus-eating, billionaire oligarchs. This toxic partnership has changed Lubavitch from a spiritual, contemplative,and mystical movement into a well- oiled, publicity obsessed,Madison Ave. type corporation.Although I strongly disagree with some of FM's concerns, his site is the only one that gives the true picture of the disintegration of HaBaD.There are a dozen things going on in Lubavitch that are far worse than the "picture" of Hilary. .

  5. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherMonday, May 09, 2011 11:40:00 AM

    FM is a nebach case - it is YOU who has to answer for the mockery and chilul Hashem that you caused.

    Close it down. Start a new one about history of all the kreizen, without bias or politics.

    After the nonsense with Krinsky going to a Boteach fundraiser, we have no right to criticize anyone else. We have no standards anymore (except in unzer heilig land where the rabbonim did the right thing regarding the candle lighting ceremony) - at least Di Tzeitung stands up for their misplaced kanoius. is far worse than anything you bring up here. Some of the leadership and senior shluchim make the Spinka Boro Park Otisville Rebbe look like a tzaddik. We have a lot to learn from Belz (which does plenty as far as kiruv is concerned) and even more to learn from the great ohev Yisroel Reb Aron of Satmar.

  6. When will you be already the Ex L.? You are joining the Ohev Yisroel from Belz or Satmar? The Belzer is the really the BIGGER ohev yisroel since he loves himself much and his really big. How come the Ohev Yisroel cant control his Zeitung they shouldn't spew such hate? (even against their own kin)

    Where can we read about the fundraiser of Botoach attended by Krinsky?

    If some Shluchim put Spinka to shame, how come every Chasidic Kreiz was caught from but no Chabad Shaliach? Are a "Moiser" who publishes secret information against other Jews?

  7. "it is YOU who has to answer for the mockery and chilul Hashem that you caused."

    um no, its the people at di tzetung who are responisble for this chillul hashem, HT was only reporting on the idiocy done by other people.

  8. hirshel,, time to close your site down - that will be your Teshuva

    enough said


  10. Now that Fox News has picked up on the picture and there are close to 700 comments on that story, the bulk of which mock orthodox jews (and, no, they don't differentiate between satmar and chabad)I wonder, is it time for a cheshbon hanefesh regarding what dirty laundry we choose to display in public?

    I write this as an almost daily reader of CT who enjoys a large percentage of your posts.

  11. Its on

  12. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherMonday, May 09, 2011 1:25:00 PM

    The problem is that FM just does what he does to cover for his own loserkeit. I know him - he needs a refuah shelema and he is the grandson of a bigger gonif than Balkany and the Spinka Rebbe together. That is why he is always digging up dirt on others.

    However, you don't need him to show how is as bad as the UJA and Reform. Just look at our own news sites. Only has any standards, yellow flag madness aside. Collive might as well be a reform site and CHInfo tries but he needs money too. Shmais is dead and Shturem belongs to the Bloy/Wolf "targil hamasriach" cabal who along with the menuval Lazar hoodwinked Leviev into thinking he was helping the Rebbe's moisdos.

    Leviev's fall, when everyone else who was caught up in the crisis is back on top, is sadly the result of his being involved with hoodwinkers. He's an inbred dope who had a lot of mazel and brocho but wasted it on shady deals and over-expansion, some of which was pushed on him by Lazar's cronies.

    So, too, the rest of these clowns behind the rise of and the fall of Lubavitch. In a few years, only the Drizins, Chitriks and a couple of others of the old guard who made money the old-fashioned way will have anything left for tzedoko.

    The whole house of Krinsky-Kotlarsky-Lazar-Russian oligarchs will collapse as the US and European economies continue to tank and the Far East, which half of the McChabad crowd of wheeler-dealers and modern meguluchim can't find on a map, rises even more. What's more, when Putin is gone, and he will probably do what Franco did and leave democracy behind, so is Lazar. The first one they'll investigate is the unappetizing scrawny caricature of a Jew from the old Protocols that Putin put in place so he could keep the Jewish oligarchs under his thumb and make sure that he had a file on the "thief rabbi" so that he could sell arms to Iran without a peep from the rav mi-taam.

    (Cunin is in a category of his own - a gute meshuggener whose heart is in the right place but who has tayves of control and power and plays fast and loose from time to time.)

  13. you are responsible for the chilul hashem and for causing people to make fun of us.I for one are not mochel you.

  14. azi; it is tzig that caused the chilul hashem cause the tzeitung would not have made it public if not for him. tzig you are a real shonda for us.

  15. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherMonday, May 09, 2011 1:55:00 PM

    Info on Krinsky and the one that no one should Boteach is on CHInfo or COL English.

  16. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherMonday, May 09, 2011 1:58:00 PM

    As for the ganovim in Chabad, they get away with it because of political connections. The Spinka is no one in the greater world. Chabad has connections all the way up to the Schvartze Hoiz and while they didn't work yet for Rubashkin who really did get railroaded, they've worked and continue to work for a few lowlives in high Chabad positions.

    Whose rag is Di Tzeiting anyway? I could care less. Reb Aron = der Blatt. The only Belz paper I know is the Machane haCharedi in Eretz Yisroel.

  17. tzig, thanks for the chilul hashem. and it was you

  18. Angry Soon
    your vibes make me think that you are on some strong drug..
    Can Leviev hire you for a consultant, did you ever make a good buck in your life?

  19. what is the Chilul Hashem? are the Mechitzas in our shuls also a chilul hashem?
    Orthodox Jewry believe in separation of the sexes to the full extent, and we have to be proud to defend it.

  20. Angry Soon to be
    "The whole house of Krinsky-Kotlarsky-Lazar-Russian oligarchs will collapse as the"
    if they will all collapse as your angry prophecy goes, so no money should be taken from them even now, and the Chabad Moisdois should only survive on your grocery guy donation at your corner.Since he will outlast all economies. Are all the mortgages of now defunct Wamu not valid? the money is still green and the house that you bought for that money is still around.

  21. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherMonday, May 09, 2011 2:30:00 PM

    I work hard and make a very good living, thank you. I have more than I need and I intend to keep that more where it belongs - in the bank or in good investments after I give legit maaser to legit moisdos. I don't owe anyone a living unless they are really helping others who need help, really doing hafotzo as the Rebbe wanted it (not that I see the need for it as much as I once did) or really in need themselves for medical, yasoim/almono, sudden reversal L"A, job loss, or similar reasons.

    But I'm tired of shluchim who live far more extravagantly than I do expecting donations when I happen to pass through their so-called territory on business or because they met me once at some relative's chassuna. Their money is easy come easy go. They sob, get a gvir who wants to feel good about himself to give, pocket 25%, use 25% for overly high administrative and facilities expenses, pay 30% in salaries, and in "The Producers" fashion find themselves in immediate need of another 150% for programs!

    One of Lazar's commissioned salesmen tried to hit me up for gelt at a wedding of his cousin continents away. Lazar doesn't even need it anymore - he does this so this incompetent schmendrik can have a parnosse at the expense of those who do work and he can say he has one more shaliach under him. Spinka has 10 rebbes per chossid and Lazar has 10 shluchim per real mekurav!

  22. Angry Soon to be
    "cabal who along with the menuval Lazar hoodwinked "
    why is Rav Lazar zoche to this title? did he steal some Money from you? Did you hear some Eishes Ish story on him? was he caught redhanded in a Moscow Burger king?
    what is all this mudslinging all about?

  23. Nit Gedaiget,kinderlechMonday, May 09, 2011 2:52:00 PM

    Don't worry kinderlech,the "world" already knows that "heimishe" means- at the very least- people who are "weirdos." If the velt gets lucky they have a chance of finding some white collar crime,sexual perversion,or just plain vanilla primitive behavior along with the weirdness.Believe me this picture is nothing compared to the metzitzeh bepeh controversy.Hitchens and other "gelerente" had a field day with the "oral suction." By the way, the Brisker wiki leaks show that the Brisker Rov used a glass instrument and did not practice metzitzah bepeh. This from Rabbi Schlesinger from London.All I can say is HA,HA,HA!

  24. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherMonday, May 09, 2011 2:53:00 PM

    Some Chabad Houses will end up being supported by the Syrians and Ingarischer who take care of the ones they need in the Far East. The rest of them will probably end up being independent shuls that may or may not retain affiliation with Chabad. They might even return to the old days of mesirus nefesh and standards once the easy come easy go money that comes in exchange for a low mechitza here, a phony gerus there, a triple receipt here, a wire transfer to some secret account etc dries up.

    And Lazar and his cronies, including a couple of the oligarchs, will make up the minyan in the new shul they just built in a Moscow prison. (It will become Otisville d'Russland).

  25. Angry Soon
    "really doing hafotzo as the Rebbe wanted it"
    by your Rebbe you mean the Belzer Rebbe with the biggest house in the poor city of Jerusalem?

  26. Nit Gedaiget
    "Hitchens and other "gelerente" had a field day with the "oral suction."
    Chieridem and orthodoxy, survived all sorts of Lietzem with all facades of Maskilim, Zionists Bundisten and Yidisheten. We will survive you and all gentile atheists and Jewish atheists as Hitchens. There will be some roadkill, but we will survive.

  27. angry to be
    "Some Chabad Houses will end up being supported by the Syrians and Ingarischer who take care of the ones they need in the Far East."
    you can stop being angry, since they will all survive with out you,

  28. Angry soon to Be
    "Lazar doesn't even need it anymore - he does this so this incompetent schmendrik can have a parnosse at the expense of those"
    Does giving a Job for a other Jew deserve capitol punishment.
    Does Rav Lazar have a Mossad? Cheder?Yeshiva? Or it is all Putin Pr?

  29. Did Lazar steal money from you? Does he live on your bank account? Why do you hate him obsessively? Strange that you are on the verge of leaving Chabad but you are saturated with inside the beltway Chabad venom. (As shturem is not good since its connected with Blau Wolf, something which concerns you much since you surely appreciate Ahronov and his ilk). Hate is hard to shed even if you give up on the whole thing but your rants are all about your imaginary foes from old.

    Also, your claim that many Shluchim are engaged in financial fraud, is your fantasy conspiracy? Or perhaps stems from your foaming anger?

  30. Angry soon
    "not that I see the need for it as much as I once did"
    was the Rebbe wrong too?
    so it is not only Kotlarsky?Krinsky? Lazr? Wolf?Blau? Col? Shmais?

  31. what is the Chilul Hashem? That Jews are observing the will of God scrupulously? Al pi Torah that's what have to do and this is our pride and glory. The sense of humiliation which grips many of us shows the amount of westernization that seeped into our consciousness being exposed to the modern world. In Eretz Israel all those fight are very conspicuous and uncompromising, but here we are so inundated by modern views that we are consider doing Gds will as a Chilul Hashem.

    (Whats next? We will be embarrassed to denounce HS for fear of being called H. phobes)

  32. Anon3:32 You will survive it just like you survived it in Europe where the youth were leaving the Hassidishe hoifn in droves and that includes Hungary and Galicia as well.There were gymnasia in Hust, Munkatch and many other cities that were packed with Hassidic students. In many they were learning in Ivrit.It's already beginning in Lubavitch and will soon come to your neighborhood Satmer surround-sound theatre.Ask the Ami editors for further details.If you don't believe me read the essay the previos Rebbe publicized in Warsaw in the late '20's about the youth of Poland...

  33. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherMonday, May 09, 2011 3:54:00 PM

    Aharonov is just as bad - but Blau and Wolf were thrown out of their positions for the targil hamasriach.

    Are you posting on behalf of that hunt? He certainly did try to steal from me - I was too smart to fall for him.

    Anyway, for me it is all moot. I'm better off finding a real Rebbe who is alive - the Rebbe ZYA's legacy is his sichos and mivtzoim, but the whole official shlichus is not something that I need or want to be a part of anymore. It is just too far gone. If I could accept the Meshichist line I'd be OK with that but it makes no sense and plenty of bad apples there too.

    Chabad just grew too fast without real leadership. It is a house of cards. How it will crumble or muddle along is no concern of mine. I don't need it - it doesn't need me though it would use me given the chance.

    Maybe Richard Dawkins is as good a rebbe as any of the others out there. He's certainly more ehrlich than

  34. Nit Gedeigit
    and what happened after the whole shmad factory in eastern europe? .... you can fill in the dots.
    and after that a new powerful orthodoxy came back even stronger then ever,
    what you see is that Hashem has his ways with Klal Yisroel, and Hitchens will not be in his way, I agree Hitchens as a baal bechira can do some damage, on some vulnerable boy, that thinks Hitchens invented the wheel of heresey.

  35. Anon 3;49
    Gut Gezugt

  36. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherMonday, May 09, 2011 4:10:00 PM

    Hitchens is not in much shape to be a threat to anyone anymore. He has terminal yenne machla. However, that is largely because he was a smoker and a drinker. Bigger reshoim than Hitchens lived into their 90's.

  37. Anon 3:49
    Does Fox news apologize when he puts up a bikini clad dressed girl?
    Why not? because they diluted the norm to trash.
    We will not apologize for sticking to a extreme norm.

  38. AOL just carried this as a main story, thanks for the chilul hashem

  39. Anon4:04 Were the Jews in America, Canada, Argentina,Brazil, England, and S. Africa exterminated? How frum were these Jews? The only difference was that they were smart enough to leave Europe.Why were the Jews in Europe killed while the Jews in America were getting a tan in Miami Beach and fressing at Grossingers?Since you know everything please let me know.

  40. Many BTs shtam from the Grossinger fressers and the Miami Beach tanners. So it worked out for them.

  41. Nit gedieget
    I admit that I don't know the Hashgocha's ways of handling his globe. You ask very legitimate questions, You can come up with practical down to earth answers.I did not give reasons for the holocaust, as Rabbi Muller or Rabbi Titelbaum . But that does not change the fact that just as the modern State of Israel was born after the Shoah, a powerful robust charadie world also had a fresh rebirth after the Shoah.Obviously it has problems as every living organ has its ups and down, but it is growing in a unbelievable way.

  42. Anon.5:01 thanks for your thoughtful response. kol tuv.

  43. ultra,ultra orthodox JewMonday, May 09, 2011 5:40:00 PM

    Kminhag Beis Chabad and gedolei Yerushalayim I'd like to wish the tziyonistishe medineh a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.May there be Jewish cities on the East bank of the Jordan next year!

  44. What's one more chilul hashem for Tzig? who's counting at this point.

    Enjoy the comments, because they might-as-well be yours.!5799903/hillary-clinton-photoshopped-out-of-situation-room-photo

  45. hey, bozo

    you make a bigger chiluol hashem when you cut in line at Walmart

  46. It all over the country and "Der Tzitung" issued and apology. Here is from AOL News:

  47. Isn't deleting Hilary the ultimate hisgarus beumos?

  48. Ex,

    Dont tell anyone, since in they Kremlin they really watch me. POutin really controls me. I am Berel Lazer himself. I am Chabad inc.

    I have a Rebbe for you in Boro Park, Hagoen Hakodesh Reb Shaol Shimon Dietch Miliyzonah Shlita (Lately the Kanoi'im are against him for some reason). You will be able to remain within Chabad (I thought about the Melochim very Knoish fiting your temperament and outlook, but alas they also lack a Rebbe. But Perhaps Benzion of Bobov who is bringing back the black socks for his youth, being very Chasidish and also a Einukel from the AR, or perhaps the two Teitlebaum brothers, none of them joined the Targil Hamzsriach which despite the fact you are on the cusp of leaving Chabad is still bothering you very much since after everything Ahronov is still better than Tuvia Blau in your eyes)

    Talking about lost and convoluted souls.



  49. it is hisgarus Behumoais(Mama)for sure

  50. Berel L:The fact is that the Liozner shlite is the only sitting Rebbe that practices Habad ideaologically oriented Hassidism.Therefore,he is the one that needs to be contended with. Hasidei Habad eat his substantial food handouts without reservation.This therefore creates a relationship between nosein and mekabel as discussed in detail in maamorei Chasides.There is nothing to argue here.If you wish you can discuss it with the rebbe,shlite by appointment through the Secretariat.

  51. I am serious. This is major hisgarus beumos. It is meridah beumos. It is a violation of several of the three oats. If they deleted the Tzarina you would go to the veise beren until your own beard became white.Let us make a makhooh in the Times and Washington Post.Where's Natruna and NK?Gevald!Is it a coincidence that this happened on Hey Iyar?

  52. Natruna is too busy lately.They are fundraising for the english translation of the holy sefer Vayoel Moshe.
    Tis holy Sefer is especialy in demand these days that the Aipac sponsored Obama administration killed the Ohev Yisroel Osama Bin Laden that helped rid the world of the Zionist Merida Bemalchus Shomim.In order to bring Moshiach for all the Yiden that were in the Shita.
    The world needs that sefer desparatly,it will help the intelegensia in Egypt, Syria,Jordan etc.. to grasp the Real Torah View, and by that stop the Grave desecration by the Ashkelon ER and underneath The Toldoth Aron Rebbe Miron bonfire stage.

  53. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherTuesday, May 10, 2011 4:57:00 AM

    LOL at Berel Lazar. Never mind the real Lazar can't even write at your low level of English - but the Bloy he is involved with is not Tuvia. Tuvia Bloy did tshuva and he's actually one of the few Lubavitchers who still upholds the old values. He has zilch to do with the Or Avner shanda.

    The Liozner - what a joker!! Guy gave a testimonial in a video watch commercial for his own mechutan (the brother of that drechse Vaad haKohol menuval Tamir who is ruining the shchuna). I also know for a fact that the Liozner (Lasagner or just plain Loser) is on psych meds and cannot so much as have a swallow of wine because of reactions.

    But yes, CH is such a mess that I understand people there do live on his handouts of lasagna. Again - no standards, no organization.

  54. tzig,

    it's high time for you to realize what you have caused. This should make you think the danger of all your loshon horah's that you feed young and old. With your zeal to legitimize your belonging to a group that is leaderless at every level, with no standards whatsoever (besides the standard of protecting the fake and empty "ashreyzno mah tov chelekeynooh" and "vehivdilonooh mion hatoim" ) ' you cause people to pick up the same garbage that is vomited by FM.

  55. "Soon to be": What is the" targil hamasriach?" I'm not current on these matters.

  56. If this is your way of excusing yourself for causing Chillul Hashem, it's quite lame. It was your picture that caused goyim to think badly about the Jews. At the end of the day, it's between you and Eibeshter, I guess. You can tell him: "It wasn't me."

  57. proud to be a Lubavitcher foreverTuesday, May 10, 2011 10:33:00 AM

    I think I know who soon to be is;
    Harav Dovid Mandelboim!
    Sofer Mumcheh, quoted as a makor na'amon for Minhogei Chabad by Nitei Gavriel, v'chu', vuchu'.
    He's the only other person I've heard speak such shtusim with such a self assurance.

  58. To quote R Heishke Dubravsky a"h (though he wrote it in Yiddish - much more geshmak):
    I read about a Rov that wanted to be machshir a sheretz with 150 ta'amim. But that one sheretz should come and passul 150 Rabbonim?!...
    (He wrote it about D. Berger)

  59. Re:"Att" I don't know who soon to be is just as I don't know who you are. However, his critique of the corporate culture that has replaced true Hassidism is spot-on.I understand that this is uncomfortable for you because almost everyone in Lubavitch has someone involved in the fundraising-publicity corporate culture that has overwhelmed Lubavitch.Has anyone bothered to ask what the salaries and bonuses are for the members of the Habad executive board? Shouldn't there be full disclosure? Isn't this kholshe gelt?What kind of commissions do these high level executives get for landing a major donation?Aren't these fair questions?

  60. YOU ARE shuldik for this fiasco. you should be ashamed of yourself.

  61. I suspect there are thousands (at least hundreds)of people who have a connection to Chabad who are very upset and in despair over the state of Lubavitch since 1992.
    Has there been even 1 ruchniusdike statement or campaign since 1994 coming from AGUCH ?
    Instead we have Lubavitch Inc. a corporate image like other business corporations in the USA. Fund raising Image building , Public relations dominate the Chabad scene. Even some of the Chaabd high schools are for profit schools. Amazing !!
    I think many are slowly but surely seeing the results of a movement without spiritual
    Lets stop talking about Rabbi Krinsky and Chief rabbi Lazar and others and start discussing spiritual leadership for Chabad in the 2st century.
    Enough about oligrachs and diamond sellers and fund raisers, billionaires with significant others who are goyim .. and cheap publicity hounds. Lets return Chabad to the days of an Itche Masmid, of a Hilell Paritcher even the days of a Nissan Neminov.
    When did fund raisers, mashbakim, gabboim , become the roshei Chabad ? and how did they do this ?

  62. Ashrachu Reb Tzvi! Ashrechu!

    Becuase of you millions are exposed to the ways of Torah which abhors promiscuity, mixing of the sexes, moral decay which is a badge of honer in the nodern world but is an abomanation to us.

    All those Yefei Nefesh who are ashamed of the pic, are probably uncomfortable with many segments of the Torah Hakdosha, they would rather tear out some pages in the Old testament as Mechias Amolek. Mishkov Zochor (practiced widely in YU and under cover in Satmar Yeshivas Vedal for those who know the situation in the Yeshivas RL)etc.

    You have nothing to be ashamed. Certain Ignoramus people think that Chilol Hashem means when they expose the eternal moral rectitude of the Holy Torah. To the Contrary, according Halacha, Chilul Hashem are those who are lax with the Torah. who are influenced by the current fad of whats moral and what standards are acceptable, and those who imbibe morality from such decadent people as holy (Tumah)wood actors and producers and news personalities who are the dregs of the earth.

  63. you are really a boosha for chabad

  64. Shnuer,

    Chabad is looking for a Mashpia of old, those ultra Chasidsha Jews as Reb Pinia Korf, Reb Meilech Zvibel, Reb Yisroel Fridman, Reb Kuti Feldman, Reb Yoel Kahan, Reb Zalman Gopin, Reb Chaim Sholim Deitch, Reb Shlem Charitoniv, Reb Itche Ofin, Reb Mendel Vechter, and a long list not mentioned here really need inspiration from old Chasidim as you who drank the waters of the well springs from Reb Nisan and Reb Avraham Mayor etc.

    Since the spirituality of Chabad bothers you immensely, I must assume that you are steeped in Chasidos, your davening surely is reminiscent of Reb Hillel of Paritz or Reb Shilem, and Reb Itche the masmid whic you recall with fondness. I must assume that ypur knowledge of the Chasidic litrature (beyobd Larger than life etc) dwarfs that of Rev=b Yoel Kahan. How else can we understand your pain when you are just a very modern librarian from the prime MO institution of the world?

    Otherwise, I most assume that you are a hypocritical crank criticizing others while you are not even in the framework of this whole spirituality business, let alone any connection to Chabad philosophy theosophy and inner world view etc. Just some bipolar guy with hangups as the guy who runs FM.

    GET A LIFE! There is more spirituality by one late Farbrengen of Reb Zalmen Gopin than 10 years of Tishen by Benzion of Bobov and Berel of Belz and his ilk


  66. Proud to be
    "Sofer Mumcheh, quoted as a makor na'amon for Minhogei Chabad by Nitei Gavriel, v'chu', vuchu'."
    is mandelbaum quoted in Nitie gavriel?

  67. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherTuesday, May 10, 2011 12:23:00 PM

    There are no more people of the caliber of the chassidim of old left. Their descendants have turned Chabad into a stinking business that produces only quick-fix Judaism. It allows someone who would otherwise go to reform a chance to pretend he's doing more when he isn't.

    The question isn't what can be done to bring Chabad back up. The question is where is emmes now and what will replace Chabad for those who want more than has to offer. The question is also when or if a Rebbe who has had the impact of the Lubavitcher Rebbe will arise again.

    And there are no longer 150 rabbonim left in Chabad. The old generation who really learned are mostly in Gan Eden. Rav Landa and a handful of others are real rabbonim (and some of the others are so mixed up in politics that they're only worthy of the title Rav after shkiah). The rest have the equivalent of a high school vocational diploma marked "rabbi".

    However,I don't need any of this that badly - not the old Chabad and not any new Rebbe either. It would be nice to bring Chabad back up or to find another Rebbe - but if not, I'll live and prosper just fine.

    The more I think about it, science and proper historical study answer far more questions than Torah does. And spirituality just might be nothing but a vestigial evolutionary need of the brain for a certain molecular boost. I can probably get that just as well from a walk in the park or 50 push-ups or listening to music than I can from anything Yiddishkeit has to offer.

    More and more Lubavitchers are thinking the way I do - going through the motions, knowing the Chassidus is basically Reform with a kapote, and knowing deep down we were had by well-meaning people who, without a Rebbe, have no reason to be well-meaning anymore as they turn it all into an Enron type house-of-cards business.

  68. Schneur
    "Lets return Chabad to the days of an Itche Masmid, of a Hilell Paritcher even the days of a Nissan Neminov."
    this people are dead,
    Just tell me whats bad with this 3
    Yosef itche ofen?
    Zalman Gopin?
    Mielech Tzviebel?
    they are no itche masmid, you dont need a itche masmid anyway but they are oivdim and maskilim from the highest standard.Just throwing mud with not knowing facts, you can leave for all the skunks on board.

  69. you caused a chilul hashem

  70. There is more spirituality by one late Farbrengen of Reb Zalmen Gopin than 10 years of Tishen by Benzion of Bobov and Berel of Belz and his ilk
    Gopin Who??????????????????

  71. If you don't know who Gopin is, then your soul belongs, or to 45th or 48th street,
    please stay there, and keep your shirt nice and crispy.

  72. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherTuesday, May 10, 2011 12:41:00 PM

    Yosef itche ofen?
    Zalman Gopin?
    Mielech Tzviebel?

    Marginal figures in today's Chabad. They don't travel to all the houses to farbreng or even show up at major CH events to play any real role. (Zalman Gopin is from Kfar Chabad?? I know YY Ofen is from Yerushalayim and Melech Tzvibel is from Morristown.)

    The new crowd gets its hashpooh from the New Agey Jacobsons, the crooked Lazars and a few more sound-bite specialists whose names aren't worth not escaping me.

  73. Ye, tell me that you are a real Chasidha right wing Chabadsker and you don't know who Reb Zalmen Gopen is and where he is from?

    This makes me think that your whole experience about Chabad is derived from News sites and publicity stunts.

    There are tens of Yeshivas in Chabad which all of them have real Chasidic Mashpi'im and all of them know about those "Marginal" figures you just mentioned! Only outsiders, either in spirit or in actuality, receive their Chabad views from the Jackobsons and others, (why Lazar quite a Chasidisha Yungerman, Talmud Chochem, and a serious person, figures so big in your rantings as if he is the downfall of Chabad, is quite perplexing and baffling) but anyone with an insider pass doesn't even look at their side and instead is following these Mashpi'im wherever they are.

    But since you only know Chabad from the prism of Jackbson etc who are geared for outsiders, you indeed have to move on to Kretchnof, where you will encounter no crony no fraud, no theft, only integrity and honesty you so crave!

    (Sorry for my poor English, hailing from the "old" vintage Chabad and still steeped in it, they didnt teach me English as was the Rebbes opinion, and I am no match to your stellar writing picked up, where ecactly?)

  74. you should apologize for the chillul hashem

  75. you are so immachraisdig,you o everyone an it at least before you daven for the amud on rosh hashannah

  76. why Volvie? you're feeling silly now? you have a hard time explaining it to co-workers?

  77. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherTuesday, May 10, 2011 1:44:00 PM

    I am right - R'Zalman Gopin, whose family I know, is from Kfar Chabad. But because I don't visit there and he doesn't farbreng anywhere that I do visit, I wanted to make sure I had the right person.

    Lazar is only the downfall because people fall for his Chassidishe ACT. Aharonov is what everyone knows he is but as huge as he is, everyone can see through him. If you need Aharonov, you deal with him and know you'll lose a few fingers when you shake hands. Lazar is two-faced and shakes you down behind your back.

    Lazar is a zero. They wanted him out of Russia for financial shtick before Leviev came along and was manipulated.

    As for me, Ayn Rand and Dawkins look closer and closer to the truth every day - and I'm forgetting more and more days of Chitas and Rambam.

    double because I'm using a friend's account and didn't know he was signed in. publish only under this name.

  78. well there is no reason to write this up leeinei haamim

  79. Sonn to be.

    What about Chaim Yankel Leibovitz?
    Is he also part of the Lazar-putin-Leviav mob?

  80. "Lazar is a zero. They wanted him out of Russia for financial shtick before Leviev came along and was manipulated".

    THAT is quite a hateful vicious obnoxious vendetta and slander! Period.

    Lo and behold, the phoney fraud is staring us directly in they eye, however being a loser coward and hopeless wimp he is very brave to report the "Truth" only under guise and cover! Truth that is fabricated in his own fertile pathological cortex he calls mind. Fabricated truth: a good soundbite. Maybe I shall also join the new age circuit and will be famous so not having to comment and respond on marginal blogs............ home of the lunatic fringe. (Not Hershel comments, but rather the rancorous and rancid commentators)

  81. Is the way of Chabad to answer legitimate criticism with name calling ? In which sichah does the Rebbe refer to this derech ?
    Is Lubavitch and the way it is being run (sold) beyond the pale of criticism ?
    I never said there are no spiritual people in Lubavitch , I did say they have no power and are never heard from .
    The only spiritual figure who is trying to do something publically is the former rav of CH.

  82. "why Volvie? you're feeling silly now? you have a hard time explaining it to co-workers?"

    What did you gain by making a laughing stock out of fellow Jews?
    You don't need to agree with them but the fact stands that every Chareidy publication in Israel (including Lubavitch)and basically all of the Chareidy newspapers in The USA don't publish pictures of ladies.Are you in fact mocking all the Chareidy world??

  83. no, feivel

    I'm not mocking anybody

    besides for those who are ashamed of the Charedi practice and are yelling at me for making a "chilul hashem"

  84. you did make a mockery and you should make a cheshbon hanefesh

  85. I made a mockery? how so? all I did was post the 2 pictures. nothing more.

  86. Angry Soon to Be Ex Lubavitcher,

    I feel for your anger and sentiments.I also understand how this blog that always deals in the dirt about the "rest" of the Frum world besides Chabad, causes you to be frustrated because you see the problems in Chabad not dealt with.However, please don't go the path of hitting private individuals below the belt,anonymously.If you want to say nasty things about individuals at least have the guts to print your real name.
    This comes from a person who is not a fan at all of Lubavitch.Still backstabbing is not mentschlech .

    Lubavitch needs to get a new rebbe if they want to continue to be viable inmho.

  87. "I made a mockery? how so? all I did was post the 2 pictures. nothing more."

    Please.Don't play "tamevat".
    If I was to "innocently" post a list of the individuals who got the first hakofes and first lines of "ato horeiso" on Simchas Torah in 770 you would call it "mocking"
    All you did was make freiyeh Jews thing "BLACK HATTERS" are crazy.

  88. Gopin, Ofen and Tzvibel may be voile yidn but they don't set the agenda in Habad. The vast majority of Hasidei Habad are interested in furthering their habad house franchise and getting the amerikaner millionaire with the perched yarmulke on his head to sign the geshvollene check.I know Gopin is a strong anti-messichist but" me hot em in bod."The young guys are all interested in getting a habad house franchise and attending seminars in how to work the "universe" of available donors.You want to pretend this is habad of old-that's fine- but it's not the truth.And the real truth is that the leader of dor shevii wanted it this way as he was a man of action and results. That's why he became an engineer and did not look for a career in rabbonus. In the U.S. he saw a way of combining the two careers.Nevertheless, as long as he was alive, Habad still had some spiritual toichen.

  89. The entire USA, and much of the world, is now ridiculing them.

    The world can now see how insane and repugnant the frumma are.

    It's no longer our little secret here on FM.

    Wait until the media finds out about Der Voch, and the Brooklyn Modesty Committee.

    I do hope Shmarya sends those articles to the NY Daily News.

    "EXAMPLE" of the "love" caused by the "innocent" post

  90. Feivel

    you obviously don't know me.

    I'm VERY MUCH a black hatter and it was NOT my intention to mock anything

  91. "I'm VERY MUCH a black hatter and it was NOT my intention to mock anything"


    You are a gevorener Lubavitcher, not a "black hatter".Lubavitch feels that they are not part of the Chareidy world.In your case coming from a Chasidic cheider, it's important for you to show your Lubavitch credentials by putting down the primitive "Peylishe" and wearing a nice suede kappel, jeans and brown shoes to show that you are part of the "toireh chadosho".

    You did not mean to "mock" , rather "just" to educate,eh?.Almost all your readership knows that in frum newspapers there are no pictures of ladies.Were you "just " trying to "remind" us of that?.If yes you deserve a heartfelt "thanks".

    I guess it's just by "chance" that a hate monger like FailedMessiah posted this story and took all the "credit"

  92. obviously Rabbis Gopin. Zwiebel etc. did not and do not have the power to convince you guys not to bash other yidden as you do and not to cause this mockery that you did of frumme people who have the practise of not showing pictures og noshim (unlike in yuor hateful blogs).

    Talk about people who ranted and raved (and rightly so) for a purim shpiel this year. you guys cause and actively do bash yiddishe practice tzinut?

    did the farbregens of said rabbis changed the state of tzinut amongst you guys?

    There are no values of palin yiddishe emunah, plain yiddishe davenen with varimkeyt and all you farbgeng is bash the tishen of other rebbes. you have reduced your chasisdus to aligning with boteach big shots but the plain prinicples that your rebbe gave you: skaymas haam, hatorah and ertz yisroel are out the window. Only money publicity and more power.

  93. did you post the pictures not to make fun?

  94. Volvie

    I posted it just because. simple as that. When you'll be in this "business" you'll understand.

    It wasn't to make "fun."

    anybody who knows me will attest to that

  95. "modern librarian from a prime MO institution"
    I believe the Freirdiker Rebbe had a modern, sophisticated son-in-law who studied philosophy and engineering in the most avant-garde and Westernized cities of pre-war Europe.Compared to what Paris and Berlin were,the prime MO institution you mention is the Kodesh haKodoshim.

  96. Anonymous 12;07. Thanks for your kind words. At least I work for an MO institution , not in the House of Pharoh vD"L.
    I will love to show your comments to all the RIETS guys to whom you send Ohelei tora students to be mekarev. I'd love to show your comments to the YU roshe yeshiva a few of whom are the only non Chabad rosh yeshivoth who still talk to anyone in CH. let everyone in Yu know what the people in Ch think of them --- just props for their PR !!
    By the way i am starting a Chabad House in east harlem, can i count on you for a good donation ?

  97. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherTuesday, May 10, 2011 3:53:00 PM

    Regardless, the Rebbe was not "very modern" as someone claims the librarian is. Even if you want to believe Shimmy Lasagna's claptrap, the Rebbe's level of frumkeit was very high for that time, anywhere.

  98. Schneur
    " In which sichah does the Rebbe refer to this derech ?"
    are you veering odd from your Rebbe Rav B G the famous musmach of TV?
    If I remember well, that he was at the view the the Rebbe is extremely fiesty person, and actualy threw his father off from the Nesius.

  99. Mordy tendler doesn't just wear a black hat, he wears a frock and humberg too, SO WHAT!?

    You made an absolute mockery of chasidishe yiden in front of the whole world, hat, frock, gartel and mashke don't take away the chilul hashem of a yid bringing mockery on yiddishkeit.

  100. lemme ask you something, Grainom

    does the one who published this picture share in the blame at all? after all, he's the one that did it, no?

    Just asking

    Thanks for comparing me to Tendler, btw. I appreciate that.

    have a nice life.

  101. The definition of a rant is when someone strands together facts with fantasy conjecture with illusion, half baked ideas presented as empirical reality. I dont know why this blog attracts so many rantrs who need to vomit their hate all dressed up as haert felt advice for the future of Chabad. Many of them have the same ring as getting advice from Ahmandinjad about Jews and Israel.

    Lets take the last Ranter with who calls himself Miles.

    Is there any connection between the Rebbe studying engeneering while he never dreamt of becoming Rebbe and the Shluchim organization which is merely an extension of hos Father in laws endeavor? Absolutly nothing, noda; zilch! But this fact will never prevent a half baked maivan who hangs out either in some Yeshive Coffee room or Munkatcher Mikvah to belch his knowledge and understanding about the underpinnings of Chabad, with utmost certainty!

    Second point. The assumption and assertion that the Shlichos operation is only about money, is so risible and malodorous beyond any decent response.

    Young Jews who the majority are out there for the sole purpose to help the Jewish nation for selfless reasons on behest of their visionary leader is denigrated as some crude cynical scheme to make money, as if it is not much easier to make money the way Satmer does encouraging the young to be industrious and creating far flung companies ( Gudinger crystels) and stores in middle Manhattan where you expose every young kid to the lowest of the lowest (yes, think BH), but his really unspritiual? Chabad who every young kid aims to become a rabbinical figure. Does make any logical sense?

    The sin of fundraising, is really heinous. Every Litvish Kolellnikk who opens his Yeshiva, is welcome to fundraise while at the same time squeezing every parent his last few dollars for tuition. That is Spirituality. that we learned from Sinai (as before Matan Torah Moshe surely asked from the Jews to pay for the very expensive set of tablets).

    Ger, as an example, is permitted to have the annual or biannual fundraising gala when the seek out every shaved female face whence the Rebbe himself comes to the extravagant event in some luxury resort in Europe. But how unethical and nonspiritual is it that every Cahabd Shliach, who runs quite a few Mosdos deigns to fund raises in order to survive? That renders all his work selfish and purely unholy!

    On the other hand, all other Chasidic groups where all married men who are twenty something become plumbers, construction workers, Garbage removers, grocery owners, workers at BH, are awesomely spiritual, they Just have to don the holy garments, unfurl the Peios tucked behind the ears (The goy zull nisht bamerken...) and put on the newest style crown Shtreimel matched to your beard, and all your impurities are purged. You are Sprirtual. If Chahabd would Just wear some Shtreimal they really would be holy.

  102. Anon
    "sophisticated son-in-law who studied philosophy and engineering in the most avant-garde and Westernized cities of pre-war Europe."
    you are correct, but you forget that that SIL, was learning and teaching chasidus for thousands of Chasidim, He did exactly what he had to do as a chabad Rebbe is obligated to do.

  103. Mr. Angry: Studying philosophy in the U. of Berlin is not Modern?He was there for several years. This had nothing to do with making a living. Just to study the great philosophers of the goyishe world. I'd say that's very,very modern!Were the Gerer and Belzer and Vishnitzer kinder there
    as well?Anything else to tell me?

  104. Anon: Where were there thousands of Hassidim in Berlin and Paris? If he wanted to teach Hasidus there were plenty of opportunities in Poland where there were in fact thousands of Hassidim. He went to Berlin and Paris to study in university. Case closed.

  105. Angry Soon to Be Ex LubavitcherTuesday, May 10, 2011 4:27:00 PM

    STUDYING was modern. His conduct as a Jew was not "modern" - it was very, very frum for those difficult times. Even now it would be considered above some respected standards of frumkeit.

  106. The comparison was to make a point that garb means nothing. I apologize if you feel hurt, chatasi. An apology on your part to "albert" friedman and all chasidishe yidden. Di tzeitung has a zero percent fraya readership, its a pnimi publication, you lit the fire to the world.

  107. I mentioned garb because the other dope mentioned jeans and other modern garb, telling me I am not a black hatter

    I have it on good advice that Albert himself is not angry, so please don't "carry his water"

  108. Anon4:08 Congratulations on having received a fine English education. Maybe next time you can write something that makes some sense.Iknow the terrain and I know whereof I speak.By the way when and where were you hypnotized? Was it in 770 or was it an outpatient procedure done in a Habad house? Did you get general anaesthesia or just sedation? Did you remember anything when you woke up?Were you able to drive after the procedure or did the Chabad shliach drive you home?

  109. Question : Is Belz near Telz ? I heard that in Bobov there were a group of sheine lomdim, but in Yabrov the Jews were not into learning.
    Some one told me that the Jews of Melitz were almost as frum as the Jews of Scranton, Penn. Is this true ?

  110. I'm not carrying alberts water, he's too nice a guy. I'm carrying water as you call it for every frumme yid that was mocked by all the goyim due to your putting this out for the world to see. Comprende?
    We need not feel any shame for being as altmodish as the torah itself, however their is a great big difference between publishing this picture in yiddish to a closed audience and shining a spotlite on it to the outside world as you did. You are very well aware that scotty, tzemach and leah read your blog.

  111. A mea culpa is in order here, own up and bow.

    Wipe your nose and keep going.

  112. Tzemach is outta the biz

    Leah (?)

    Scotty told me - when I confronted him - that he doesn't read my blog

    Having said that, what remains?

    Again, if you're looking for worse things go bother the folks in KJ who make Hillul Hashems daily, as well as the Shabbos yellers in Al-Quds

  113. Why look for worse? A chilel hashem is just that because it is, not because something else is better or worse.

  114. The guilt is like this:
    Tzig-5%-This was meant as a piece of "tchikave" nayes. It was in good fun. You know that no harm was intended by Tzig.
    FM-20% He has his issues.
    Di Tzeitung-75% for being narishe ferd who have no idea how this will be viewed in the secular goyishe world.

  115. Hey all you Tzigeleh bashers:
    Let's all gang up on the poor tzigeleh messenger.
    But first let's hear clear what you believe. Are you for cutting out the women or not?
    Let's be VERY truthful here. Are you like the jewish week rabbi who leaves in the women but cuts his beard and peyos to compensate, or do u cut out the women, keep the weird beard and black sack in order to keep us 'apart'; an am boded.

    And BTW, FYI, the trains to auschwitz carried the frummirized and the westernized all together.

    Get used to the fact buddy. you're doomed either way... You might as well live like a jew the good ole fashioned way.

    Screw the media.


  116. All u 'chillul hashemers' are frauds!
    Does AOL or CNN agree to ANY of ur modesty guidlines? Do they respect ur wifes sheitel? Do they admire ur wife walking covered in 100 degree weather?
    Stop pandering to the West. We are different, they will never understand our culture and there is no way win favor in their eyes.

    Yup, that's just life. Our Torah IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH FOX NEWS.
    And if they don't like Di Tzeitungs photoshop skills, let them hire someone else.

    Its a 'chillul hashem' do give a damn to what CNN thinks about us.

  117. Anon
    "A chilel hashem is just that because it is"
    But you agree when it is not a chilel hashem, it is no a chilel hashem. Friedman had a oportunity to make a kidush hashem, by saying we have a higher standard then the Media of 2011 and we are proud not to be in sodom and gomorra

  118. Scotty told me - when I confronted him - that he doesn't read my blog

    And your gullible enough to believe him? Did his original post have a hattip to anyone? Cmon

  119. Miles
    "but they don't set the agenda in Habad"
    Meaning that they dont pay the utility bills of the chabad houses.

  120. Miles
    "The vast majority of Hasidei Habad are interested in furthering their habad house franchise and getting the amerikaner millionaire with the perched yarmulke on his head to sign the geshvollene check"
    By stating the fact that shluchim don't care for blue collar people. You confirm a gevaldige fact,that all 3000 chabad houses are packed coast to coast with Jewish millionaires, does Fortune magazine have a list of all these millionaires, if you count a minyan to each chabad house, its minimum 30000, you are more conspiracy minded then the protocols of the Elders of zion.

  121. Miles
    "I know Gopin is a strong anti-messichist but" me hot em in bod."
    There is no 30 percent of Chabad that are anti Meshichist? that listen to Reb Zalmen. Are you on the same page with this 30%, or they also have Emuna problems?

  122. Miles
    "The young guys are all interested in getting a habad house franchise and attending seminars in how to work the "universe" of available donors."
    How young does this start at?
    Is there still a curiculum in Chabad of Chasidus that the youth is studying, and given tests on? or all the magidie shiur are doing, is lectiures on fundraising for the Doir Hasvei Rebbe? are all hundreds of volumes of the doir Hashvie Rebbe, fund raising manuals in hard covers?

  123. Miles
    "That's why he became an engineer and did not look for a career in rabbonus."
    Rabunois is not action and results? is making 4 or 5 thousand yungeliet for Rabonim, considered engineering or Rabunes?

  124. Att: Mr Friedman Radaktor fin Di Tzetung:
    Please be a bit more proud in ur statements and interviews.

    Tell the perverted media that "while Satmer crop women out of photos,CNN cuts clothing off women, therefore out of our respect for women we have an across the board policy of keeping them out of the limelight"

    C'mon some Satmere Chitzpeh plz...

  125. Miles
    whe I see the debate boils down to the english, I see that the debate is gone.
    usualy the sin of the doir hashvie is that they are goish, with the shprach, now the bad jargon is the problem. Pure sinas chinam at its best.

  126. Mr Friedman.
    Ask the media why they portray women as sex-objects when study after study lament the adverse effect prude advertising has on relationships.
    Ask them why this story is more sensational then the stories of women who get their noses cut off every day in the middle east.

    Fight back. Don't be a wimp.

  127. Schneur
    It is ironic that in your in anti chabad fundraising rants, you mention Reb Itche Masmid,
    If I am not mistaking, all Reb Itche Masmid did in his lifetime was fundraising for the Doir Hashishi.

  128. To all your people defending this under the rubric of "not using women's pictures":

    Are you really so stupid that you don't understand the real issue here? Let's make one thing clear – no one cares what pictures you DON'T use – that's your prorogative. If you wish to have an editorial policy that prohibits usage of female pics, then simply DON'T USE PICS THAT HAVE WOMEN IN THEM!

    But when you DO use a picture and then proceed to blur or erase women out of it, you look primitive, garish and uncouth. But that's also OK, if you don't mind appearing thusly to the world that is...

    When, however, the picture has a copyright protection (someone else's property!) – and you still insist on this crude 'doctoring' of yours – you have opened yourself up to severe and well deserved mockery.

    To make matters worse, when the picture in question also happens to be the iconic image of the moment, you have to be a complet imbecile to think that in this day and age such a 'doctoring' act will go unnoticed.

    Still think this is nothing to be embarrassed about and is simply the expression of 'derech Isroel sovo'?

  129. [Hat Tip: Critical Minyan.]

    hirshel, scotty might have accidently told you the truth.

    my wrong

  130. Berl:
    1) Everyone DOES care that we don't print pictures from woman. In the eyes of secular culture that alone is sexist and discriminatory.
    2) Yes. We don't care what the world thinks about us.
    3) Yes it was wrong to break a copyright. Di Tzeitung apologized. Next case.
    4) Yup Heimishe yidden are imbeciles. Historically we were always idiots, 'Vehi' and its that stupidity... Sheamda lanu vlavoseinu.
    And it aint gonna change that soon either.

    But if u read the posts all over the place no one was too concerned on the copyright. Its the 'temptress hillary' that was the issue.
    And on that friedman should finish the debacle mit a shleimus.
    Tell em that us sexist idiots are still better of then them.

  131. Anon6:43The Rabbonim you refer to by and large get their semichah before they get married so they can pasken "kitchen" questions. Many are done via Faks from R. Yaruslavski and others.What other group has produced 3-4000 rabbis? None,because these yungeleit would not be considered Rabbonim in Belz,Satmar or Bobov.Sorry but those are the facts.

  132. Hirshel I'm with you on this one, they're crazy for taking out the faces but you don't have to apologize just because some modern orthodox guy is going to get embarrassed at work and have to tell his coworkers that those are just the crazy fundamentalists but real Jews aren't like thatוכו' וכו', stand by what you publicized and let the bais shmuel guys (like the crazy one whose been posting under the name "soon to be ex") mumble ab apology to their coworkers, and then go to shul and complain about how the shluchim are all corrupt, if they would have learned in yeshiva instead of going to movie theaters they could have gone on shlichus too.

  133. Miles
    "None,because these yungeleit would not be considered Rabbonim in Belz"
    is the Semicha Legit? did they know the minimum to pass the test?
    don't take them for rabonim in belz or bobov, but the test was passed yes or no?

  134. well you me and everybody who is pset at this an apology!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you put this out to the goyish world. ITS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!

  135. You are going to need asbestos gatkes.


  137. you should take resposibility

  138. The crack-pots in Williamsburg should take responsibility for their mental illness. This is good -let the whole world know how crazy the nuts with the wild look in their eyes are. The secular in Israel already know from observing them up close up,now the secular Jews and goyim will know. In Europe there were separate sidewalks for men and women? Women didn't run grocery stores with male customers?A woman didn't sell vegetables in the public market?This is total insanity which is derived from the loveless marriages and the lack of satisfaction in the "home."The hopeful news is that the internet will soon do for the Hasids what it did for the people of Tunisia,Egypt, and Yemen.The internet and freedom is alot bigger than Tzig and this blog.

  139. So that's it all Reb Itche Masmid was fund raising.
    Interesting viewpoint.

  140. Re: Reb itche Masmid This viewpoint is created to support the position that the current crop of Habad House licensees,franchisees,and managerial executives are in fact completely compatible with the classic Habad personality who was serious , thoughtful,and introspective in every aspect of life.Hence Reb Itche Masmid was just a fundraiser. If that's so,why was he called "masmid?"Was R. Hillel Paritcher also just a fundraiser for the Tzemach Tzedek?Really?!

  141. the big question is where is chabad headed to? say what u want about belz satmar bobov etc they all have a system that the parents and the students are accountable to . the same applies to chareidy media even if its way out of hand with all the nebechdige petty stuff that is printed nowadays the editirs know not all news is fit to print .as all these frum mosdos are all bunched up in their own neighborhood they are all accountable to each other to be more or less in line lubavitch is do it by yourself no accountability to no one as long as the rebbe ztl was alive the chabadsker chasidim were at least accountable to him now u have a combination of no leader hefkeiris within i am my own boss and dont tell me what to do from the above posts u can see extreme jealousy to the shluchim who are matzliach

  142. Schneur
    "So that's it all Reb Itche Masmid was fund raising."
    this is considered "taking words out of context",I did not deny Reb Itche Masmid as the out of the ordinary ovad hashem but his official occupation was fund raising.
    And so is Rav Berel Lazar, he is a Yungerman a Talmid Chochem and a Yerai Shomaim(not even 10percent of reb Itche)and doing fund raising too

  143. Anon
    "line lubavitch is do it by yourself no accountability to no one"
    Kfar chabad is the official organ of Chabad that caters to Chasidishe yiden,, the Rebbe set the policy that no pictures should be there, and it is kept strongly as of today. So where do you see the Hefker exactly?
    the so called Chabad sites are totaly private enterprises, they are no different then Gershon Jacobson with the Algemiener Journal. He was a chosid of the Rebbe, but the paper was his private enterprise, he gave a platform to anyone that was at writing a good Yiddish article.

  144. Dail
    "that the current crop of Habad House licensees,franchisees"
    your name calling the chabad houses and the shluchim in a deragotory fashion will not change the fact, that all chabad houses are centers of yidiskiet that are mekarev every yid in any shape or form, and the Shaliach and his family are sacrificing their entire life for it. By calling it Mc Chabad etc.... noting will change, you are just calling a Orthodox shul with a ugly name.

  145. Newly Minted Ex LubavitcherWednesday, May 11, 2011 4:18:00 PM

    that all chabad houses are centers of yidiskiet that are mekarev every yid in any shape or form, and the Shaliach and his family are sacrificing their entire life for it.

    No, they are businesses. The shaliach and his family are like any owners of new businesses. They start small and in debt and then hope to grow. Some make it to no bigger than corner store level, others become empires. A few even fail. It is the rare one that offers more than "McChabad" canned, standardized classes and a place to feel good that you are still Reform at heart but can feel comfortable in a dumbed-down "Chassidic" shul. Few of the franchisees can really answer questions, and they no longer have anyone to ask.

  146. newly minted

    I think the slipup you made yesterday using your real name speaks volumes. I feel your pain and can maybe sympathize with you to an extent, but this is a bit much. Take some of the blame yourself.

  147. Newly Minted Ex LubavitcherWednesday, May 11, 2011 4:45:00 PM

    No slipup, I do some work for the man whose account I was using. He took a "no contact" vacation until tomorrow but he gave me access to his E-mail account that he links to here so I could answer some E-mails for him.

    In fact he heard about this and he is embarrassed that he didn't make sure I set up another browser for his work. (funny guy - he said it was all punishment because he ate meat instead of fasting on hey iyar this year.). He doesn't like Lazar too much either and we met in Russia together so I know how you could think it is him. But I don't think he cares much about Lazar anymore.

    He's very happy and very Lubavitch to the core. He could care less about any of the issues I raised. He's quietly living his life in Europe and doesn't care what goes on in the US anymore - he calls Crown Heights "irrelevant" and posts sometimes on CH Info that a tunkler car thief should be on the Vaad HaKohol and that Charlie Buttons should replace Braun on the Beis Din. (I've had access to his network before and his shtick is an open secret anyway). He's where he is because he wants to live on shlichus even though he's not a shaliach.

    I'm just plain fed up because even the good shluchim now act like there is no meshaleach and for me it's time to move on. FYI I spoke to the guy who you think I am and he still thinks there is a meshaleach but I don't think he's yellow flag.

  148. Newly Minted
    "No, they are businesses. The shaliach and his family are like any owners of new businesses"
    I dont see where the business word comes in here, is the term that you use for every shul or yeshivah?

  149. Anonymous
    Taking words out of context. People on this place are experts in that field.
    Most people here have never heard of anything except black and white . They all seem to have no doubts about the truth of their positions.
    No grey matter here, no doubts. RIM was a Shadar and you know fully well what the duties of a shadar were and a shadar was more than an aggressive fund raiser "vos lebt a tog".Did RIM appear on TV and do the hora with some well healed millionaire ? In the films of his visit to the uSA you see an "ernste mentch" not a clown. Itche Masmid hardly ate and rarely ate meat vechuli. Was RIM fund raising for his own Mossad ? The Chabad house of Chersoner Gebernye ? Were all his children on his payroll ?
    What you are doing is like comparing the rabbi of some Chabad house in the Sun belt with 5 Shomer Shabbes members to a rav in White Russia. Yes they both are rabbonim , both supervise a mikve and supposedly answer shaayles, but is there a comparison ?
    You guys get upset when someone compares the Liozner to the Lubavitcher rebbe. Well they are both rebbes , both say dach, both have shuls , both have beards both went to college . Yea but THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE between RMMS and the Liozner . would you not agree ?

  150. Shneur
    Your constant going back to the Russian Gibernia is ludicrous. The guy of the telethon I think has more then 5 shomrie shabos, he is not a guy "that lebt a tog", he has his problems as we all have .
    As I wrote before, that Kevoidoi Shel Reb Itche Bimkoimoi Munach, but my point was, that in order to have a Mossad from 5 Shomrie Shabos to the bais horav, fund raising is needed in all shapes and forms. In every era and place their are different methods for fund raising, the Toldos Aron rebbe has a different style for his dinners of Willi or in 5 towns. In five towns he was siting in a event with no Mechitza, vs the Willi events, that I don't have to describe to you.

  151. "the Toldos Aron rebbe has a different style for his dinners of Willi or in 5 towns. In five towns he was siting in a event with no Mechitza"

    i dont belive you, can you post proof?

  152. I heard it from a Zali chosid that was there, and for the record, the Zali team is siding with Toldois Aron

  153. shame dich, for the chilul Hashem

  154. Anon
    "shame dich, for the chilul Hashem"
    is it Dich? or Zich?


  156. Great point. Yashar koach!

    Divine Providence works in strange ways!


    Rare positive article here @!


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