Thursday, June 16, 2011


seated L-R; Reb Yochonon of Tolna-Montreal-Jerusalem; Rav Ginsberg; Berl Bergman; Levi Yitzchok (Schneersohn-)Twersky (son of Reb Moshe'le)
standing L-R; Reb Aron Ben R' Yitzchok Twersky of Skver-Tel Aviv; Reb Yitzchok Yoel Rabinovich of Monestristch; R' Mordechai ben R' Yitzchok Twersky of Skver-Tel Aviv; Reb Boruch Meir ben R' Gedalia Aron Rabinovich of Monestristch.

This seems to be some kind of class picture. Ginsberg was apparently their melamed. I guess this picture was taken in New York. It might bet that you had to be some kind of בנש"ק to attend this class, since even Bergman was Rebbish. He later traveled to the Holy Land and learned in the Chevroner Yeshivah, leaving soon before the Massacre in '29. His later marriage to the Bilker Rov's daughter probably had less to do with his yichus. The Skverrer Rebbe of Tel-Aviv lived in the Bronx before he went up to the Holy Land, which is why his kids are here too.


  1. Bergman was a Nadverner eynikel.

  2. In 1927 upon his return to America the son of the Talner Rebbe R' Yochanan Twersky who was later the Talner Rebbe of Yerushalayim established an association of Rebbisha Kinder in Flatbush under the name Zera Kodesh, this might be a picture of that.

  3. yes, he was their rebbi but it wasnt a class, it was a afternoon type group for rebbishe children.

  4. Didn't Bergman (his mother was the daughter of Reb Bercha Leifer of Satmar) learn in Merkaz Hurav?

  5. Now you got your groove back!

  6. where are the peyos??? the chasidisha kapilutchen?? the long malbushim? Why haven't these women been airbrushed or photoshopped out of the picture???

  7. oh, yes Bray. there were six people who looked like this on the entire contient so it must all be lies that there were mechaleli shabbos on america.

    get real.

  8. Azi, get a sense of humor.

  9. Regardless of it being during that time it still must be a shocking photo for the guy that posted this gem (incredibly the guy was serious!) on this blog explaing why Rabbi David Twerky and his sons don't have 'day jobs":

    "His 3 sons should take jobs in B&H?
    It is impossible since their
    Shemiras Einiem is very important, they
    have holy bodies transcending for
    generations, and we the people were
    born on this planet to preserve the
    kedusha of their bodies. But it is not
    in vain, since the Chernobler Kinder are
    mashpiem Gezunt Parnosa Nachas for the whole doir."

    A fascinating and horrifying look into the mind of a Skverer. They created an entire philosophy rationlizing their own inevitable serfdom to protect this 'holy" clan. To teach this
    Rebbishe genetic engineering junk is to rob kids of their own asperations for greatness in ToyVyra"sh. Not to mention what it does to their general self esteem. What a disgusting and tragic system!m
    ( I guess some in the picture-who's eydlkeit
    and atzilus appear to be wanting- weren't 'protected' enough )

    1. What can u expect in america in those years?

  10. Skver did not invent these, it is the view of all chasidim based on chazal,
    the question is only if they are the Tzadikim or not?
    Elokim Yireh leLievov.

  11. this is a phot of my great grandfather taken in new york in the 1910's.

    he obviously came over from russia looking like this (just younger) but walked arounf brooklym with his hat and cain and beard.

    R Yochonon of Tolna in this picture, told my father that he would meet with my g-grandfather every sunday to discuss chassidus.

  12. and we the people were
    born on this planet to preserve the
    kedusha of their bodies." This has a source in Chazal?
    Where? In a Csidish Seyfer ? Where ?
    Baloney! Remember be Zohir Bgacholoson!
    Don't attribute this garbage to them.

  13. Interesting to note that even then some of them wore right over left there jackets....

  14. When told that the girls school in skver has a curriculum
    that is by and large about the greatness of the
    Tzodik. A leading Talmid Chochom remarked. Nu sishteyt kol hmlameyd es bitoy Toyre kiilu mlamdo tiflus.
    Ober zeht ois az tiflus aleyn meg men yeh.
    I never felt his harsh response was justified until reading the above.

    re right over left: it has a source in
    Halocho and is not only alpi chsidus.
    There are pics of the Brisker Rovs
    sons in grey and white jackets right
    over left.

  15. Anon
    "When told that the girls school in skver has a curriculum
    that is by and large about the greatness of the
    Tzodik. A leading Talmid Chochom remarked. Nu sishteyt kol hmlameyd es bitoy Toyre kiilu mlamdo tiflus.
    Ober zeht ois az tiflus aleyn meg men yeh.
    I never felt his harsh response was justified until reading the above."
    its a matter of fact that the Brisker Ruv send stories of gedolim for the Yidisher Licht,I guess he also wanted to teach Tiflas for the women.


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