Wednesday, August 31, 2011

never believe what you read anymore...

(some filters may block the recording from appearing on page...)

What you see here is a shmooze between Reb Zalman Leib of Satmar and Reb Mechel Zilber, Maggid shiur extraordinaire, recently. Reb Mechel does most of the talking here, with the "MASHBA"K Reb Shmiel Teitelbaum" coming in second. Reb Zalman is שומע ואינו עונה for the most part... The Aronim made a big deal of it because somewhere else he (RZLT) said something about R' Shach not being a "faker..." And they had a very good time at his expense. But what they failed to point out, and maybe because they'd do the same thing, is the censorship that happened here! They misrepresent Reb Mechel and take words out of his mouth. If you listen closely to the recording provided here, at around 5 minutes in you'll see what I mean. And if you look closely you'll see that the written transcript makes no sense without the words that were taken out. "האט אין דעם שמועס געפרעגט (די) ליובאוויטשער", is what Reb Mechel said, and what they wrote was "האב איך דעם שמועס געפרעגט" which makes zero sense if you think about it for a second. He could've been a bit more respectful, Reb Mechel could, but that's asking for too much I guess.

I guess they don't mind being מעכב די גאולה....

(Thanks to he who sent this in)


  1. I fail to see what the big deal is!!! So part of a conversation was censored? Big deal, it happens all the time.

  2. The knowledgable censor didn't delete where RZL twice (!)wrongly "corrects" RMZ about the 18 minutes of Bein Hash'mashot.

    Serves them right.

  3. This Zalman Lieb sould be crowned the king of all nobodies,
    as a Satmar observer for decades, it is ironic to see that the crowd of Satmar that were always of the Belief that Ein Oid Milvadoi besides RJT, that all Rebbes that were alive in the era of his reign were Amharatzim, Fakers(Zali lingo)Nobodies, and they couldn't even lower their heads for the Former Sigeter Ruvs leadership of Satmar, are now willing to be led by the mother of nobodies with a hadras punim.They will give him Kvitlech, go for his white socks in weekdays, etc..
    for 1 reason Hate hate...
    it is amazing the power of hate ....

  4. HT,
    why get excited about this, the satmars have been doing this for years and it's their standard M.O.
    When RYT said something about voting in municipal elections in EY, the kanoyim went postal on him, and it's never mentioned in their sanctioned history.
    Yossel Ashkenazi wrote in one of the seforim that "there was a confusion about rabbeinu's shita on voting in city elections". I saw in satmar yeshiva in london someone wrote next to it "sheker ain lo raglayim".
    today this has been conveniently excised from all the books.

  5. Cont. to above.
    Sadly, I could not understand RMZ explaining the 40 minute custom either. It is not clear which 18 minutes he's referring to. 3/4 Mil according to most Poskim is 13.5 minutes. Unless he means Shita of Siddur Harav where the "base rate" for Bei"hash is 18 + 2 minutes.

  6. Leo
    the idiots that are circling the holy Satmar Rebbe did not Yored Leomek Devoroiv, they dont know how to handle a torah shmuess.

  7. Since when was R' Nosson Adler AB"D of Frankfort.

  8. Depends, which Noson Adler:
    was born in Frankfurt
    was not from Frankfurt, but was "Frankfurter" by ideology.

  9. this conduct is copied from belz of today.

  10. the imrei emes also visited rav kook

  11. Hershel,
    I see that you didnt get the whole shpeel,
    The other fraction of satmar gave it out in order to show how RZ"L cant open his mouth
    and they did it

    they named it bakoidesh pnimah
    as if it comes from RZ"L PR


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