Wednesday, October 19, 2011

הושענא רבה אין סאטמאר, תשכ"ז

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A full day's davening indeed.

היות אז אין סאטמארע בתי מדרשים דאווענט מען נאך אין גרויסן קען מען נאך הערן די טעיפ

א גוט געבענטשט יאר

א גוט קוויטל

א גוט יו"ט


  1. קודש קדשים! מי יותן לנו אבר כיונים אעופה ואשכונה

  2. I always marveled how a couple of notes can turn the majestic Rostover nigun into a Hungarian nigun.

    BTW, how is it that the Satmarer and Lubavitcher share a nigun? What is the real source of the so called Rostover?

  3. What on earth is Rostov? Or who? Or where? Or when?

  4. An Ailmesher said...
    "BTW, how is it that the Satmarer and Lubavitcher share a nigun?"

    'באותו שעה כשר הי

  5. Ailimisher

    "BTW, how is it that the Satmarer and Lubavitcher share a nigun"
    Satmar is a fairly new kehila , they incorporated alot of nigunim from older courts, most of them from Ropshitz,thru the SR first FIL the Ploncer Ruv

  6. "What on earth is Rostov"
    its a town in Russia wherethe Reshab took refuge after leaving his hometown of Lubavich

  7. anon said: "Satmar is a fairly new kehila"

    the city satmar is in fact an old kehila with known gedoli rabbunim as their rav of which the last one was 'the' SR z"l the son of the sigeter rav's z"l for many generations! thats how satmar and siget are meshed however SR FIL was a great rebbe of ropshitz dynasty and he the SR being a son of siget a talmid of the divrei chaim which was a talmid of ropshitz!adopted their negunim and many minhagim, the SR calls the reshab z"l in his sefer as הרב קדושfrom the earliest anti zionist anti agudah tzadigim.

  8. Anon
    "באותו שעה כשר ה"
    for people that dont chap,
    clarify that u mean Satmar..

  9. anon: "for people that dont chap,
    clarify that u mean"

    lubab chasidus was looked upon other chasidus with admiration since the time of the tanya until the time of the maharshab and in a lesser degree until the 60's specially regards חב"ד and for their דביקות negunim hence the נענועיםsongs in satmar which is actually an old time lubab nigun which when it was was compost באותו שעה כשר הי' and it being used untill today with great דביקות

  10. Forget about Satmar Shana Raba. What's up with Lubavitch motzoei Y"T-keyys shell brocho. Took my kids to see hundreds file by a chair holding empty plastic cups. While densely packed observers sing excitedly crowding in for a better view. I believe a bas kol couldn't be more clear in declaring the post 1950 Lubavitch a phenomenon in Jewish history that's basically had it.


  12. To clarrify why the empty cup ceremony heralds the end of post war chabad as a movement.
    Often we hear from defenders that the various Modnekaytn in todays Chabad were found elsewhere.
    There's one difference. Other mekomos only had one or 2 dzhukn not all of them lpundik achas.
    There are 3 conditions that make a person a shoite. There is a machlokes whether u need only one or all 3. R Chaim Brisker asks on the 2nd shite if u only have one Tnay bistu den a dritl shoite? Zogt RC yeder tnay farzich kemen noch farentfern obber oyb sido alle dray affamol is vi eydr tzu zogn 3 trutzim iz asach glaycher zogn eyn teretz af alle kashes - Shoite.

  13. anon: "Took my kids to see hundreds file by a chair holding empty plastic cups"

    .א רפואה שלימה

  14. anon: "There are 3 conditions that make a person a shoite"

    no comment.

  15. the silver on the proverbial mirror is wearing off, where one was once only able to see themselves, one can now see others too...

  16. Anon
    "To clarrify why the empty cup ceremony heralds the end of post war chabad as a movement."
    this prediction of yours happened already? or you are a amateur fortune teller based on a wine stained plastic cup(vs. crystal ball)?

  17. Hirshel - Waiting for your post on the Ungvarer Rebbe, R. Menashe. You are an Ungvarer from way back.


    A gut yohr un yasher keyach!

  18. grainom said...
    "the silver on the proverbial mirror is wearing off, where one was once only able to see themselves, one can now see others too"

    We met the enemy and its us!?

  19. anon said: "or you are a amateur fortune teller based on a wine stained plastic cup(vs. crystal ball)"

    whats the difference ?

  20. How do we get this to work?


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