Friday, October 28, 2011

תמונת מצב - חצה"ק "איירמאנט" - הושע"ר תשע"ב לפ"ק

It seems like Airmont (i.e. Lipa Schmeltzer) has made a hard left turn. We're used to his concerts pushing the envelope every time just a little bit more, but this surprised even a pretty Liberal guy like myself. If I didn't know better I'd say that this was a Purim Shpiel in the CCCP, circa 1926. I've defended Reb Lipa here several times, so you can trust that I have no agenda when it comes to Mr. Schmeltzer. I suppose he's trying to be the new Shlomo Carlebach, but even Shlomo didn't make a mockery of davenen. The things you saw were the natural sentiments of some of the people attending services, not some kind of joke. Yes,I don't think the pictures were taken during the actual davening,but it is supposed to DEPICT it. Shlomo would not allow any talking during tefillos in his shul, and he most definitely wouldn't have it turn into some kind of performance. I'm not sure what Mr. Berrry Weber is trying to show with that wrapped Esrog he's holding, but it's crass. Lipa: we appreciate what you do when it comes to helping Jews in need, both spiritual and physical, but you don't need to do this. Stick to what you do best, which is to make Jews happy. Stay out of the Rebbe business.


Mr. Berri Weber and his Esrog...


  1. it goes along in hand with the "shabisbletel" ...

    they both make a mockery of the toiara and its leaders

    some just by mockery
    others by crass imitation

    the SR cried when imitated by a badchen, "perhaps i too am only imitating myself from last time"

    agav, sholi grossman and other freye neighbors of yours are quite busy doing kiruv in airmont. "hey hey hey i wanna be a rebbe"

  2. The correct spelling would be.
    "Fun Shaine Rebbe",
    instead of Hoshnna Rabbo.
    What a shandah!

  3. "חצה"ק"

  4. Well, actually Shlomo Carlebach did turn the davening in his shul into some kind of performance, as I saw at the last slichos of his life, when he was there with his guitar and everybody just waited for the pieces he would sing during the slichos, and a whole choir joined with tambourines and some other flutes.

  5. Seems like nice Yanover Esrogim all around...

  6. Many rebbe's use this as a performance. He's no different. The only problem I have with this is that he is making light of it. Other rebbes use the performances to make it feel more heilig.

  7. Lipa is doing crassly what the cynics say the rebbes do..

  8. Don't see any litzenus here. Are you people referring to the fact that there was a camera in shul? are the guitars the issue?

  9. Lipa and his boys don't want to be just some cookie cutter Hasids with geek glasses and an empty stare in their eyes. They are responding to the disregard for individual identity in the haredi world.The Soviets lehavdil didn't want people to think and dress differently either.That's why avant-garde behavior is so dangerous for all totalitarian repressive regimes.Lipa and friends are fed up with the "grey,colorless" Hassidic world where being a good boy means not being seen or heard as a unique individual with emotionaland spiritual needs of his own. That's why Braslever Hassidus resonates with these people.And that's one reason Lipa was recently in Uman.

  10. Klainer is on to something here.

    And on the subject of the Shabbos Blettel article, this may explain the fairly recent phenomenon of the attraction of mevakshim to the no frills type, charismatic teachers such as Rabbi Morgenstern and the like.

    They've had it brand name variety !

  11. poor souls lost in the desert of rock-land !

  12. I tend to be sympathetic to Lipa & co. when it comes to the "machine" politics of the Chassidishe world. But I think guitars are a big issue, or to phrase it more accurately, represent a big issue. Lipa is very close to crossing a line here. I hope he has friends who can tell him not to cross it.

  13. what kinda lines yehupitz? he has made himself more acceptable than ever before without recreating himself or shtelling tzi in any way shape or form...

    he has no fan club "looking to kasher him in the public/chareidi sphere" like chabad or r kook do etc. for example...

  14. The lines of basic Orthodoxy: Instruments in nusach hatefilla? Cliched not-frum. It's krum shtick, and it's a slippery slope to more krum shtick.

  15. yehupitz said...
    "The lines of basic Orthodoxy: Instruments in nusach hatefilla?"

    This is forbiden (Instruments) by the chasem sofer!

  16. והמים גברה על rock-land! וינח על mount-air!

  17. Reb Don iz ni(sh)tda!!

    Ytv bme looking forward to a genuine in depth obituary

  18. Anon
    "This is forbiden (Instruments) by the chasem sofer!"
    having music in shul is a old ashkenazic custom, older then the CS,
    it was prohibited by the CS for different reasons.

  19. These guys are full of hot air(mont).


  21. When Lipa said Kol Mevasser on Hoshana Rabba, a voice (Tzali Fortgang) called out, "eer hut gedrikt an imrichtig knepel".....


  22. The lack of gravitas in Chassidic Judaism can be traced to some Lubavitcher shluchim (NOT THE REBBE) who attempted to use all sorts of non traditional means to make Judaism hip cool rad or whatever and they continue to do this thinking that surfing, motor bikes, cow boy hats, football rallies ,sneakers, rock concerts, cool ads,medidation,Yoga, hip kapotes etc will get them money and PR.
    Shlomo and Zalman S perfected this to the point they themselves became part of it.
    Many in Breslov are also into this.
    Some non comformist behavior is appropriate but others are over the line. Who decides ?

  23. Schneur
    everything has to be done to repackage Yiddishkiet, to the millions that we are losing by the minute, that was the Kavone of the Frierdige Rebbe and the Rebbe.
    I understand that we alte kakers dont like it , but it has to be done..
    Its a war out there..

  24. Anony.3:28 How dare you involve the Freierdiker Rebbe in the "tomfoolery" that Habad has become? The F.R. was a most serious Jew.The day schools-Achei Temimim- were founded by shluchim who were Hassidish- not by clowns running marathons and telethons.


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