Sunday, October 9, 2011


Choosing an אתרוג in כפר חב"ד, today.

I'm surprised he's not looking in בני ברק, or in ירושלים by a סוחר who sells אתרוגי ברוורמן, ליפקוביץ, חזון איש, or at least a תימנ'ער.

Do you know this man?



  1. Kfar Chabad has a premium etrog orchard next to the town, and an in-town "direct from the orchard" seller. If you want to get the pick of the orchard without going through the middle men, you go to Kfar Chabad.

  2. Harav Shlomo Zev Carlebach shlit"a, son-in-law of Rav Moshe Soloveichik zt"l of Switzerland, and a dayan in Yerushalayim. It is odd for him to be in kfar chabad...

  3. I think we have a new winner in the "wildest Peyos" contest

    he beats Reb Osher Deutsch hands down!!

  4. the kfar chabad esrogim are highly valued for various reasons by many people, regardless of their ideologies.
    one reason is that they are transplanted yanover esrogim growing in EY, so u get both worlds. they are grown in a frum community that watch over them year round.

  5. איך גלויב ער באנוצט זיך מיט א קאם. עס איז צו פערפעקט

  6. That is Shlomo (zev) Carlbach, Benny and Mosy (ilui in yerushalyim) Carlbach's brother. He is R' Moshe Soloveitchik's (from Shvaits) son inlaw, and Yudel Sasoon's mechuten. He is R'Shlomo Carlbach's (the mashgiach) nephew. and Shlomo Carlbach's (the singer) cousin. He is a talmid of R'AJ Soloveitchik. he lives in unsdorf.
    Knowing him, i find it VERY hard to believe that he went looking for an esrog in KC. His feeling towards Chabad are, lets just say unpleasant, to put it mildly.
    Hershel are you sure the pic was raken in KC?

  7. Oh right I forgot, the heavy briskers make sure to get a yanever esrog to add to the collection. I think R'AJ has 6 different types of esrogim.
    He probabably went to pick up some sheiner yanever schoira far der mishpacha.

  8. There is nothing strange here. Before I knew who the guy is I was sure that he was a Brisker. In Brisk they value Yanover esrogim that was transplanted to EI prior to a certain period (I am not famliar exactly with the time frame, but in their minds they have some period that only prior to that period the Esrogim are authetic) Therefore its quite common that real Briskers who loathe and dispise Chabad come to KC to search for that batch of Esrogim.

  9. Not sure what their fathers name was. he was an alter mirrer. (I think). He lived in Brooklyn I think.

  10. The father was a sweet German Yid, I think his name was Naftali, he moved to Panim Meirot at the end to be near his (very choshuve) children bla'h. They inlcude Reb Benny at Mir, Reb Shlomo Zev and Mosey, the biggest gaon of all, who is relegated to being an overqualified shoel umeishiv at Ohr Sameyach.

    Rav Gedalia Finkel at Mir is an eidem.

    There is another brother, Danny, in Boro Park.

    A real fine family.

  11. Nice set of peyos for a yekke

  12. "a sweet german yid" there is no such thing

  13. Brisk + German = not a good idea

  14. Mosy is considered one of the bisggest lamdonim in EY. besides being a huge talmid chacham and iluy.
    many a story have been told about his loosing track of this world while talking in learning.

  15. Don't be frightened by his payos. They only arrived after he married into the Brisker royal family.He's a very sweet fellow with a golden "Carlebach heart".

  16. Speaking of Briskers and Lubavitchers... does anyone here know who are descendants of the Beis Halevi's short first marriage with a girl from a Lubavitch family? Are they known in Lubavitch today?

  17. brisk + bais hatalmid + ponovezh + rav yeruchim = rtk

  18. See hirshele, that wasn't too hard. You post a picture you get a few comments, not too much l"h, ah bisele trivia.
    Ah parnusseh machen fin dem? i don't know.

  19. Anon said: “they are transplanted yanover esrogim growing in EY”

    So you get both worlds.. a new concept of ודאי מורכב,

  20. Sunday, October 09, 3:42:00 PM Anonymous said...
    "the kfar chabad esrogim are highly valued for various reasons by many people, regardless of their ideologies, one reason is that they are transplanted yanover esrogim growing in EY, so u get both worlds. they are grown in a frum community that watch over them year round"

    אתרוגי א"י besides questions of being מורכב the have many different other questianable שאלותlike תרומת ומעשרות and שמיטה גם or the איסור להוציא פירות מא"י
    many gedolim prohibited it even before WWII besides most all fields are trasplanted from overseas and even you may think they are not מורכב but it may have been planted from a מורכב one! also, most don't even have the characthers/shape of a esrig yanaver or greek, so i don't see any יוחס at all with them, let's stick with the real yaniver like our rebbes (of lubavitch) always did!

    ps: the biggest promoter of this אתרוגי א"י was none other the the kook rebbe that shall be another reason to be cautios on it no?

  21. Anon
    "Don't be frightened by his payos. They only arrived after he married into the Brisker royal .."
    Reb Menashe hakoten, had this kind of peyoth too...he did not get it from Brisk

  22. Kovner
    Karlinsky y in his biography Horishon Lesholsheles is delving in this subject, maybe he has some info.

  23. I seems that the Briskers dont go for the Chazon Ish Tree Etrogim that was owned by Rav Lefkowitz.
    What exactly did the chazon ish say about that tree?
    Was it simple Ruach Hakodesh? or Agriculture expertise?

  24. ps: the biggest promoter of this אתרוגי א"י was none other the the kook rebbe that shall be another reason to be cautios on it no?

  25. anon said
    "so i don't see any יוחס at all with them, let's stick with the real yaniver like our rebbes (of lubavitch) always did!"

    The Rebbe did nanuim in his sukkah with a yanover esrog & a second time with a KC esrog. I heard the FR did this as well.

    IMHO it could be bec of chibas EY and since the anash of KC gave it as a present, he wanted to make use of it. another reason could be bec of the murkav issue.

    One year on one of the chal hamoed days the Rebbe used a KC esrog for hallel, which was a big chiddush.

  26. The new hottest ספרים in the yeshivishe world are the חבצלת on Chumash written by a carlebach from yerushalayim, foes anyone know how he fits in? Is he from the same family?

  27. "I heard the FR did this as well.“

    Are you nisht mit allemen?

  28. The author of the Chavatzelet seforim is a son of R' Mozy Carlebach, older brother of R' Shlomo Zev.

  29. Anonymous said...
    "I heard the FR did this as well.“

    Are you nisht mit allemen?"

    I heard from a mokor musmach that the FR used two esrogim for nanuim, one a yanover the second an EY one. Obviously this was done only when it was possible to get a EY esrog. and if u know who I am, u would take back that comment.
    A freilichen Yomtov!

  30. klainer said... " NO. "

    how about just no with lower letters קליינע אותיות after all there where serious gedolim who held he is an apik.! ?

  31. To Whom it may concern:
    The answer is still NO.This point has been discussed to death on this blog and 99% of the gedolim bezmano held him to be an odom godol meod.The list of gedolim are available on older postings.That included the H"H.Even those who differred in ideaology held him to be a very special person.

  32. klainer said..."Even those who differred in ideaology held him to be a very special person."

    special he is. still i wonder why they call you klainer?

  33. klainer said...: "99% of the gedolim bezmano held him to be an odom godol meod"

    'bezmano" הרוצה לשקר ירחיק עדותו

  34. klainer said...
    "99% of the gedolim"

    even the 99%'ers should have protest wall st!(or city hall) against the 1%!!! (real gedolim)??? not much would of change. daas torah is not a democracy where one is judged on he merits.

  35. FYI, R Moshe (Mosy) is a Shoel U'Mashiv in Lakewood East and gives a shiur to the top bachurim in O.S at least as far as last elul zman(there was a tekufa long ago that he gave a shiur for the weaker bochurim)...the upcoming zman is unclear. His younger brother (pictured)(by a 15-20 years) is a big boki in choshen mishpat and consults with/for the Eda...


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