Friday, November 18, 2011

(לרגל היא"צ ה-85 של מרן מהרי"ד מבעלזא זי"ע (מעדנים לחסידי סאטמאר

די סאטמורים דא רעדן זיך איין אז איך האב עפעס קעגן זיי, און אז איך טשעפע זיי מיט זייערע רביים. דאס אז איך בין "מעלה" אטא דער קובץ וועט אייך אוודאי איבערצייגן אז ס'איז סתם א בלבול

בעלזא בתפארתה - נגד ציונות


  1. Hirshe
    since the Satmorim are good at knowing better
    Belz then Belz,
    Chasam Sofer better then Chasam sofer,
    Sanz better then Sanz,
    Chofetz Chaim better then Chofetz Chaim
    Chabad better then Chabad
    Derech haLimud of Lita better then Lita
    they will eventually print a whole encyclopedia of all the views of the above, and we will enjoy

  2. an encyclopedia is printed by those who know - for those who dont know

    In a world where BH everybody knows everything, there's no need forencyclopedias

  3. Interesting material and it appears well sourced. I doubt OH would publish much of this and it's difficult to reconcile this with his son's mizrachi leanings.

  4. anon 2:21 "they will eventually print a whole encyclopedia of all the views of the above, and we will enjoy"

    Its already in print and available in book stores everywhere שדבר המלך ודתו מגיע it's called
    ויואל משה, עה"ג, דברי יואל, ועוד
    also hundreds of tapes דא"ח

    הפוך בה והפוך בה דכולה בה

  5. Anon
    "Its already in print and available in book stores everywhere שדבר המלך ודתו מגיע it's called
    ויואל משה, עה"ג, דברי יואל, ועוד
    also hundreds of tapes דא"ח"
    this is all torahs how satmar was and satmar should lead their life
    But can I see in their the views of all gedolim?
    Is דא"ח" the new word for the Sakmarer torahs?
    Is this term used for the torahs of the Birech Moshe and the torah of the 2 holy Brothers?

  6. anon 1:56 "the torah of the 2 holy Brothers?"

    the 2 brothers had a father a talmid cuchim and yirah shumayim most of their lifes, who learned them a thing or two, they also had a great uncle who they looked upon learned from him.., themselfs bnei torah ... vs berele where is he coming from who is his peers teachers where is at who if any of his chasidim knew or learned anything from any rebbes gedoli yisruel!!! I mean come on..

  7. Anon
    "r a talmid cuchim and yirah shumayim"
    a semi taslmid chochem maybe,but yiras shomaim, give me a break...
    How many yerai shomaim families ate his Meal Mart Hashgacha, it was a half a notch up from Empire..
    How many Yirai Shomaim do you have that will speak after Borech Sheomar, with his Megulochim of BP,
    How Many Yerai Shomaim were having a radio in their house?

    How many families had the New York Post in there house?

    Lipa is a Kusher Kind?

    All the above have noting to do with the question of the usage of the term dach in the house of Satmar

  8. Anon 9:13
    the 2 brothers had a father a talmid cuchim and yirah shumayim most of their lifes, who learned them a thing or two, they also had a great uncle who they looked upon learned from him.."

    you really drank the satmar kool aid.
    the 2 brothers couldn't have been much by their gr8 uncle, he had a stroke in 5727 & was pretty much incapacitated after that. The alte rebbitzen hated their father & his kids were not welcome in the house at all. Their father was not known as a talmid chochom or yiras shamayim, v'dal. So stop with your satmar mythology, and accept people for what they are, not what we want them to be.
    What the belzer is or not i don't know, but he built an edifice of a kehilla. belz is what RYT wanted satmar to be, and u guys can eat your hearts out.

  9. What's wrong with Empire?Is it metamtem es hapupick?


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