Monday, November 7, 2011

?האלו? ווארשא?פארברענט

Aaron Zeitlin's masterpiece accompanied by vintage footage of pre-WW2 Warsaw, which is no more... Aaron was the son of Hillel Zeitlin, HaYaD, and came to America in March of 1939. The poem was penned in 1945.

Text of poem can be found here


  1. The Germans destroyed an entire universe of Jews and there was no nekomoh.It's too much to bear...

  2. ביי "איי דאנט גיוו דעם, פאר א געדונגענעם אמעריקאנער קדיש", טייטשט יענער דארט (נומער 51) "איך האלט נישט, גיב נישט".
    אפשר האט ער נישט פארשטאנען, אדער געוואלט פארשטיין, דעם אמעריקאנער "דעם".

  3. Hey Mista Anon2:56- Vat ya talkin' about?Epes iz dem-matter?

  4. Rav Nosson Tzvi is shoin oich nisht dah. bd"e.

  5. Rav Nosson Tzvi is shoin oich nisht dah, Un Ich Bin Shoin Alt

  6. How about a donation to the Parkinson's Foundation in memory of RNTZ?Do you know how many people sufferred from diabetes,TB, and infectious diseases of all sorts in der alter heim? Today many ot the aforementioned diseases have been cured or are manageable..So along with Tehillim and lernen,a nod to the world of science and vissenshaft is wholly appropriate.

  7. Tzig,

    ur allwright.

    I don't give a damn for an amerikanesher Kadish.

    git mesameach gevain yetzt.

  8. "git mesameach gevain yetzt."
    you're crazy!
    gallows humor is simcha?


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