Friday, November 25, 2011

My head hurts...

See also Reb Elya Brudny

Part I

Part II


  1. I heard that the Ilu REb Avrumi Schor suggested a genius idea to built a glass bldng with a glass roof and mashgichim with 1000's of computers to rend and the mashgichem will minitor it the all day
    What a Illu
    Is his Shul in flatbush Internet free?

  2. The agudah OU and and most mosdos! run their websites and their PR machines all on the web! yes it helpful but you can't preach what you don't practice אני ארבּה ולא אסור don't work! and it's not a good message for children!

    לאו עכברא גנב אלא חירא גנב

  3. Why is Rav Schorr displaying his Peyoth not the gerer style?
    Is he in business on his own?

  4. RAS is the tzniyus police sterotype at its worst. He gets off by knowing about and discussing the shmutz that goes on by yennem. He is like the cat chasing the mouse, in that famous parable. This is nothing new, he used to go around, in the camp, and ask the Long Beach boys who slept on their back. Now, luckily, he got internet and text messaging.

    More importantly, he hides amongst the laymen, for the yeshivaleit have no use for him. He has no zitzfleish and is never really holding in one particular sugya (what an illuh!). The truth is that in lumdos, he is mediocre, although he has a quick head. He is not very good in-the-vort and is very insecure about it. Even his seforim might have a lot of footnotes, but in-the-vort, he is not saying much - and even he knows it.

    he feels comfortable hanging around the laymen, and would never give a shiur in a sugya in which the mareh mekomos are displayed well in advance - Di"K.

  5. In R' CDZ speach at the convention he actually pulls out a Blackberry and reads an email out loud from it.

    at 12:00

  6. Der Avremel is Yener Tzotzkeh! Wonder how he muscled himself in there.

  7. I dont wonder, he is from the Chayes Hakodesh of the Bies Yisroel


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