Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"פון מיר דעם גבאי"

אורות גליון 6

An historic letter from Reb Shulem Fogel, legendary gabbai of the previous Belzer Rov, zt"l to the "Iron Lady of New Square," Rebbetzin Traneh Twerski, o"h, wife of RYY of Skver, and mother of the current Skverrer Rebbe shlit"a. Traneh was the daughter of Reb Pinches (Pinye'le) Ostiller, HY"D, who was married to a sister of the Belzer Rov, a daughter of Reb Yisocher Dov of Belz, zt"l. This was the time of '56 Sinai Campaign and she was concerned about her uncle's well-being. It seems like she wanted him to leave Israel and travel to Europe until it all blows over. Reb Shulem writes that the Ruv's family was sacrificed in Poland during WW2 for Klal Yisroel, and that during the war the Ruv always thought about the Klal, and not about his personal well being. Yes, I know, many of you don't read Yiddish and feel left out. Believe me, I do it out of love, of Yiddish, that is. I bear no ill will to you non-Yiddish speakers and readers. I did give you a basic idea as to the contents of the letter, so cut me some slack, will ya?


  1. great letter, great insights, perhaps 3/4 year before Petirah?
    BUT, do Galitzyaner really say "T'Zvur"?
    I've been around Galitzyaner Yidden my entire life, never heard it used. Maybe only in written expression?

  2. Satmar should be happy, because it shows Tziyobnsihe Belz didnt start with RAR.
    This letter has HisNatzlis of "HisGaris B'Imos".
    He doesn't seek Molchumehh, but if there is war already and Yiddishe Kinder are threatened....

  3. A gabe like a baba!

    The rebbe is not scared just like yakov uveni..*, he doesn't read papers (he can't see).. but he writes in his letter what the papers says (he hears, can he tell him).. he didn't leave beacuse ‘itshe meir’ talked him out of it in a 2 hour private talk alone.. (according to the belzer PR writings).. but he didn't give the SR a minute chance 'alone' with the rebbe!!! I wonder why?… He didn’t leave polland not to abonden his family.. wasn’t he in budapest in middle of the war alone, didn’t SR worked tirele$$ly to free him from incarceration .. comparing שמעון ולוי to “hertzel's and ben gurion's” medina? well don't get me going here.. all in all a gabe with an agenda! what's news.

    יעקב אבינו בּהאי פחדיה הוה יתיב שמא יגרום החטא

    אל תירא עבדי יעקב




  6. Anon
    "The rebbe is not scared just like yakov uveni..*,"
    where you is sarcasam here exactly???
    ", he doesn't read papers (he can't see)"
    he means they don,t read for him the news from the newspaper...
    Where are you heading that the Satmae Ruvs was spending hours hours on the NYT, thats the Pre avodas Hatefilah, and the Belzer is not capable of being a Manhig because he was not in to reading newspapers, is that the new criteria for a Manhig.
    Is that where Satmar is getting today,
    Did the Maharam shick Read Newspaper before he made the tielung
    Btw, some nephews claim that the Maram Shick was legaly blind when the Satus Quo Teshuvahs were written

  7. Anon
    "he didn't leave beacuse ‘itshe meir’ talked him out of it in a 2 hour private talk alone.. (according to the belzer PR writings).. "
    Does Belz write that Reb Itche Mier (U can call him Re bhe was as a Godel as the Vodislover Ruv, who spent his whole post war life in politics too)asked him not to leave.

  8. Anon
    "He didn’t leave polland not to abonden his family.. wasn’t he in budapest in middle of the war alone,"
    what is the contradiction?
    in Budapest he had noting anymore...his family was killed in Premishlan...

  9. Anon
    ", didn’t SR worked tirele$$ly to free him from incarceration "
    whats the source? the Geler Badchen???

  10. Anon
    "comparing שמעון ולוי to “hertzel's and ben gurion's” medina?"
    better then making all Klal Yisroel into Achovs...

  11. belzer rebbe wasn't a manhig for many reasons.., including as SF writes in his letter 'there is no belzer chasidim in EY' so to whom was he a manhig to the gerrer chasidim ? as a matter of fact there is none today either 'who even knows what belz was' not even the ish ber knows, its an assembly of wanna bees g-d help them!

  12. anon: "whats the source? the Geler Badchen???"

    No the geler גיעל
    בת היענה פויגעל ,וואס שטעקט זיך די קאף אין דער ערד

  13. anon: "Btw, some nephews claim that the Maram Shick was legaly blind when the Satus Quo Teshuvahs were written"

    wasn't belzer ruv blind un questionably when he signed to go to the בחירות

  14. Anon
    "belzer rebbe wasn't a manhig for many reasons.., including as SF writes in his letter 'there is no belzer chasidim in EY'"
    Little boychic
    you can not read well,
    He writes that belz don't have chassidim as in their institutions or shtiblech, but the ruvs vort is very poewerfull, the Chazon Ish also had no kehila but his vort had alot of power,
    It did not count how much toilet paper was used in belzer bathroom
    as the genius Lepold Lefkowits loved to brag by the Chof Alef Kislevs festivals

  15. anon 8:07 said: "the Satmae Ruvs was spending hours hours on the NYT, thats the Pre "avodas Hatefilah"

    do you expect an answer?

  16. anon: "but the ruvs vort is very poewerfull"

    like he said what?? do you know any vort from the ruv that is powerful! like a devar torah a pesak halacha a cumra a minhag that the world accepted, and doesnt pertain to zionisim ..

  17. anon: "the Chazon Ish also had no kehila but his vort had alot of power"

    you comparing a pesak halacha from the Chazon Ish to a said vort that SF said in the name of belzer ruv? after he was coached by itshe meir? com on, gy shlufen.

  18. Thank you Hershl for this. You could almost rename yourself OH with the 2 Belzer posts of this week especially now that OH has gone quiet.

    It is no secret that Rav Herzog asked R"A not to leave in 1948 when chasidim in Antwerp tried to persuade him to. It is possible that IM Levin asked him again in 1956 but the reasons in this letter are probably genuine. This letter is written honestly and if SF had an eye to the wider public he would not have said that there are few Belzer chasidim. He does not pretend that R"A is in the heavens but merely that his behaviour has changed partly and the most he will say is that it it 'a rebishe zach'.

    There is a myth in Satmar that SF was the cause of the tension between R"A and the Reb Yoilish. Although SF was quite a rogue R"A was as much a zionist as R"Y was anti. He was also very humanistic and SF neatly sums it up that R"A does not want a war but if there must be one it should be with the minimum of bloodshed.

  19. Anon
    "do you know any vort from the ruv that is powerful! like a devar torah a pesak halacha a cumra a minhag that the world accepted,"
    please take a look in all the sifrie haposkim of our genaration, how they discuss a Vort of the holy rav of belz
    Minchas Yitzchak
    Chelkas Yakov
    Dvar Yehoshoa
    Veyan Yosef
    Birchas Shomaim
    Migdolas Merkochim
    Beer Moshe
    Dovav Mishorim
    Lehoirois Nosan
    the list is still very long of many more poskim, that a vort of Belzer ruv was torah min hashomaim,
    The Belzer Ruvs house of kedusha and Ahavas Yisroel,was not fueled by politics and reb Shulem Fogel was no agent for no party, he was a yid a talmid chochem a oved hashem.He was a real chasidishe yid that clinged to Belzer Ruv with the full belief that he is the Tzadik Hadoir...
    There are certain individuals that are obsessed with there views of hate, that are so twisted that they cant imagined that there were people Hecher fin Velt..

  20. Anon
    "after he was coached by itshe meir? com on, gy shlufen."
    I dont think that I should stoop to your your lowness,

  21. This may be your greatest blog online..

  22. anon 4:52 & 4:55 said: "certain individuals that are obsessed with there views of hate, that are so twisted that they cant imagined that there were people Hecher fin Velt" "I dont think that I should stoop to your your lowness"

    wasn't you who writes:
    Wednesday, November 23, 2011 8:07:00 PM

    "the Satmae Ruvs was spending hours hours on the NYT, thats the Pre avodas Hatefilah"

    How low will you go!?

    Repeat: "do you know any vort from the ruv that is powerful! like a devar torah a pesak halacha a cumra a minhag that the ""world accepted "" ???

  23. anon 4:26 "There is a myth in Satmar that SF was the cause of the tension between R"A and the Reb Yoilish"

    It's a myth to you but a FACT in capital letters to all in the know!

    רבּם דקרו!

  24. anon 4:52 " a vort of Belzer ruv was torah min hashomaim "

    sorry תנור של עכנאי או הבחירות תורה לא בשמים הוא

  25. Interesting to that he addresses her by her first name. How times have changed!

  26. Ende Tsadik said...
    "Interesting to that he addresses her by her first name. How times have changed!"

    are you implying it's אכשר דרא ?

  27. more like נשתטה דרא

  28. Ende Tsadik said... more like נשתטה דרא

    that makes more sense

  29. anon 4:26 "There is a myth in Satmar that SF was the cause of the tension between R"A and the Reb Yoilish"

    SF and IM

  30. Ende Tzadik
    "He does not pretend that R"A is in the heavens but merely that his behaviour has changed partly and the most he will say is that it it 'a rebishe zach'. "
    please dont try to make Reb Shulem sophisticated,
    he was a chanyoik sitting in Belguim called from the Ruv shtieb to serve.
    by him was the first ani mamin that the Ruv is the tzadik hadoir , in the range of reb Elimielech of Lizhensk.

  31. "sorry תנור של עכנאי או הבחירות תורה לא בשמים הוא"
    torah Min Hashomaim is a different concept then torah Loi Beshomaim,

  32. Anon 11:56 please read. He is not in Belgium. He writes that he stays the nights with R"A and has sometimes brought his children there. He is therefore not in Belgium but in Israel.

    Gaboim are not chanyokes and while he writes like a chosid it is definitely not the writing of a shvantz. Take out the chasides and we have a picture of an old frail man who needs much care and which SF appears to be providing.

    You and your ilk continue dreaming that RY was a peddler of truths and anyone who didn't see it must have been influenced. Perhaps when you've finished killing each other you'll come round to realize that other people have different opinions in fardem dint men noch nisht der eigel.

  33. anon 11:59 "torah Min Hashomaim is a different concept then torah Loi Beshomaim"

    agreed, can you elaborate on the differences?

  34. Ende Tsadik 12:19 had spoken: "He is not in Belgium" "we have a picture of an old frail man who needs much care and which SF appears to be providing"

    anon:11:56,is right SF lived in belgium and was called upon to move to EY to become the ruvs gabe!

    The ruv was old and frail (and blind!) the gabe SF was in בעצה with itshe meir to explain the frailed rebbe the urgency of signing a 'daas torah' permitting the beciris-votes to the kenesset! no pesak halach (responsa) just a signature against SR Brisker ruv and many other giants who actually wrote many responsas on this subject and many others! and forbade to participate in it! So ץ
    who is peddling here? this was many years before any satmar fights! (when belz, lubab, and livaks where fighting between themselfs)

  35. "Many years before any satmar fights!" Get your facts right. R"A died the next year and R"Y had by then made his infamous and arrogant eigel speech.

    I am not interested in arguing with you except to say that this letter will not support you as even then SF makes it clear that R"A was of sound mind and could not be told what to do. Unlike some other 'giant' who was over (nice pun) ibotel from 1967/8 onwards. Besides R"A's signature on elections was consistent with all his other pronouncements on the State.

  36. Ende Tzadik
    "Anon 11:56 please read. He is not in Belgium. He writes that he stays the nights with R"A and has sometimes brought his children there. He is therefore not in Belgium but in Israel."
    I wrote Reb shulem was in Begium and was to Tel aviv

  37. Ende Tzadik

    "Gaboim are not chanyokes and while he writes like a chosid it is definitely not the writing of a shvantz. Take out the chasides and we have a picture of an old frail man who needs much care and which SF appears to be"
    Reb Shulem was the Gabie, there were other Bucherim that were Meshamesh the ruvs personal needs, as Itche Landau,Moshe Tovia,A M Rutner., there were probably ten altogether
    U dont know Belz and what a rebishe Hoif is all about, so get yourself a other subject , plz

  38. Anon
    "agreed, can you elaborate on the differences?"
    Gie zits un Leren

  39. Anon
    "The ruv was old and frail (and blind!"
    non of the above,
    He was Shvach and in pain all his life, but he took Kvitlech and gave advice 24/7 for a big part of Klal Yisroel, He made every Shabos all the 3 tishen, including the last shabos,He was personaly involved in giving the personal place even where to sit,he was involved in every facet of his chasidim...
    Nobody ever that was in Belz by a Kvittel or by a Tish by Belzer Ruv will tell you different.
    It is all invented by the Eirev Rav in Willi.(The Veyoel Moshe loves that term)

  40. RA z"l the son of RYD of belz the לוחם against all zionnistshe parties who was a master talmid cuchim who wrote many seforim! Who even forbade moving to EY before WWII ! and now this old frailed man in his last years who never wrote or gave any intelectual speeches or responses will permit 'just with a signature'
    something that daas gedolim and the bet din of yerushalim at the time forbade with lenghty written איסורים
    because why his torah is min hashmayim! implying that what??? are you blind to! what's up here?
    this is politics at work at the time trying to anhiliate the opposition with the BIG SIGNATURE ENDORSEMENT!

    It didn’t work than and it wont work now.

  41. Ende Tsadik 1:08 said "R"Y had by then made his infamous and arrogant eigel speech"

    keep vomiting old belzer crap! I was told by a man who told this belzer eigel line to SR and he was astonished by it! saying to the man "you know I'm not a lier! היעלה על הדעת אז איך זאל איינעם פארגלייכען צו אהרן הכהן

  42. Anon 1:17 "but he took Kvitlech and gave advice 24/7"

    That's not what SF writes, go read it from the horses mouth!!

  43. Anon 1:08 you too please read the letter and my comment. SF writes that he preferred to spend the night with R"A during the war to assure R"A and he did not wish to leave R"A alone with the bochurim.

    Nowhere did I write that he had no hoiz bochurim, but if the letter is to be believed it appears that during those stressful days of war more mature care was required. So what's the big deal in that?

  44. I'm surprised at how much disdain the Satmoyrim here have for R' Shulem Foygel. It's almost as if it's because they're angry that he upset their plan to completely take over the hearts and minds of the Chassidishe velt...

  45. Ende Tsadik 12:58 said: “. Unlike some other 'giant' who was over (nice pun) ibotel from 1967/8 onwards”

    שגץ איינער with an ‘ץ’ it’s a fact דוקא בערוב ימיו after ’68 he himself builded and leaded the most famous yiddishe town ever בכמות ובאיכות in jewish history, and carried the burden of the many enterprises he was involved in all his life including the multi million project of קרן הצלה, עד זבילי' בתרייתא לא כהתה עיניו ולא נס ריחו

  46. הירשל ציגsaid... "they're angry that he upset their plan to completely take over the hearts and minds of the Chassidishe "

    I'm afraid he did! SR is only topic you readers and the non readers try to remove from their minds but it swims back up some how, amazing.

  47. is this the same SF who got thrown out of the current belz for inquiring about the rebbes dabbling with הזרעה מלאכותית therapy ?

  48. hirshel said: "I'm surprised at how much disdain the Satmoyrim here have for R' Shulem Foygel"

    SR said once די זיהמא פון חסידות איז ארויס אין בּעלז i wonder whom and what he maent?

  49. Hold up everyone Hirshel the real litvak is on מנחה גדולה lunch

  50. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציגsaid...
    מנחה גדולה is like 12:04pm

    how come a lubab cusid even knows when its מנחה גדולה ? chasidim davent late mincha no?

  51. 1( אין ליובאוויטש דאווענט מען מנחה פאר די שקיעה

    2) ווייל שבת דארף מען וויסן ווען מ'קען דאווענען מנחה כדי אז באלד נאך מוסף זאל מען קענען דאווענען מנחה און פארברענגען ביז מעריב

  52. Anonymous said...

    Ende Tsadik 12:58 said: “. Unlike some other 'giant' who was over (nice pun) ibotel from 1967/8 onwards”

    שגץ איינער with an ‘ץ’ it’s a fact דוקא בערוב ימיו after ’68 he himself builded and leaded the most famous yiddishe town ever בכמות ובאיכות in jewish history, and carried the burden of the many enterprises he was involved in all his life including the multi million project of קרן הצלה, עד זבילי' בתרייתא לא כהתה עיניו ולא נס ריחו

    Thursday, November 24, 2011 1:48:00 PM

    חדש אסור מן התורה

  53. JJJ: "חדש אסור מן התורה"

    chasidim weren't makpid on חדש

  54. hirshel 3:04 "ווייל שבת דארף מען וויסן ווען מ'קען דאווענען מנחה כדי אז באלד נאך מוסף זאל מען קענען דאווענען מנחה און פארברענגען ביז מעריב


  55. Shomati beshem harav kook zatza“l that all chodosh means is that new grain is forbidden prior to the omer. Now sit back and enojoy the curses from certain quarters.

  56. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציגsaid...
    לחיים ולברכה"

    לחיים ולברכה - ברכות שהכל

    מצפים ליום שכולו שבּת?

  57. Ende Tzadik said... "Now sit back and enojoy the curses from certain quarters"

    does who can't smell pulver powder don't go to war! your " zatza“l "
    is dead so is his twisted kup fardrei.

  58. "Excellent" English.Spelling,grammar,vocabulary-alle mayles.Can someone tell me who has better English- Oholei Toreh or satmer Talmud Torah?I heard that talmidim from both schools frequently get 800's on the SAT.Has anyone heard of this?

  59. Ende Tzadik said... "Shomati beshem harav kook"

    In the morning a belzer (RA) at night a kook? these 2 suppose to be opposite camps, or is it whatever is anti... goes? well that can work we in satmar it's either you with us or against us.. i guess what goes around comes around, but atleast now we know that belz (new) & kook are ...

  60. e.m.: "both schools frequently get 800's on the SAT"

    what's an 800 SAT ?

  61. no pesak halach (responsa) just a signature against SR Brisker ruv and many other giants who actually wrote many responsas on this subject and many others! and forbade to participate in it! So ץ

    im waiting to see a signed letter from the brisker rov forbidding to go to elections

  62. Anon
    "RA z"l the son of RYD of belz the לוחם against all zionnistshe parties who was a master talmid cuchim who wrote many seforim"
    U have no idea who the Belzer Ruv RYD was, He never wrote seforim, he never wrote intelectual torah, he just said rebishe torah, and so did his son,
    He was a Rebbe and so was his son, and in matter in fact he was cosidered more holy then his father by Chassidim, because this is what chassidim wanted.
    He was revered by most of Klal Yisroel, outside of the real Lithuanian Misnagdic world, By all chasidim and ashkenazic Jews he was the Tzadik hadoir,
    You are to fargrebt to get it.
    There was a reason that the holy Satmar Ruv went wild for his signature,his little move with the pen, had more power then all his pilpulazation on some agadatta gemorah.
    For all Talmidie CS as the Pressburger ruv ,Reb Yosef Naftoli Stern,Erlauer Ruv,Tzelemer Ruv, Rav Bernfeld, etc... looked upon him as their Urim Vetumim
    Your writing Frail,Blind will not change the situation, they wee all there and they saw whats happening
    You will have to learn another few decades Noam Elimelech,Zikoran Zois, Moar Veshemesh, to get a grip of whats was happening there.
    Nobody went to Belz to get a Successful Melave Malka in the winter time or some cash for Mishloach Monas, it was total different, the Ruv was the Amud Heoir for every eideler Yid.

  63. Anon
    "It didn’t work than and it wont work now."
    Reb Yid
    it did work then and it works now
    90%of Klal Yisroel Yeriem Ushlimim Medakdekim Kala Vechamura on a the shulchan Orech were participating then in the Elections.And the same is today.
    The Satmar Ruv(on this issue) was a loser then and he is a loser today too.
    It is simple arrogance that his followers did not jump off that tree.

  64. Anon
    "SR said once די זיהמא פון חסידות איז ארויס אין בּעלז i wonder whom and what he maent?"
    he never said it,
    he was much smarter then that.

  65. Anon
    "something that daas gedolim and the bet din of yerushalim at the time forbade with lenghty written איסורים "
    nobody out of SR wrote anything,
    Nobody in the Eida was in the league of gedolim of Chebiner Ruv

  66. Anon
    "is this the same SF who got thrown out of the current belz "
    Reb Shulem Fogel was never thrown out of Belz, he was the Gabie of the current rebbe to his last day,
    Go back to the Geler Badchen, get him to fabricate new lies.

  67. JJJ
    "the multi million project of קרן הצלה, עד זבילי' בתרייתא לא כהתה עיניו ולא נס ריחו"
    they wished it would be in these numbers,Its was a mega PR tool, but thats all.
    unforunatly its a joke and no ral sums are given from that fund.

  68. anon 9:53 said: "There was a reason that the holy Satmar Ruv went wild for his signature"

    והנה בעל החלומות הזה בא............

  69. anon 9:53 "matter in fact he was cosidered more holy then his father by Chassidim"

    והבור ריק אין בה מים, אבל נחשים ועקרבים יש בה

  70. anon 9:53 "RYD,never wrote seforim, he never wrote intelectual torah"

    בכי"ק חיבור עה"ת, בּ' מהודרות על הרמבּ"ם הל' מלכים, חי' הרבה בעניני קדשים וטהרות

  71. anon 9:53: "he just said rebishe torah, and so did his son"

    bromberg who?

  72. anon 9:53: "Nobody went to Belz to get a Successful Melave Malka in the winter time or some cash for Mishloach Monas"

    אלפי עניים היו מאכלי שלחנו של רי"ד ז"ל

  73. anon 9:53 "You will have to learn another few decades Noam Elimelech,Zikoran Zois, Moar Veshemesh"

    ת"ח אמת שמוכיח במילי דשמיא בני מתא עמא דארעא שונאין אותו

    בהי כ ל הברכה פ רשת

    , שאפילו לת"ח וצדיק שאין האדם
    מתחבר אליו בפועל ג"כ מגרה ומפתה היצה"ר את לב האדם לשנוא אותו

  74. anon 9:53 "He was revered by most of Klal Yisroel"

    האי צורבא מרבנן דמרחמין ליה בני מתא, לאו משום דמעלי טפי, אלא משום דלא מוכח להו במילי דשמיא" (כתובות קה:)

  75. anon 9:53 "his little move with the pen, had more power then all his pilpulazation on some agadatta gemorah" עפ"ל

    as long as he says the same as the street and the papers say, let him try to go against the wind I'll see how long he would last at that times!!! אחד הי' אברהם

    אלף כמותכם יבטל ואל יבטל אות אחת מתורתו הק׳

  76. anon 10:00 "90%of Klal Yisroel Yeriem Ushlimim Medakdekim Kala Vechamura on a the shulchan Orech were participating then in the Elections.And the same is today"

    ויהי מספר המלקקים בידם אל פיהם שלש מאות איש וכל יתר העם כרעו על ברכיהם

  77. anon 9:53 "By all chasidim and ashkenazic Jews he was the Tzadik hadoir"

    poor SF complains in the letter "he has no chasidim" and no money is coming in

  78. Anon
    "ויהי מספר המלקקים בידם אל פיהם שלש מאות איש וכל יתר העם כרעו על ברכיהם"
    I see u love that piece of Nach its the 2nd time you are quoting it.
    But it has relevance to our discussion

  79. Since u are in to Komarne,
    The Satmar Ruv loves to quote the notzer chesed of the Komarner, that we will have a flood of Kefira.
    unfortunatly its in his court with a levush of Kanoais....

  80. Anon
    "אלפי עניים היו מאכלי שלחנו של "רי"ד ז"ל
    u have no idea about belz.
    get yourself another subject like the Chader Ruv and the Sharmasher Ruv

  81. anon 9:53: "and in matter in fact he was cosidered more holy then his father by Chassidim,"

    Is that what קלאפהלץ writes and is it in אותיות מרובעת

  82. Anon 12:06 "I see u love that piece of Nach its the 2nd time you are quoting it"

    I'm glad someone notice it!
    but I'm sure others learn nach to

  83. anon 12:10 "the Chader Ruv and the Sharmasher Ruv"

    Sharmasher Ruv was a lamdin who never stoped learning he knew mishneis bel peh he kept saying it even when he was walking and a real goan! and a tzadik in the fullest!
    הוי זהיר בגחלתן של חכמים

  84. Do you mean Czaba Ruv?

  85. yoshe kalb said "Do you mean Czaba Ruv?"

    I usualy don't confer sarcastic kelblech,(tzig'ele is an exception..) you have no idea what a tzadig and a goan is! to you a goan probably is of the henken variety fine! but that's not what torah v'yirah is! Sharmasher ruv was both a 'goan olem' and a posek 'halacha l'maseh' and a 'tzadik tumim!' bemasov (he practiced more than he preached), btw the bhesh"t writes that the geluh will be in zecus of learning 'mishneis'

  86. 3:45 What's your problem? I never heard of the Chader Ruv and just wanted to know if you meant the Czaba Ruv ( Schnitzler ).

  87. Anon
    "btw the bhesh"t writes that the geluh will be in zecus of learning 'mishneis'"
    a typical Satmarer am oretz

  88. Ahaa , דיאלוג נעים שלו על הנושא של פסקה זו במקום זה בבית בלוג זה, קראתי את כל זה , אז עכשיו גם להעיר אותי במקום הזה .


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