Tuesday, December 20, 2011

.....גרויסע מענטשן גרויסע דאגות

 פרעמישלאנער רבי, שליט"א ביי די חנוכה ליכט, היינט אווענט

 באקומען א "בליץ פאסט" פון א איד וועלכע רופט זיך יואליש

תיכף נאך אסרו חג סוכות, לאזן זיך די רבי'לעך ארויס אויף די יארכע זיך אפמעסטן א קאלירטע בעקישע וואס זאל קלאפן מיט די מנורה, מיט די ספעציעלע אויפגענייטע סערוועטלעך, מיט די נטילת ידים שיסל און טעפעל, מיטן שיינע האלצערנע מזוזה. די ציל פון א שיינע בעקישע איז צו דערלאנגן אן ארט פארן בילד "סמעק" אין די מיטן פון די פאדערשטע בלאט אויפן "כל העולם כולו" - חנוכה ספעציעלע עדיציע. די פארגאנגענע וואך, ווען עמך אידן שפירן זיך גרייט פאר חנוכה נאכן איינקויפן "ווירדשין אויל" און טשאקאלאד חנוכה געלט, הערשט אבער אן ערב פסח פיבער אין די חסידישע קוויטל שטיבער. דער רבי שפאנט ארויף און אראפ, די בעקישע ברייט אפען, די היט ווערט אראפגעשליידערט אויפן טיש. די רבי איז זייער אומרואיג און צוקאכט, אלע וויילע בליקענדיג אויפן צעל פאן וואס ער שלעפט ארויס כלאחר יד פונעם שיעפע בעקישע טאש. ער ווארט אויף א טעקסט מעסעדזש וועלכע האט געלאזט אנזאגן אז דער שניידער וועט קענען פארשאפן נאך מאטעריאל צו קענען ארויסלאזן די נייע בעקישע אין די ברייט, און ס'וועט זיין גרייט פארן בני יששכר'ס ערשטן לשם יחוד. איז די בעקישע געווארן גרייט אין צייט? לויפט קויפן דעם "כל העולם כולו" געוואר צו ווערן


  1. הירשעלע
    אז יענער ווערט נתעורר דארפסטו טרייבן שפאס? שוין בעסער גיי אויף מבצע חנוכה.
    א פרייליכן חנוכה

  2. Hirshel
    you should of phrase it
    גרויסע בענקל גרויסע דאגות
    there is noting else there

  3. I actually respect the man. I'd rather have them dress up and fiddle with a fiddle than filling my mail box with fictional stories a la kupat hair/va'ad horabonim. Just because he's a D-class celeb doesn't mean he's any worse than the A-classers whose kids drag each other through the courts or beat each other's followers up. This rebbe to the best of my knowledge doesn't try to ethnically cleanse botei varshe, harms no one and simply likes pretending to play a violin. Halevay all our gedoilim were as innocent as he.

    ay er hot nisht tsifil seychel, andere hobn nisht mer.

  4. Ende
    the pic was for "illustration purposes only"

    any similarities to the Premishlaner are coincidental...

  5. BS"D

    Reb Tzig, can you use a better or bigger font for Yiddish? The small white letters on the blue background are difficult to read.

    I have some (pidgin Creedmoorish) Yiddish on my latest Creedmoor post; I'm going to check to see what can be done with Yiddish fonts on Google myself.

  6. thanks - worse comes to worse i can always magnify the screen - but the black on white lahak lettering the way you have it in the warning is much easier to read than the site.

  7. Ende Tzadik
    "ay er hot nisht tsifil seychel, andere hobn nisht mer."
    I have noting againast this idiot, I remember as a bocher his friday nite tishen that was the laughing stock in town.
    On the totem pole of Vulgar tzadikim he tops it to number uno,while he sings to himself Mierel Darf Gornisht, as his great great uncle Reb Mierel Premishlaner,
    What a chilul hakodesh..

  8. ner mitzva has made every shtinker out there feel as if he can prava with equal footing

  9. Finaly a rebbe playing with his toy on chanukah and isn't bluffing klal yisruel and far-drei-a-kup with new gimmicks,shitas, halacas,minhagim or whatever works for them of course.

  10. So yidn who don't go to the movies,don't go to Bdwy shows,have no TV, etc.,get some pleasure from a heimishe,chssidishe mesibas mitzvah.What's the harm? You claim you have no letzonus but this is total letzonus. You owe this Rebbe who never did anything to you an apology.You put up his picture and mock him. Indefensible!You're no better than a playground bully.

  11. Anon 12.38 it wouldn't be easy for him to beat the mishkoltzer or the kretshnever

  12. Did he say "Meiril darf essen"? lol totally harmless....mistaameh mit zchissoovess iz er tzeegebinde oiben in er faalt nit inten....


  13. This rebbe must be ecstatic! He made it big, to this blog, while the rest will have to haggle for a corner in the picture brochures.

  14. The Mishkoltzer is not vulgar. All he is doing, though, is what a successful Chabad shaliach in a medium-sized town anywhere can do - he operates a few moisdos and organizes successful public functions that bring people closer to Yiddishkeit.

    There never was a Mishkoltzer Chassidus; I guess people go for the Rebbe shtick nowadays. He seems to me to be in the same category as the Nikolsburger in Monsey - effective, leshem shamayim, but fin vus iz er a Rebbe?

  15. Anon
    "ner mitzva has made every shtinker out there feel as if he can prava with equal footing"
    is ner mitzva selling this Bekiches with violins too?

  16. Klainer
    "You owe this Rebbe who never did anything to you an apology.You put up his picture and mock him. Indefensible!You're no better than a playground bully."
    whoever needs the premishlaner for yiddishkiet is Ashrai chelkoi and should take the next flight to him, but get a life, he is a vulgar guy....dont denigrate the the title Rebbe on him.

  17. are the 4 guys surrounding him, Chassidim? or his sons?

  18. What is left of Premishlan? All I know of besides this is that Menachem Toker plays a few tracks of music from "Premishlan" every time I click on his Chassidishe music stream, and that there is a Premishlan chyder in Y-m.

  19. Shagetz
    Who is menachem toker?
    from which premislan are the nigunim?
    from this guy on the picture?
    he is not Premishlan, he a Nadeverner Einikel

  20. left of Premishlan? he's only made it in the last 10 or so years. He's up and coming, you might say.

  21. Toker is a frum DJ in EY who has a 24/6 music stream on his site. I don't have the album or time to look it up so I have no idea who sponsored the niggunim. Nadvorna and Kretschnif also have albums out.

    Up and coming, yes, but there is a historical Premishlan. Any connection?

  22. Where did he get so much money

  23. are u a rebbish einikel, you want to start the same business?
    first buy the Bekishe by the Dezhe Rebbe of 41 in BP, I heard he is a bekishe consultant..

  24. u was at the krechniver rebbi who played with his toy, nobody had a clue what song he was playing. when one asked the rebbi what song this was, the rebbi`s response was "i just composed it..."

    the rebbi with the most menorah props is "toldos avrum yitzchock". mahogany door, his mezuza, 2 shtenders plus a table, on the table a silver tissue box, crispy new towel, ect ect see for yourself.


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