Wednesday, December 28, 2011

זאת חנוכה ביים אהל מיט מוטה פראנק

כולם באים לרבינו

"Who's Motta Frank,' you ask? well. He's a "mashpia" of sorts. A Breslover Chossid. And he seems to have a message that resonates with some of our adolescent youth, some of whom joined him there last night.


  1. lovely video, i loved his torah towards the end, its a shame they didnt really know the lubavitcher hanieros halolu though.
    his vort about the tefilo of vezakieni was very touching and meaningful to todays situation with the frume youth vedal.

  2. I see the former skverer/ rachmistrivker guy is still on board

  3. I see the former skverer/ rachmistrivker guy is still on board


  5. And you thought the Frankist movement was a thing of the past.

  6. does rav frank have a movement? Is he the brother of Chilik?

  7. He has a certain magnetism.

    PS. Zos Chanuka and they have eight lights going?

  8. 1)yes
    2)they are cousins

  9. Despite(/ maybe because of) kol hanal I'm impressed....

    YT Sheini

  10. What a shabbos we had with R' Mota!!! No words to describe

  11. Zos chanuka IS the 8th day!!

  12. Rav mota frank is an einachel of rav shmuel shapiro זצל of who the chazon ish said 1/4 of the world stands on. This i heard from an ausvitz survivor who opon reaching israel went to the CI for advice and ברכה.
    Hilik frank is an einechl of r tzvi pesech frank , the rabbi of jerusalem ( who at the end of his regretted his zionest past)
    I was at RMF's bar mitzvah...


  14. Here we go, R' Tzvi Pesach Frank is no longer a ציוני either? Did he take back the choice words he had for the Eda Charedis and their politics too?

  15. Rav t p frank regretted his rabunut past
    1)5 years he boycotted rabaut meeting ( wiki he )
    2) in an interview with r shlmo z zonnenfefeld he admitted rav zonnenfeld was right and rav kook made serious mistakes.
    3) during the yossel shchmaker scandel he sided with the חרדים. Ben gurion ordered him arrested.

  16. The above quote is found in איש על החומה vol 3

  17. Tziki
    Why should I believe Zonenfeld?
    The rabinat is saving the face of Jewry in the whole country of Medinas Yisroel.
    What is there to regret? He writes many times that we saw with our own eyes the Rachmie shomaim of breaking off the yoke of Goyim from our neck.But he still sees problems that have to be fixed. Rav Kook also thought that the matzav hayahadus in Palestine has to be fixed.
    The same was in Prague by the Noda Beyehuda, or in Vilna by Reb chaim Oizer, the rabinate was for all Jews in the town. Not only for semnitzer or margolias.

  18. It seems that circus tent was also taken to the ohel, to be buried.
    No life

  19. should believe R SZZ because
    1) he is a respectable jew ,not an anomomus blogger
    2) what i braught from wiki he
    3) his last letters were against the rabanut
    4) but maybe you are right ,maybe he didn't regret

  20. We can see today quite clearly that R' Sonnenfeld himself was fine, but his kehilla are the Bnei Mechallei Shem Shomayim on an unparalleled world wide scale. It was only a matter of time that those who are hate-filled create such a huge Chillul Hashem. I have no doubt that R' Tzvi Pesach would be just as outraged as we all are by the silence of the manhigim on these matters.
    R' Kook wouldn't have stayed silent about morons burning mosques either.
    Can someone tell the new gaon Fuchs to just stay out of the papers and apologise for being such a fool on the bus? If he had only gone over to her house and apologised for calling her what he did.

    I've had a gut full of the silent manhigim. They are the true inciters. They are responsible for the Chillul Hashem. It's that simple.

  21. Reb Tovi wiess, the rav of Ungarishe hiezer, can be labeled as a Rav Mitam as the rabinate,
    the Rabinate is in the hands of the government, and so is Reb Tuvia, scared of the sikrikim.


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